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Jillian Atkenson Period 2


Working in a Manchester Cotton Mill is hard labor that consists of strict policies.

A normal workday in a Manchester Cotton Mill starts at 6 oclock A.M and goes until a half past five (A Working Day in a Manchester Cotton Mill 154). When the factory bell rings, everyone is silent and the long lasting work hours begin. If workers arrive even minutes after six, they are fined (A Working Day in a Manchester Cotton Mill 154). If this occurrence happens more than once, other than the fine, they are penalized by losing their morning work (A Working Day in a Manchester Cotton Mill 154). These demanding work hours make the Cotton Mill a sweatshop. The workers are putting in so much hard work and effort. The few breaks they have last, at most, thirty minutes (A Working Day in a Manchester Cotton Mill 155). The employees are overworked.

Other than overburdening the workers, the sanitary in the cotton mill is awful. Staff members worked barefoot (A Working Day in a Manchester Cotton Mill 155). This could have resulted in diseases and fungus growing on the bottom of peoples feet or even just caused blisters on their feet. The workpeople also had terrible hygiene. Baths were requested by many of the workers but owners refused to spend the money (A Working Day in a Manchester Cotton Mill 155). Sweat would often drip from their bodies. Their skin even shimmered because of the amount of sweat the individuals produced (A Working Day in a Manchester

Jillian Atkenson Period 2

Cotton Mill 155). The conditions of the Manchester Cotton Mills were unbearable. If this were happening during modern day, this cotton mill would not have passed the annual health inspections.

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