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Module III -Career Planning BS IV Workshop 3


A sequence of positions or job held by a person during the course of his working life OR The pattern or series of work related experiences that span the course of the persons life

Career Planning: A systematic process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals Career Management: is a continuous process that involves setting personal career goals, developing strategies for achieving these goals, and revising based on work & experience.

Career planning is the process of identifying an individuals strengths, weaknesses, aptitudes, inclinations, aspiration and attitudes and designing his job responsibilities to take maximum advantages of positive traits and minimizing the effect negatives traits.

Career Stages Establishment Stage

Career Development Needs 1. Challenging Initial Job

Career Development Interventions Realistic Job Preview

2. Variety in job activities

3. Opportunities for development of skills 4. Feedback on performance

Job Pathing
Performance Feedback & Coaching

Advancement Stage

1. Exposure & visibility in the firm

2. Opportunity to demonstrate potential 3. Balance career with outside interests

Challenging and visible assignments

Mentoring Dual Career Accommodation

Career Stages Maintenance Stage

Career Development Needs 1. Redefine role in company 2. Autonomy 3. Opportunity to develop others

Career Development Interventions Assigning mentoring roles

Rotation to job requiring new skills

Developmental training

Withdrawal Stage

1.Adjust to role of retired person 2. Establish a meaningful life outside the organization

Consultative role Retirement counseling

Career Planning A Life-Long Process

Step 1 Who am I? What are my interests, skills, values and personality style?

Step 4 What is my plan to get to my goal? Step 3 How do I get there? What am I willing to do?

Step 2 What do I want? What are my options?

Career Planning Ask yourself these questions!

What do I like? What skills do I like to use?

How do I get experience?

What is important to me in my work?

What kind of person am I?

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