Kartice U2,3,10

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GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What are phrasal verbs? What kind of meanings can they have? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: Dow Jones (n.) Explain. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: hence (adv.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Share prices are flying high, interest rates are soaring. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Televizija velikom broju ljudi omoguduje pristup sportskim dogaajima diljem svijeta.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Explain 4 types of phrasal verbs. Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: a sweat shop (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: ubiquitous (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: As a leading economist put it, consumer societies are 'in need of need'. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Televizija u potpunosti mijenja sport, gotovo uvijek na gore.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What does the simple aspect describe? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: interest rates (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: disillusioned (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: We have no time for anything other than work, which is ironic given the number of labour-saving devices in our lives. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Manchester United je dioniko drutvo vrijedno oko milijardu funti.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What does the continuous aspect focus on? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: prosperous (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: satiated (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Need is the miracle that keeps the engines of expansion turning relentlessly. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Sport je sveprisutan.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Give an example sentence using the continuous aspect to express: an activity that is not permanent VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: to go bust (v.) Explain and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: to convey (v.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Share prices are flying high, interest rates are soaring. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Ovi veliki sportski dogaaji spajaju sportae razliitih rasa kao nijedan drugi dogaaj.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Give an example sentence using the continuous aspect to express: an activity that may not be complete VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: consumption (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: in demand (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: As a leading economist put it, consumer societies are 'in need of need'. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Dok je sport nekada bio namijenjen zabavi i amaterima, danas je predmet ozbiljnih ulaganja.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Give an example sentence using the continuous aspect to express: temporary duration using live or work VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: vast (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: prominence (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: We have no time for anything other than work, which is ironic given the number of labour-saving devices in our lives. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Uspon sportske zvijezde se odraava usponom tvrtki kao to su Nike i Adidas.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Give an example sentence using the continuous aspect to express: short actions using lose, break, cut, hit or crash VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: to soar (v.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: a public limited company (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Need is the miracle that keeps the engines of expansion turning relentlessly. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Uz popularnu glazbu, internet i multinacionalne tvrtke, sport je jedan od kljunih imbenika globalizacije.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What two ideas does the perfect aspect express? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: oblivious (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: an agent (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Zahtijevamo jeftinu hranu, bez obzira na injenicu da je potpuno liena oku sa i da je proizvedena primjenom kemikalija koje truju tlo. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Televizija velikom broju ljudi omoguduje pristup sportskim dogaajima diljem svijeta.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What is the difference between active and passive voice? (regarding the focus of attention) Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: a cash crop (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: authenticity (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Sreivanje duga ne znai otpladivanje istog, ved samo pladanje kamate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Televizija u potpunosti mijenja sport, gotovo uvijek na gore.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Can we omit by and the agent in passive sentences? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: a refugee (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: to mirror (v.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Osim ako novac ne nastavi kruiti, gospodarstvo propada. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Manchester United je dioniko drutvo vrijedno oko milijardu funti.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Why do we often use you or they in informal language to refer to people in general? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: to hassle (v.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: credibility (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Trebali bismo imati koristi od svih prednosti bogatog drutva. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Sport je sveprisutan.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: When is the Present Simple used to express future action? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: to satiate (v.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: sheer (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Share prices are flying high, interest rates are soaring. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Televizija velikom broju ljudi omoguduje pristup sportskim dogaajima diljem svijeta.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: When is the Present Continuous used to express future action? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: yearning (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: vast (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: As a leading economist put it, consumer societies are 'in need of need'. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Televizija u potpunosti mijenja sport, gotovo uvijek na gore.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What kind of future action does going to express? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: chronic (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: disquiet (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: We have no time for anything other than work, which is ironic given the number of labour-saving devices in our lives. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Manchester United je dioniko drutvo vrijedno oko milijardu funti.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Will can function as Finish the sentence. Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: relentlessly (adv.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: however (adv.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Need is the miracle that keeps the engines of expansion turning relentlessly. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Sport je sveprisutan.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Give an example sentence using the continuous aspect to express: an activity that is not permanent VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: merely (adv.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: to seek (v.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Share prices are flying high, interest rates are soaring. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Ovi veliki sportski dogaaji spajaju sportae razliitih rasa kao nijedan drugi dogaaj.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Explain the future in the past. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: poverty (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: self-made (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: As a leading economist put it, consumer societies are 'in need of need'. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Dok je sport nekada bio namijenjen zabavi i amaterima, danas je predmet ozbiljnih ulaganja.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What kind of future action does The Future Perfect express? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: benevolent (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: a means (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: We have no time for anything other than work, which is ironic given the number of labour-saving devices in our lives. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Uspon sportske zvijezde se odraava usponom tvrtki kao to su Nike i Adidas.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What kind of future action does The Future Continuous express? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: deprivation (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: an athlete (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Need is the miracle that keeps the engines of expansion turning relentlessly. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Uz popularnu glazbu, internet i multinacionalne tvrtke, sport je jedan od kljunih imbenika globalizacije.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What two ideas does the perfect aspect express? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: stalemate (n.) -- to go into stalemate Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: besotted (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Zahtijevamo jeftinu hranu, bez obzira na injenicu da je potpuno liena okusa i da je proizvedena primjenom kemikalija koje truju tlo. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Televizija velikom broju ljudi omoguduje pristup sportskim dogaajima diljem svijeta.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: What is the difference between active and passive voice? (regarding the focus of attention) Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: obesity (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: crucial (adj.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Sreivanje duga ne znai otpladivanje istog, ved samo pladanje kamate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Televizija u potpunosti mijenja sport, gotovo uvijek na gore.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Can we omit by and the agent in passive sentences? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: a retailer (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: via (prep.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Osim ako novac ne nastavi kruiti, gospodarstvo propada. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Manchester United je dioniko drutvo vrijedno oko milijardu funti.

GRAMMAR, UNIT 2: Why do we often use you or they in informal language to refer to people in general? Give examples. VOCABULARY, UNIT 3: to purchase (v.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. VOCABULARY, UNIT 10: a proliferation (n.) Give a definition, a possible synonym and translate. TRANSLATE, UNIT 3: Trebali bismo imati koristi od svih prednosti bogatog drutva. TRANSLATE, UNIT 10: Sport je sveprisutan.

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