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Conservation of Biodiversity and laws of climate change in India

One of the most pressing environmental issues today is the conservation of biodiversity. Many factors threaten the world's biological heritage. The challenge is for nations, government agencies, organisations and individuals to protect and enhance biological diversity, while continuing to meet people's needs for natural resources. Biodiversity or biological diversity is the variety of all species on earth. It constitutes of different plants, animals and micro-organisms, along with marine and fresh water system. It is essential for the existence of life. Biodiversity has grown and shrunk in earth's past due to changes abiotic factors such as mass extinction, change in oxygen levels and sea levels. Biodiversity is important to human being for their sustenance, health, well-being and recreation. For example, humanity derives all of its food, medical and industrial products from the components of biological diversity. The benefits of biodiversity conservation can be grouped into three broad categories: ecosystem services (conservation of water resources, soil conservation, nutrient storage and cycling, maintenance of ecosystems, pollution breakdown and absorption, contribution to climate stability, and recovery from unpredictable events), biological resources (food, medicines, forest products, breeding stocks, population reservoirs, and future resources) and social benefits (research and education, recreation, cultural, and religious/philosophical values)

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