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Name: Age: 7-10 11-13 13-15 16-18

Gender (Please Circle): o Male o Female Ethnicity (Please Specify): What type of Burger is you favourite? o o o o o Chicken Lamb Beef Vegetarian OR Cheese

Which of the following fast food places do you most regularly purchase burgers from? (Please tick favourite) McDonalds Burger King KFC Burger Fuel Burger Wisconsin Wendys Other How many Burgers would you buy per month at the following prices? $2 $5 $7 $10 $15

What are the 3 most important things you think a burger MUST have? (Please rank from 1-3) Patty Cheese Lettuce Onion Rings Sauce Mayonnaise Tomato Cucumbers Others (Please Specify):

Do you think the PRICE of the Burger is more important or the QUALITY of the Burger? (Please circle one) Price Quality Do you base your purchase of burgers on the price or of how healthy they are? (Please circle one) On the price How healthy they are

Thank You for completing this Survey!

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