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Invocation/Evocation Level: 4th Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Area of Effect: Cone 10 feet deep/level with 10-feet diameter/level Casting Time: 4 Duration: Special Saving Throw: None With this spell a wizard can excavate a cone-shaped area of sand at a location upon which he concentrates. The base of the cone is toward the surface; the tip points downward. Excavated sand (or dust) is transported to a random location 1d6 miles away. Often, the sand is dispersed in a windy gust. Only sand and dust are moved; rocks, plants, animals, and buried objects remain in place. As a result, this spell works best in regions of great expanses of sand, such as open desert. The sandcone spell keeps the area clear of sand as long as the caster remains conscious and concentrating. When this ceases, sand falls in normally. The cone's magic does not prevent sand slides or collapses if another individual begins excavating around the cone. The sandcone spell enables the wizard to dig toward anticipated water and uncover buried beings or things. It can also create a prison or trap. For the last purpose, the caster can create a pit in the loose sand beneath an enemy's feet. When the foe falls in, the caster deliberately ends the magic, trapping the opponent at the bottom of the pit. The material components of this spell are the hair of a desert rat (jerboa) and a pinch of sand.

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