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School: Edite Porto Mendona de Barros

Student: _________________________________________________________
Teacher: Marcela
1. Complete as frases abaixo com There is ou There are:

__________________ children crossing the street.

___________________ a child crossing the street.

____________________ a book on the chair.

_______________________ four books .

___________________ seven students in this class.

____________________ two girls in this picture.

2) Complete as frases usando there is ou there are:

:a)__________children playing ball.
b)__________a bus on the street.
c)__________three boats on the lake.
d)__________a boy reading under a tree.
e)__________policemen at the gate of the park.
3. Complete com there is not ou there are not. (pode-se usar a forma Contracta):
In a small city __________________heavy traffic, __________________

p o l l u t i o n , ________________many cinemas, ________________many job opportunities

, ________________ amusement.
4. Faa perguntas com is there ou are there:
a)________________ a museum in your city? Yes, there is.
b)________________ pollution in So Paulo? Yes, there is.
c)________________ car accidents in New York? Yes, there are many.
d)________________ job opportunities in your city? No, there are not many.
5- Escreva os nomes das quatro partes do corpo abaixo ( em ingls):





6- Correlacione os nomes em ingls ao seu significado em portugus:


) Perna

(2) ARM

) Mo

(3) HAND

) Lngua

(4) LEG

) Dedo

(5) NECK

) Pescoo


) Clio


) Brao




7) Escreva o nome _________
de cada cmodo da casa.
A) Complete com a forma correta do verbo

there to be (affirmative or negative)

1. _______________________ two bedrooms in the house.

2. _______________________ two bathrooms in the house.
3. _______________________ a bathroom downstairs.
4. _______________________ an attic upstairs.
5. _______________________ a garage.
6. _______________________ a cupboard in the kitchen.
7. _______________________ a big mirror in the dining room
8. _______________________ two armchairs in the living room.
9. _______________________ a study in the attic.
10. _______________________ seven chairs in the kitchen.

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