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1. Do you have _____ to do this afternoon? If not, I'd like to take you to a movie.

a) many work b) much work c) many works d) much works 2. We _____ that concert. a) were disappointed by b) were disappointed of c) were disappointing d) were disappointing in 3. Mr. Johnson has lived here _____ ten years. a) for b) during c) since d) while 4. The fact ________ money orders can usually be easily cashed has made them a popular form of payment. of that is that which is 5. Gifted though he was by remarkable natural musical talent, _________ to have had little knack for the necessities of social life at court. Mozart, who seemed Mozart seemed it was Mozart that seeming Mozart, seeming 6. __________ they are widely perceived as gentle creatures, hippopotamuses are reponsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other animal. Despite of Even though

In spite of Nonetheless Directions: In questions 7-10, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C, and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 7. Guppies are sometimes call(A) rainbow fish(B) because(C) of the male's bright(D) colors. A B C D 8. As the times(A) change, so does(B) the rules of(C) conduct in certainsituations(D). A B C D 9. During November(A) and December, mostly the air carries(B) moist(C) to thenorthern(D) China. A B C D 10. Michael Jackson became recognized(A) as the king of pop(B) of his day(C) and was admiration(D) for his vocal range. A B C D

Kunci: b,a,a,b,b,b,a,b,c,d

Sample TOEFL Test 2

In each sentence, identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be considered correct in standard written English.

1. The British labor movement developed as a means of improve workingconditions through group efforts. a) movement b) a means c) improve d) conditions 2. Roman numericals are written from left to right using the principle ofaddition. a) numericals b) written c) principle d) addition 3. After King Alexander's many victories, he seized deserts towns and consolidated his government. a) Alexander's b) victories c) deserts towns d) his government 4. The book provides general informations about animals and tells why animals are important to human beings. a) The book b) informations c) why animals d) human beings 5. Poverty in the United Kingdom is noticeably different from that in othercountry. a) Poverty b) noticeably c) from d) country 6. Enid Blyton, whose books are still read after her dead, wrote

stories aboutchildren and their nature. a) whose books b) her dead c) about d) nature 7. The great English doctor who discovered the circulate of the blood, was born in 1578. a) English doctor b) discovered c) circulate d) blood 8. Five-credit-hour courses are approved for the student's work in the major field of interest. a) Five-credit-hour b) are approved c) student's d) of interest 9. A small antelope similar to the chamois lives in rocky places from southern African to the Sahara. a) antelope b) rocky places c) southern African d) the Sahara 10. Farmers in all parts of the world own their own farms, but tenant farmers are also practiced. a) Farmers b) own c) own farms d) farmers are

Kunci: c,a,c,b,d,b,c,a,c,d

Sample TOEFL Test

1. During the industrial revolution, urban renewal projects cleared land for commerceand offices building. A) urban renewal B) cleared land C) commerce D) offices building

2. A number multiplied by zero is zero, and a number multiplied by one is the same as number. A) A number B) by zero C) multiplied D)as number

3. Exercises aids in weight loss by burning calories and ultimately providing a healthylifestyle. A) aids B) burning C) providing D) lifestyle

4. The military order of the Poor Knights of Christ, who eventually fell into disfavor with King Philip IV of France, was founded in Jerusalem in 1118 to protect Christianin the Holy Land. A) fell into B) was founded C) to protect D) Christian

5. The first Amendment was passed in 1918 to ensure complete sharing of information in all the citizens. A) The first B) was passed

C) to ensure D) in all

6. If children with heart disease form an attachment, it predominantly was toinanimate objects. A) children B) attachment C) predominantly was D) inanimate objects

7. Honesty is define as the quality of being fair, truthful and straightforward. A) is define B) the quality C) being fair D) truthful

8. The Jacksons do not have to file tax returns this year because of they are over 65 years of age. A) not have B) file C) because of D) of age

9. Historians postulate that Mughals migrated from Afghanistan to India in severalgreater movements. A) that B) migrated C) in several D) greater

10. In the olden days, the bullock carts carried goods and helped people travelledfrom one place to another. A) olden B) carried

C) helped D) travelled

Kunci : d,d,a,d,d,c.a.c,d,d

TOEFL Practice Test 4

1. The lower levels of most Asian companies give more output ____ upper levels. A) than do B) than does C) than they do D) than it does 2. No one ____ God almighty truely exists and will frame our future. A) know how B) knows whether C) knows even D)know who 3. The top managers often receive bonuses when their profit targets are reached or ____. A) surpass B) surpasses C) surpassed D) surpassing 4. Since the fitness mania has set in, riding bicycles ____ in our nation. A) has become increasingly popular B) has increased and becomes popular C) becomes increasingly popular D) become increasingly popular 5. Coconut has a hard external shell and a soft kernel that is used ____ virgin coconut oil rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. A) to be made B) to the making C) to making D) to make 6. Milk and fish liver oil help maintain the sharpness of human vision ____ and promote healthy bones. A) for the night

B) nighttime C) at night D) of the night 7. During the 2008 recession, companies were forced to reduce the number of their workers to reduction their costs. A) were forced B) reduce C) to reduction D) costs 8. Marketing experts are often surprising to see how much a time and money companies put into building and maintaining their websites. A) surprising B) how much a time C) put into D) maintaining 9. Without the basic necessities like food and clothing, person could not survive a prolonged exposure to the elements. A) necessities B) clothing C) person D) elements 10. A dog, often called a "man's best friend", is considered to be one of the loyalamong animals. A) called B) considered C) loyal D) animals Kunci : a,b,c,a,d,c,c,a,c,c

TOEFL Practice Test 5

1. In San Francisco, annually events include Sea Lion's arrival, opening day on thebay and assorted film festival A) In B)annually C)Sea Lion's D)on the 2. Sucrose, which is a disaccharide, made up of 50% glucose and 50% fructose, isaround 1.5 times less sweeter than honey. A) made B) around C) times D)sweeter 3. The computer scientist is an individual concerned with creating computer systems with an emphasis on software and assists other people in solving problems. A) scientist B) creating C) emphasis D) assists 4. Although United States has less population than many other countries, thecomplexity of diversity has created a very unique perspective on its cultures. A) less B) complexity C) created D) cultures 5. Work affect Social Security retirement payments and your benefits, and knowledgeand skills affect work. A) affect B) your benefits C) knowledge D) affect

6. Modern technology enables cardiologists to diagnose, treat and prevent many heart problems earlier ____ than in the past. A) and more accurate B) accurate and more C) and more accurately D) accurately and more 7. Educational toys and games give children an opportunity to develop mortar skills ____. A) while their learning B) while learning C) are they learning D) and they are learning 8. Washington Irving's essays, written in ____ style appeared in the early 19th century. A) humorously and elegantly B) humorous and elegantly C) humor and elegant D) humorous and elegant 9. Sea lions have been inhabiting San Francisco Bay area ____ 20 years. A) for as long B) for as long as C) since it was D) since it is 10. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attarct each other even ____ not in physical contact. A) if they are B) they are C) if there are D) are they Kunci: b,d,d,d,a,c,b,d,b,a

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