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Characteristics of individual human development

Learning Intention: To understand & describe the principles of individual human development

A review of the principles &

Lesson 1

Key Knowledge Principles of individual human development

Key Skills Understand & describe the principles of individual human development

Learning Tasks: 1. As a class we will read through & discuss the revision powerpoint & pages 192-195 of your textbook, which looks at the principles & characteristics of individual human development. To demonstrate your understanding complete the following summary tables: Principles of Development Principle of Development 1. Development requires change 2. Early development is essential for later development 3. The pattern of development is orderly & predictable 4. Development involves maturation & learning 1. Growth & development are continuous 2. Rates of development are unique Summary of the Principle (in ~21 words or less)

Characteristics of Development Dimension of Development & Definition Physical-The changes that relate to peoples size & shape &, therefore, body structure Characteristics of the Dimension 1. Growth 2. Increase in complexity 3. Motor skill development 4. Development & decline of body systems Example


1. Behaviours 2. Relationship skills 3. Communication skills 4.


Create a glossary of the following key terms in preparation for the rest of the AOS: - Cephalocaudal law of development - Proximodistal law of development - Maturation - Conception - DNA - Germinal stage - Embryonic stage - Foetal stage - Zygote - Morula - Differentiation - Blastocyst - Human chronic gonadotropin (hCG) - Placenta - Communicable disease - Perinatal - SIDS - Congenital malformations - Sedentary lifestyle

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