How Does Plexus Slim Work?

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How do Plexus Slim and Accelerator Work so Well?

Written by, Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

People often ask questions about the many health benefits of the Plexus Slim and Plexus Accelerator weight loss products, often conveying a sense of disbelief that a single product set can yield so many health benefits. I can relate to their skepticism since there are many weight loss products on the market that make exaggerated claims, and the numbers of people who say theyve tried this or that with no luck seems to outnumber those who have successfully lost weight. Like the old saying about the bad apple that spoils the bushel, these exaggerated claims made by quick fix products have made people overly cautious about trying even the most clinically proven therapies. So, in essence, people are afraid to take chances on safe and effective health approaches - therefore remaining stuck in an unhealthy state. In this article, I hope to explain as clearly and completely as I can the multiple health benefits one can expect to see from the synergistic formulas of Plexus Slim and Plexus Accelerator, and identify the botanicals used to successfully achieve these results. Of course, I have to first provide the usual disclaimers that precede any written explanation of an all-natural product because these consumables are not governed or regulated by the FDA, and therefore no claims can be made about their intended use. So, please read the disclaimer to the right. With that behind us, lets move forward to discuss specific objectives of the Plexus Slim and Accelerator products. Through recent testimonials, and results of a clinical study, Plexus Slim and Accelerator have been reported to; Help with weight loss Help to balance blood sugar Help to lower bad cholesterol Help maintain healthy blood pressure Help control the appetite and prevent food cravings Help strengthen will-power over poor food choices Help boost energy levels Help maintain long-term weight loss

As you can see, the benefits are numerous and, quite frankly, pretty amazing. So its understandable to encounter some skepticism when discussing the Plexus weight loss products and program. However, as a natural health professional with a greater understanding of the power of botanicals (a.k.a., plant extracts, botanical medicines, or phytomedicines) and the right kind of formula its easier for me to accept and appreciate the power of the Plexus products. Because the success (or failure) of botanical products rely heavily on the synergistic influences of the individual ingredients, the formula or recipe of plant-extracts is critical to the effectiveness of the product. This is primarily due to the fact that botanical components may display synergistic or antagonistic influences on one another, thus strengthening (or weakening) the desired effect. The formula behind Plexus Slim & Accelerator is based on many years of research, and has been recognized as one of the safest and most effective formulas on the market.
1 Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

Disclaimer: All information provided in this article, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment. The information provided is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or health care provider, and may not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this article. The statements regarding any products included in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. Why is Plexus Slim & Accelerator the most complete approach to weight loss?
Too often, weight loss advice is surrounded by the intimidating emphasis on cutting calories and increasing exercise. Unfortunately, many people who suffer from extreme excess weight cant even begin to integrate strenuous exercise into their daily routine. Its frustrating for natural health professionals to meet people who have tried calorie counting and had no success, only to give up and blame themselves for failure. If theres anything Id like you, the reader, to take away from this article is that WEIGHT LOSS IS NOT ONLY ABOUT CUTTING CALORIES AND INCREASING EXERCISE! Everyone gains (and losses) weight for different reasons. Its true that today our activity levels are lower than in our past. But we cant blame Americas weight problems on TV, video games, and an associated sedentary lifestyle. Similarly, we cant blame the increasing rate of obesity only on fast-food chains offering super-sized portions of high-fat foods. The science behind weight gain includes metabolism, blood sugar maintenance, digestion, elimination of waste, and many other bodily processes that must work synergistically to maintain healthy weight levels. The Plexus products take this fact into account and take a more complete approach to weight loss by addressing issues that may affect your weight such as; a decrease in metabolism, an increase in insulin resistance, inadequate digestion, improper elimination, and more. Because Plexus Slim & Accelerator were originally modeled after a successful all-natural formula designed to control diabetes, these products take a more holistic approach (a total body perspective) to healthy weight loss and management.

Plexus Slim address weight loss by supporting healthy fat metabolism, appetite control, and glucose management.

Plexus Accelerator supports healthy weight loss by improving insulin sensitivity, increasing metabolism and energy levels, and burning more fat.

Plexus ProBio5 helps with weight loss through healthy digestion, and the metabolism (breaking down) of fats and proteins. It also helps ensure healthy levels of intestinal flora.

