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Ruby Ray of Reversal

(Alteration) Level: 7th Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Area of Effect: Special Casting Time: 7 Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None The ruby ray of reversal is a powerful spell developed by Nezram the Transmuter to reverse the effects of other spells and situations. It harnesses the magical energy naturally occurring within a ruby, creating a beam that lances out in a straight line in the caster's chosen direction. Upon contact with any of the following situations or spells, the ruby ray will correct the situation as listed and then wink out of existence. The ruby ray can affect only one such item, creature, or situation per casting. Situations and spells affected by the ray include: Webs (natural and mystical) or viscous globs immediately melt away, one patch of webbing or glob totally vanishing. Mechanical or magical traps are automatically sprung, affecting normally any creatures or objects in their area of effect. Knots are untied; chains, straps, and other restrictive devices fall loose. An entangling device or situation brought about by spells is negated and those affected are freed. A locked and barred door is opened upon the ruby ray striking it. A wizard locked or held portal is opened. A 1-foot-wide hole is opened in a wall of force or force cage. The force structure is not destroyed by the spell, but the hole may allow escape and opens a channel for spells to pass through. An illusion struck by the ray is dispelled immediately. A transformed individual, whether turned to stone or polymorphed, is returned to his original state. A system shock roll is required if normally necessary. A magic jar spell is reversed, freeing the controlled individual and returning the intruder to the magic jar. The ruby ray cannot pass through solid objects, nor effect creatures or items in other dimensions, it cannot pierce an antimagic shell or prismatic sphere. It cannot affect any magicks or situations other than those listed. The material component is a ruby worth at least 1,000 gp, which crumbles to dust when the spell ends.

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