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(Enchantment/Charm, Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 6th Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Area of Effect: Creature touched Casting Time: 6 Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special Like the lapse spell, this spell can be cast upon a trigger object, which then delivers the spell's potential to the first creature that touches it. Saving throws for the seizure follow the same pattern as for a lapse: repeated saving throws until a failure occurs. In case of a seizure, a saving throw is rolled at the start of every round of melee combat in which the victim is involved. Note that the mental attack adjustment for Wisdom affects this saving throw. The creature does not know that a seizure is pending, though a detect charm will reveal the spell's aura. The effects of a seizure upon the recipient cause him to collapse in fits, thrashing wildly about while making choking noises and strangled cries. The body quivers and contorts. This lasts for 1d4+1 rounds, ending in one round of the victim being stiff in a state of rigor, followed by 1d4+1 rounds of unconsciousness. The victim is virtually helpless for 3d6 rounds after regaining consciousness, and is unable to fight or engage in spell casting or strenuous activity. Thereafter, the victim can react normally, though with a -2 on saving throws, attacks, and defence for 5d4 rounds more (with a 10% chance of spell failure when casting any spell during that time). While thrashing about, the victim takes 1d4 points of damage per round unless restrained. The victim strikes aimlessly at his restrainers with all limbs, inflicting no damage except to those with AC 9 or AC 10 (50% chance of 1 point of damage per round). In the one round of rigor, the victim must save versus death magic at +2 or choke, dying 1-3 rounds later, useless someone is nearby who can prevent the choking with simple aid. The final result of a seizure is a temporary loss of 1-4 points of Strength and Constitution, which are recovered at a rate of 1 point each per day (no system shock roll is required). The caster can also cast this spell by touching the recipient, in which case there is no material component. The recipient then gets one saving throw versus the spell, and either has an immediate seizure (failed saving throw) or the spell is wasted (successful saving throw).

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