Plexus BioCleanse works to raise the oxygen levels of the body (pH) thus aiding in metabolism, and detoxifies the body while helping with the elimination of waste.

2. Why is Plexus the easiest weight loss program to follow?

Diets and weight loss programs differ dramatically. Some focus on cutting carbohydrates, while others focus on juicing or fasting. Ive heard it all, from quick fix pills to injections, meal delivery systems to calorie counting. The bottom line is some people will be successful on some programs while others simply will not. Why? Because of something we mentioned above; Everyone gains (and losses) weight for different reasons. So dont beat yourself up if you dont lose weight following a program your friend was very successful with. Your weight issue may be completely different from theirs! Likewise, some people can incorporate changes into their daily lifestyle, while others cannot. A perfect example is the corporate traveler. Their friend and neighbor who works at a desk job and stays home locally may have been successful losing weight following a juicing plan, but the frequent traveler is unlikely to bring a suitcase of juicing equipment with them when they fly. The Plexus weight loss program is the easiest program to integrate into your day, consisting of a small packet of pink powder called Plexus Slim which is mixed into a bottle of water, shaken, and consumed in the morning. You can also take the optional companion capsule called Plexus Accelerator, along with your daily vitamins and supplements, at the time of drinking your Plexus Slim if metabolism is part of your weight loss challenge. No other program is as simple and easy to do. Just mix, shake, and drink.once a day!

Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

3. How does Plexus Slim & Accelerator help someone lose weight?
Plexus Slim and Accelerator work synergistically to promote weight loss through a special formula of plant-based extracts which have been proven to improve fat metabolism, control the appetite, and balance blood sugar levels. Specifically, ingredients such as chlorogenic acid (a plant extract), citrin k (an herbal extract), alpha lipoic acid (a natural antioxidant), chromium (a trace element), and oxypregnane steroidal glycoside (another plant extract) work together to improve the way the body processes food. The chlorogenic acid in Plexus Slim is most commonly found in green tea and green coffee beans, and is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body to use fat for energy. It has also proven to help in lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. The citrin k in Plexus Slim also works Renee S. (before), 49 (after) Lost 35 inches, to increase fat metabolism and decrease fat storage. It has also shown to years old, 159 lbs. and lowered her blood help control the appetite. Alpha lipoic acid is another antioxidant that pressure! helps turn blood glucose into energy, thus aiding in the prevention of fat storage. The chromium in Plexus Slim is of the Amino Nicotinate GTF kind (the safe and good kind!) and also plays a role in glucose metabolism (the way sugar is used by the body). Chromium has also shown to enhance the action of insulin, thus increasing insulin sensitivity and aiding in the processing of sugar. Oxypregnane steroidal glycoside (an extract from an African cactus plant) is the primary appetite suppressant in Plexus Slim, and is an effective way to reduce the appetite, helping to control portion sizes, thus supporting the reduction in size of the stomach muscle (helping people to feel fuller faster!).Plexus Accelerator, while it is a companion product to Plexus Slim, is not a required component in the Plexus weight loss program (Slim can be taken alone). However, Accelerator helps to expedite weight loss by increasing the metabolism, decreasing the appetite, and further improving the metabolism of fat. Accelerator ingredients such as calcium (research shows calcium helps adjust your bodys fat-burning processes), vitamin B6 (which has shown to help with the production of energy at a cellular level), and green tea extracts (shown to boost metabolism and help burn fat) work to enhance the Plexus Slim formula, and increase the rate of weight loss.

