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1. Xanthum gum and sucrose were added to ensure the quality of end product.

In this experiment, the effect of addition of different hydrocolloids mentioned beforehand was also studied. The functions of each step of the processing and also the use of different ingredients were studied to ensure better sensory characteristics, more stable shelf life and also the higher quality of nutritional values of the cordial. 2. These substances are hydrocolloids and they play an important role in the pineapple cordial production since they can act as thickening agent, stabilizer, gelling agent or others which contributed mainly to the viscosity of the cordial. 3. The suitability of these additives to be used as thickening agent, stabilizer, gelling agent or others in the production of specific food depends on their chemical properties (solubility, pH, and others) and they are usually used in the final stage of preparations. 4. Care must be taken so that not to overcook the food when hydrocolloid is being used. This is because thickened and stabilized food may burn more easily during cooking and some starches lose their thickening, stabilizing, and gelling quality when it is cooked too long. 5. As discussed above, many potential errors could occur throughout this experiment causing inaccuracy, low percentage of yield, wastage, and wrong handling. Therefore, in order to avoid these errors, some precaution steps must be taken as followed: 1. Make sure the weighing balances and pH meters are calibrated before using them so that accurate readings can be obtained. 2. In the cutting process, make sure no wastage occur especially during removing of the pineapple core so that the percentage of yield can be maximized

3. Make sure the pineapple is homogenized completely using the grinder so that accurate pH can be obtained. 4. Make sure that all of the pineapple puree is taken after the grinding process so that maximum percentage of yield can be obtained. 5. Make sure that the Brix meter is used correctly (the window of the Brix meter is dried completely to avoid dilution, the sample fully cover the window of the Brix meter and facing bright or lighted area when taking the readings) to avoid false results. 6. Make sure right proportions of ingredients are added so that accurate results can be obtained. 7. In pasteurization process, make sure the temperature of pasteurization (88 oC) is maintained for 1 minute by adjusting the amount of heat so that over- pasteurization can be avoided. 8. Make sure the cordial produced is hot-filled into the containers so that the heat sensitive microorganisms present in the containers can be destroyed and vacuum can be developed when the cordial cooled down. 9. Make sure the lids of the containers are completely covered to avoid undesirable spoilage during storage at room temperature. 10. Make sure the appearance and viscosity of the stored cordials are checked every week and record the findings What is mean by cordial? 1. Technically speaking, the word cordial is used to describe a tonic, syrup, or nonalcoholic drink that is often considered to be quite sweet. Although, many people

consider the term to describe any type of liqueur that has a low alcohol content, or even a medicinal beverage. 2. A cordial is a sweet liqueur, often flavored by fruit. In the United Kingdom, the term "cordial" may be applied to nonalcoholic drinks as well, provided that they are sweet and viscous. 3. Cordials are made by adding flavoring materials such as fruit 4. Cordials were first invented by the Dutch in the 16th century as a use for rotten fruit and low-quality alcohol. They found that these poor-tasting ingredients tasted delicious if redistilled together with sugar.

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