Harcourt Trophies Theme 2: Task 6: Narrative Elements

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Harcourt Trophies Theme 2

Task 6: Narrative Elements

Story: Number the Stars
Content Standards: Apply reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency. Identify narrative elements within the selected story.

Task: After reading the story, Number the Stars, design a picture walk of the narrative elements in the story. Your picture walk should illustrate the problem, raising action, falling action, and solution. In addition to drawing a picture for each scene, write a sentence about that picture. Remember that quality counts!

Rubric: 4
Pictures All 8 pictures are in color and are neat.

6 7 pictures in color and neat.

3 5 pictures are in color and neat.

1 2 pictures are in color and most are difficult to understand. Sentences have limited capitalization and punctuation with major spelling errors.

Conventions Spelling Punctuation Capitalization Complete Sentences

All sentences have correct capitalization and punctuation with no spelling errors.

Most sentences have correct capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

Sentences have many capitalization, punctuation and spelling errors.

Writing Content (x2)

All 8 boxes have the correct summary for that scene. Outstanding Work Quality

6 7 boxes have the correct summary for that scene. Very Good Work Quality

3 5 boxes have the correct summary for that scene. Average Work Quality

1 2 boxes have the correct summary for that scene. Poor Work Quality

Quality (x2)

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