4. How does Plexus Slim & Accelerator help to balance blood sugar?
How your body processes sugar (glucose) plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy Blood Glucose Ranges; weight. While some people have optimal sugar-burning processes, others find Less than 100 mg/dL = Normal 100-125 mg/dL = Pre-Diabetes themselves challenged in breaking down ingested sugars, managing the glucose levels in 126 mg/dL or higher = Diabetes the blood, and getting the glucose into the cells where it is used for energy (rather than stored as fat!). Multiple processes have to work properly in order to effectively process sugar in your body. This is the underlying focus when working with Diabetics, which is why the Plexus products are much more effective in weight loss than other products. Remember, Plexus Slim was originally formulated to help Type 2 Diabetics control their blood sugar. Turning glucose into energy is important in the management of blood sugar. While you may try your hardest to limit the amount of sugar you ingest, its difficult to know what foods contain sugar and what foods dont. There are so many different types of sugar often called different names, making sugar difficult to track in your diet. Most people are familiar with granulated sugar (granulated sugars differ in crystal size, and include white sugar, fruit sugar, superfine sugar, confectioners or powdered sugar, sanding sugar, brown sugar, and many more!). However, its important to be familiar with other sugar names such as sucrose, which can be split into its two component sugars glucose and fructose. Sugar is also referred to by the major classifications of simple sugars and complex sugars. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides (single sugar molecules) and include glucose, fructose and galactose. Complex sugars, like sucrose, are disaccharides which mean they are formed by the combination of two monosaccharide molecules. Other disaccharides include maltose (formed during the germination of certain grains) and lactose (the naturally occurring sugar found in milk). To add even more complexity to the issue, certain food groups, such as dairy products and carbohydrates, when metabolized are converted to glucose! So to track your sugar intake requires knowledge of how certain foods are digested and broken down. Wow! Thats a lot to know!
3 Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

Now that you know some of the common names for sugar, and that certain foods are broken down into sugar molecules, its also important to know that some food is metabolized into sugar quickly, while others are not. This is referred to as the foods Glycemic Index. Different food raises blood glucose to varying levels. The Glycemic Index is a numerical Index that ranks carbohydrates based on their rate of conversion to glucose within the human body. The glycemic Index uses a scale of 0 to 100, with higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. Pure glucose serves as a reference point, and is given a Glycemic Index (GI) of 100. Nutritionists used to believe that all simple sugars digested quickly and caused a rapid rise in blood sugar, and that the opposite was true for "complex carbohydrates". But that's not always the case. While many sweet and sugary foods do have high GI's, some starchy foods like potatoes or white bread score even higher than honey or table sugar (sucrose)! Your body performs best when your blood sugar is kept relatively constant. If your blood sugar drops too low, you become lethargic and/or experience increased hunger. And if it goes too high, your brain signals your pancreas to secrete more insulin. Insulin brings your blood sugar back down, but primarily by converting the excess sugar to stored fat. Also, the greater the rate of increase in your blood sugar, the more chance that your body will release an excess amount of insulin, and drive your blood sugar back down too low. Therefore, when you eat foods that cause a large and rapid glycemic response, you may feel an initial elevation in energy and mood as your blood sugar rises, but this is followed by a cycle of increased fat storage, lethargy, and more hunger! Plexus Slim and Accelerator contain ingredients known to have a low glycemic index, meaning that it will not raise blood glucose levels quickly after consumption, and therefor not create large fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Therefore, the Plexus products help prevent food cravings and binging, fat storage, spikes insulin levels, and dips in energy levels. Plexus Slim and Accelerator address blood glucose management from THREE perspectives; 1. The first is through all-natural sweeteners, such as Lo Han (a fruit) extract, with low glycemic indexes that help maintain a balanced blood sugar level throughout the day. 2. The second is through ingredients such as alpha lipoic acid (a natural antioxidant) that help turn sugar into energy (metabolize glucose). 3. The third way Slim & Accelerator help maintain healthy glucose levels is through ingredients that increase insulin sensitivity, such as chromium, stevia, and magnesium. By helping insulin get the glucose out of the blood and into the cells where it can be used for energy, Plexus Slim & Accelerator help prevent elevated blood glucose levels. By addressing blood glucose from a holistic perspective (1: breaking down ingested sugars, 2: managing the glucose levels in the blood, and 3: getting the glucose into the cells where it is used for energy), Plexus Slim and Accelerator provide a more complete approach to blood glucose management than any other weight loss product on the market! On a side note, excess weight increases insulin resistance (when your muscle and fat cells are resistant to your bodys insulin and cannot use the sugar available in the blood). Since Plexus Slim and Accelerator help you lose excess weight, it also helps lower insulin resistance so your bodys insulin works better thus helping manage glucose levels.

