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Eggless Chocolate Mousse

(Recipe from Nita Mehtas Desserts) Serves ~ 4-5 Ingredients: 2 cups milk 2 tbsp cocoa powder 1 tbsp cornflour 4 tbsp sugar 3 tsp gelatin or 5gm ( packet) china grass 40 gm cooking chocolate, grated tsp coffee powder tsp vanilla essence 1 cup (150 gm) cream, whipped till fluffy Chocolate sprinklers or whipped cream to decorate Method:

Mix cocoa and cornflour in cup milk in a small bowl to a paste. Boil the rest of the milk with sugar in a heavy bottomed pan. Add cocoa and cornflour paste to the boiling milk, stirring continuously. Add grated chocolate. Cook on low heat for 3-4 minutes till chocolate dissolves. Add coffee and remove from fire. Put cup water in a small pan. Add gelatin. Dissolve on low heat. (For china grass mix it with 1 cup water and heat till it dissolves). Mix gelatin solution with the chocolate custard. Chill in the freezer for about 20 minutes till a little thick but not set. Beat the thickened chocolate custard. Beat cream and essence till slightly thick and fluffy. Add whipped cream to chocolate mixture. Mix gently. Transfer the mixture in to the serving dish or individual cups. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours or till set. Decorate with whipped cream or chocolate sprinklers.

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