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Name: Committee Interview Date: Committee Interviewer: Are you an Alumni?

Yes No

Temple University
Office of Pre Professional Health Studies

Pre-Committee Interview Questions

Directions: Please answer the following questions in the body of this Word document. Once completed, save and attach your responses in an email to PRIOR to your committee interview. The file name should contain your last name (ex: SMITH PreCommQs). 1) What personal characteristics do you possess which will benefit you as a future health care provider? I am able to work independently on large projects, and have great communication skills with my coworkers at my previous job as a lab technician. I pay a great attention to detail while working with chemicals and materials in the laboratories I have worked in. However, I am not afraid to ask either my supervisor or lab instructor if I have any questions.

2) What have you done to express/test your interest in health care? I have volunteered at my local hospital over the last three summers and winter breaks in various departments such as a Physical Therapy office, In-Patient Pharmacy and a Cancer Center. I also worked in a engineering laboratory in order to get some field experience in a laboratory aside from the academic labs.

3) What accomplishments are you most proud of? One of my latest accomplishments that I am proud of is encouraging and helping a group of high school students from Kensington High School graduate and apply for college.

Office of Pre-Professional Health Studies, 2013

4) What is your knowledge on Health Care Reform? I am vaguely familiar with the recent Obamacare law that was passed. I do know that by next year, everyone not insured will be issued a fine, although I do not know the specifics of said fine. I do know that the U.S. spends a large sum of money on health insurance but is, supposedly, one of the worst in terms of quality, which I am hesitant to agree on since I have heard of horror stories from both sides of the argument.

Office of Pre-Professional Health Studies, 2013

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