5. How does Plexus Slim & Accelerator help to lower bad cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a type of fat made by your liver and carried in your blood. You also get cholesterol from certain foods. Cholesterol readings measure your total blood cholesterol levels and your levels of the two main types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL. LDL is known as bad cholesterol because it carries cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body. When too much LDL is in the blood, it becomes plaque along the artery walls which can lead to heart attacks and/or stroke. HDL is known as the good cholesterol because it carries cholesterol out of the blood and into the liver for elimination. The higher your HDL level, the more cholesterol can leave your body thus lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Total Blood Cholesterol; Less than 200 mg/dL is Desireable 200-239 mg/dL is Boderline High Risk 240 mg/dL or higher is High Risk Recommended Cholesterol; According to nutritional experts, you should consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol a day.

Plexus Slim and Accelerator contain all-natural botanicals that help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Chlorogenic Acid (a plant extract), for example, has been known for its anti-inflammatory effects and has been shown to help prevent
4 Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

atherosclerosis (when plaque forms on the arterial walls). Chlorogenic acids, such as those found in certain fruits and green coffee beans, help reduce LDL cholesterol thus improving cholesterol ratios. This dietary polyphenol is also found in apples, blueberries, and pears. The vanadium chelate (a plant extract) contained in Plexus Accelerator has been shown to improve insulin utilization, as well as inhibiting cholesterol synthesis. It has been shown useful in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting fats from being stored along arterial walls. As such, it also helps inhibit fat from being stored elsewhere in the body thus aiding in weight management.

6. How does Plexus Slim & Accelerator help maintain healthy blood pressure?
High blood pressure, called hypertension, can lead to strokes, heart attacks, heart Blood Pressure Ranges; failure and/or kidney failure. One in four adults in the U.S. has high blood pressure. Less than 120/80 = Normal Although few, if any, symptoms are experienced, high blood pressure is life 120-139/80-89 = Prehypertension threatening often leading to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, and 140/90 or higher = HIGH premature death. If someone doesnt take their high blood pressure seriously, it can shorten their life by 10-20 years. The good news is your high blood pressure is both preventable and treatable. Before we discuss the specific ingredients in Plexus Slim and Accelerator that support healthy blood pressure, its important to note the link between excess weight and blood pressure. Your weight and your blood pressure are closely related. When weight increases, blood pressure often does too. Achieving a healthy weight is a major factor in preventing and controlling high blood pressure. Excess weight increases ones risk of obtaining high blood pressure by 2 to 6 times! A 1998 study involving more than 82,000 woman found that women who gained 11 to 22 pounds during adulthood had a 70% increase in risk for high blood pressure compared with women who didnt gain weight after age 181. Whats the link? When you gain weight, you gain mostly fatty tissue which requires additional oxygen and nutrients to survive, thus increasing the demand for more blood to bring those nutrients to the tissue. The more fatty tissue, the more demand for nutrients, which mean more blood supply, which in turn increases the amount of blood circulating through the body. This adds pressure against the arterial walls which can be measured as an increase in blood pressure. Another reason blood pressure commonly increases in overweight people is that additional weight typically increases the level of insulin in the blood, which is associated with retention of sodium and water, which increases blood volume and leads to an increase in blood pressure. Lastly, excess weight can increase your heart rate as your heart beats faster to adjust to the demands of a larger body. However, the capacity of your blood vessels to transport the increased blood supply may not be able to keep up. This also increases arterial pressure. As you can see, excess weight can significantly impact blood pressure. By helping people lose weight and control insulin levels, Plexus Slim and Accelerator also help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. To review those ingredients that specifically help with weight loss and insulin/blood glucose control, refer to sections 3 and 4 in this document. Ingredients in Slim and Accelerator that specifically address healthy blood pressure levels include beet root and grape skin extracts. Beetroot is a rich source of potent antioxidants and nutrients, including magnesium, sodium, potassium and vitamin C. Beetroot juice has been shown to lower blood pressure and thus help prevent cardiovascular problems. Research published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension showed drinking 500 ml of beetroot juice led to a reduction in blood pressure within one hour. Grape Seed Extract is a natural plant product made from the grape seed. Grape seed extracts have compounds called procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs) which have been shown to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Other sources of PCOs are berries, green and black teas, and red wine.

