Sand Swallow

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(Invocation/Evocation) Level: 9th Range: 1 yard/level Components: V, S, M Area of Effect: 20-foot radius Casting Time: 9 Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Special This spell can be used only in an area of sand, quicksand, mud, or bog. It causes a circular area of the surface to suddenly collapse 30 downward, so the surrounding sand or mud rushes in to fill the hole. Any creatures in the affected area must save versus spell to "swim" and avoid being buried (they finish atop the morass, reduced to half movement rate and lacking any items they were holding; these are buried). Buried beings can dig upwards 6 feet each round in which they make a successful Dexterity Check. After the second round of imprisonment, any creature without a magical source of air, or the natural ability to exist in rock (for example, an umber hulk) suffers 1d4 suffocation damage per round. This continues until death occurs or the creature digs its way free. In the round in which they emerge, buried creatures cannot move from the spot in which they come up, and all attacks against them automatically hit.

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