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PHRASAL VERBS (p147) 1. What are phrasal verbs? What kind of meanings can they have? Give examples. 2. Explain 4 types of phrasal verbs. Give examples. TENSE REVIEW (p148-149) 3. What does the simple aspect describe? Give examples. 4. What does the continuous aspect focus on? Give examples. 5. Give an example sentence using the continuous aspect to express: an activity that is not permanent an activity that may not be complete temporary duration using live or work short actions using lose, break, cut, hit or crash 6. What two ideas does the perfect aspect express? Give examples. 7. What is the difference between active and passive voice? (regarding the focus of attention) Give examples. 8. Can we omit by and the agent in passive sentences? Give examples. 9. Why do we often use you or they in informal language to refer to people in general? Give examples. FUTURE FORMS (p149-150) 10. Will can function as Finish the sentence. Give examples. 11. What kind of future action does going to express? Give examples. 12. When is the Present Continuous used to express future action? Give examples. 13. When is the Present Simple used to express future action? Give examples. 14. What kind of future action does The Future Continuous express? Give examples. 15. What kind of future action does The Future Perfect express? Give examples. 16. Explain the future in the past.

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