Mayo Clinic on High Blood Pressure, Sheldon Sheps, M.D., copyright 1999.
5 Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

7. How does Plexus Slim & Accelerator help control the appetite and prevent food cravings?
The stomach is both a muscle as well as an organ. As food enters the stomach the muscular walls stretch to accommodate the amount of food ingested. When the stomach stretches to a particular point (which varies), it sends messages to the brain signaling that its full and you dont feel hungry anymore. Like any muscle, the stomach can expand and contract, thus slightly changing in size. The more food we put in to the stomach, the larger the stomach expands, stretching and growing. Once stretched, the stomach retains some of that size, which in turn requires more food to fill it in the future. Based on this information, one would think that by limiting the amount of food we consume, we could shrink the stomach. Eating less won't shrink your stomach, says Mark Moyad, MD, director of preventive and alternative medicine at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor, but it can help to reset your appetite thermostat so you won't feel as hungry, and it may be easier to stick with your eating plan. "Weight has nothing to do with the size of the stomach reports NYU director of pediatric gastroenterology Joseph Levy, MD. In fact, even people who have had stomach-reducing surgeries, making their tummy no larger than a walnut, can override the small size and still gain weight. When it's empty, the stomach is normally about the size of your closed fist. But because this organ has the ability to stretch, the more you eat the more enlarged your stomach becomes in order to suit the volume of its contents. It shrinks back to its normal size through the natural course of digestion as food contents move out of the stomach and into the duodenum, and then on to the small intestine. While it's not possible to physically shrink the stomach beyond its normal size without surgery, it is, however, possible to feel full eating less food--which is generally the aim in wanting a smaller stomach. The way to accomplish this effect is to train your body to get used to accommodating smaller meals. Your stomach will adjust to proportions suitable for the needs of the average quantity of food you're used to taking in, in a single serving. Over time, eating smaller-portioned meals reduces the size your stomach is accustomed to inflating during mealtime. Feeling satisfied with smaller portions enables you to consume less calories thus aiding with weight loss. All-natural ingredients in Plexus Slim and Accelerator help control the appetite by sending the same messages to the brain that a fuller stomach sends. Ingredients like Citrin K (an herbal extract known to help curb the appetite), oxypregnane steroidal glycoside (another plant extract used to suppress the appetite), dark chocolate (known to help decrease the appetite), B-Phenylethylamine HCl (known to be the cleanest natural stimulant ever researched, naturally present in human fluid and tissue), and others work synergistically in Plexus Slim & Accelerator to control the appetite. However, controlling the appetite is not just about sending the proper stomach muscle messages to the brain. You may think that your hunger alarm is all in your stomach, but the truth is that hunger is regulated by a complex system of chemicals that communicate with all the systems of the body. Signals are sent back and forth from your brain to your body. What starts hunger depends on whether the signals come from sensory or mechanical origins. Controlling blood glucose and insulin levels throughout the day, for example, plays a role in maintaining a healthy appetite. When blood sugar levels drop, neurotransmitters called Neuropeptides are released from a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which triggers your desire for sweet and starchy foods. This isnt good when youre trying to lose weight! So controlling blood glucose levels throughout the day is as important as controlling the appetite when embarking on a complete weight loss program. Plexus Slim and Accelerator address this concern as well (refer to section 4 above).

8. How does Plexus Slim & Accelerator help strengthen will-power over poor food choices?
The answer to this question is closely linked to the response to question 7, above. But because choice is something difficult to scientifically measure, its a difficult question to answer. Through appetite control and smaller portion sizes, Plexus Slim/Accelerator help reset your appetite thermostat so you simply dont feel hungry as often and when you do, youre satisfied with smaller portions. Also, your will-power over food is not challenged as much when blood glucose levels are managed properly (refer to question 4). I am not surprised when a client happily informs me that they no
6 Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

