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Task 5 Standard: The students will analyze literary elements (characterization, theme, setting, etc.) to comprehend text.

(Content) Task: Characterization worksheet (comprehension) In order for the students to know the characters in the story and identify with them, the students are filling out a graphic organizer about one main character in the story. The students will have a list of main characters from the story that they will chose from to fill out the organizer. This graphic organizer has the students describe how the character acts, feels, says, looks, and how other characters act around him/her. Each one of these traits has its own box to fill out. The students must make a few inferences to figure out how the character feels and how others act around them using the clues found in the text. The students must find at least 3 descriptors for each category and explain why that descriptor is true. For example, if the student uses a descriptor that describes how a character acts (arrogant), then the student must write an explanation to show what that character did in the story that made him arrogant. Criteria: At least 3 descriptors for each category, inferences for each category, explanation

Rubric: Criteria (points based on each category) Descriptors for acts, says, and looks (x3) 1 2 3 4

1 descriptor is used, but gives little detail

1 descriptor is used accurately Or 2 descriptors are used but give little detail

2 descriptors are used accurately Or 3 descriptors are used, but give little detail 2 descriptors are used accurately Or 3 descriptors are used, but give little detail 7-9 All descriptors and inferences are explained using evidence from the text.

3 descriptors are used accurately

Inferences for how the character feels and how other characters act around him/ her. (x2)

1 descriptor is used, but gives little detail

1 descriptor is used accurately Or 2 descriptors are used but give little detail

3 descriptors are used accurately

Criterion (overall) Explanation

1-3 Little to no explanation for each descriptor and inference

4-6 Descriptors and inferences are occasionally explained using evidence from the text.

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