longer reach for chips, pretzels, candy, or other unhealthy snacks that once before were staple items in their daily diet. My cousin, who had only been using the Plexus Slim/Accelerator products for a little over a month, called me recently to tell me she no longer even thinks about driving through McDonalds because her stomach turns if she considers a cheeseburger for lunch. She was delightedly surprised, and amazed at how the Plexus products had altered her eating habits she chooses a salad instead. At a recent Plexus meeting, a 69 year old gentleman who began taking the Plexus products almost a year ago to help control his diabetes reported a similar change in his body. He explained to the audience that, due to the nature of his job, he dines out a lot. In the past, he would sit down to a table and devour a large piece of steak, along with potatoes and dessert. Today, however, he admitted he simply doesnt crave steak and opts for fish, poultry, or salad, and forgoes potatoes and other starches with no regret. As for dessert, he may take one or two bites, but is now able to push the plate away with pleasure. The audience chuckled when he informed us that his grocery bill is cut in half since starting the Plexus program! (Note: he is going to be a Plexus Testimonial soon!) One of the biggest habits we usually need to adjust in order to lose weight is our portion sizes. Today's super sizing of food servings has really hindered many peoples weight loss efforts. Managing your portion sizes is one of the most important ways to lose excess weight. We discussed how the Plexus products help control portion size, but what about food choices? Why is there a substantial change in food choices after taking Plexus Slim/Accelerator for a few months? According to Dr. Norman Jolliffe of Columbia University's School of Public Health, eating habits are regulated by your appetite thermostat (or "appestat", as she calls it). An "appestat" is a personal appetite thermostat. Overeating, emotional eating and habitual eating can throw off the natural "appestat" setting humans are born with. Infants do not have the natural ability to overeat. Overeating is a learned behavior that needs to be unlearned to reduce hunger. Resetting the "appestat" is as simple as reverting to healthy eating habits; eat less food, and make healthier food choices. Dr. Normal Jolliffe also suggests skip simple carbohydrates that cause sharp drops in blood glucose and cravings for more simple carbohydrates. Ahhh,theres another link to blood glucose levels as discussed above. By helping to manage blood glucose levels, the Plexus products help with both will-power and food choices! People who have tried different weight loss programs have all heard the warnings In order to lose weight and maintain your ideal weight once you reach it, you are going to have to change your eating habits. Were talking about a lifetime change, not just a change for a few weeks. For most, that sounds so intimidating. However, in order to maintain your ideal weight after you achieve your goal, you will have to make better choices about what and how you eat. If you don't, you may lose the weight then go back to your old eating habits and gain it back. Luckily, Plexus Slim & Accelerator help to re-program the body to make better choices, thus helping customers lose weight and KEEP IT OFF!

9. How does Plexus Slim & Accelerator help boost energy levels?
Lets start this answer with an understanding of what creates your energy Your Desired Basal Metabolic Rate: a thing called your metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which your body To get a general idea of your desired BMR, multiply your weight by 10. For example, if you weigh 150 creates energy by breaking down nutrients and converting them to energy pounds, your BMR is 1,500. The actual formula looks that can be used by the body. In the process, it burns calories. Your resting like this: metabolism is the number of calories required to keep your body living BMR = 150 x 10 kcal/lb = 1,500 kcals and breathing, and all the organs processing normally. This can also be referred to as your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) or the rate at which your This formula allows 10 kcals (commonly referred to as body burns calories while at rest. The goal for people who want to maintain calories) for every pound of body weight. This means that your metabolism can "use up" around 1,500 their current weight, fitness experts say, is to adjust your calorie intake to a day. If you take in more than that, you will equal that of your BMR making the calories you ingest equal to the calories gain weight unless you increase your exercise to calories you burn. While that concept has much merit in weight burn more calories. management, its not the whole answer to weight loss as we have discussed in this paper. Digestion, glucose management, elimination of waste and other processes must also function properly in order to lose weight. However, for the sake of this section, which focuses on energy and thus your metabolism, well narrow our discussion to the concept of your BMR and caloric expenditures.
7 Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

While everyone's metabolism works the same way, the rate at which it metabolizes nutrients is unique to every individual. Some people are blessed with high metabolisms (which means they burn a lot of calories without really trying!), while others suffer from slow metabolisms often feeling lethargic and struggling with weight gain. Many factors affect your metabolism, including things you can control (i.e., stress levels, thyroid conditions), and things you cant (i.e., age). Aging in particular has a noticeable impact on your metabolism, due to changes in hormone balance. That doesn't mean aging makes weight gain inevitable. A 2001 study by the USDA Agricultural Research Service showed that older people can significantly improve their metabolism and fend of weight gain by participating in strength training (using weights or other resistance) exercise because both exercise and strength training can help build muscle mass. Muscle burns calories more efficiently than fat; the more muscle you have in relation to your body fat, the higher your metabolism will be. As women who have experienced menopause know, sometimes our metabolism needs a little help or boost. This is particularly true if hormone levels have dropped or excess weight has been an issue for a long period of time. If your body has been living in a scenario where theres been a large gap between the calories you eat and those you use up, your body's weight regulation system will adjust upward. Your body basically settles in to maintain that higher weight. This is when the metabolism needs a little adjustment so it starts burning more calories throughout your day. Through all-natural ingredients such as citric acid (a natural organic acid important in the metabolism of virtually all living things), vitamin B6 (an important vitamin that helps supply fuel to the cells which then creates energy), green tea extract (known to boost metabolism), and vanadium chelate (a plant extract necessary for cellular metabolism and shown to improve insulin utilization), the Plexus products help provide that added boost to a sleepy metabolism. B-Phenylethylamine HCl, a natural stimulant found in Plexus Accelerator, has the remarkable ability to stimulate the central nervous system without causing nervousness, and has been shown to increase your bodys resting basal metabolic rate. Plexus Accelerator also contains Magnesium which also plays a role in metabolism because it is used in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis2. There is an increased interest in the role of magnesium in preventing and managing disorders such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Data from the 19992000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey suggest that substantial numbers of adults in the United States fail to get recommended amounts of magnesium in their diets. At Plexus, we acknowledge the best way to maximize your metabolism is to eat right, and exercise. This includes aerobic workouts, to burn more calories in the short term, and weight training to build the muscles that will boost your metabolism in the long run. As we discussed earlier, muscle burns more calories than fat - even while at rest. Therefore, the more muscles you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate, and your body will be burning more calories just to sustain you. The Plexus products can help with eating right. YOU have to add the exercise. But what happens when the excess weight is so great it prevents physical exercise during the onset of your weight loss program? Be patient. Start your weight loss journey with Plexus Slim and Accelerator, and lose whatever weight you need to in order to feel safe and comfortable starting an exercise regimen. Once the Plexus products have helped you lose a substantial amount of excess weight, ask your doctor about starting a fitness program. Start out slowly, and gently. Give your body and your muscles a chance to slowly adapt to a more active lifestyle. This can only augment the benefits of the Plexus products and help you with your weight loss goals!

Wester PO. Magnesium. Am J Clin Nutr 1987;45:1305-12. [PubMed abstract], and Saris NE, Mervaala E, Karppanen H, Khawaja JA, Lewenstam A. Magnesium: an update on physiological, clinical, and analytical aspects. Clinica Chimica Acta 2000;294:1-26.
8 Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador


How does Plexus Slim & Accelerator help maintain long-term weight loss?
As we discussed above; Everyone gains (and losses) weight for different reasons. But one thing remains fairly constant, and thats the way our bodies work inside. We all have the same digestive processes but whether or not they work properly is a different story. Similarly, we all process consumed sugar (blood glucose) the same way, but some peoples process is broken (Diabetes). In summary, we all share the same bodily processes, but our processes may work differently from one another. So helping someone maintain long-term weight loss requires you to address their specific cause(es) of weight gain. This is where your Plexus Independent Ambassador can help. Talk to them about your lifestyle, your eating habits, your digestion, your elimination, your energy levels, and more. Plexus Ambassadors can help you define a weight loss program specifically designed to address your personal weight challenges. And since Plexus products work to physically re-program the body to work more optimally, as well as help you alter your eating habits, weight loss is more permanent with the Plexus products.

The human body is a wonderful, complicated machine. Your digestive system, your brain and your fat stores all work together through a highly complex biochemical interaction to help you maintain a stable weight. These different parts of your body communicate with one another through various feedback mechanisms in an effort to coordinate the various activities that maintain your weight. As mentioned previously, Plexus acknowledges the importance of this complex biochemical process(es) and addresses weight loss with a holistic (total body) approach. By working synergistically and fixing the inter-related components of healthy weight management, the Plexus products help take weight off AND KEEP IT OFF more permanently than any other product on the market today! For more information about Plexus products, or to locate a Plexus Ambassador in your local area, contact Plexus headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona at (480) 998-3490 (PST).

Carolyn Waygood, Plexus Ambassador

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