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Together we will endeavor to brew a revolution of ideas for individuals and the community. We are empowered by individual passion and desire to connect with like minds.

Our tools are our minds, our voice, our creativity and napkins. Pubs symbolize our informal gathering place of creation and the napkin the manifestation of our creativity. Our methods for creation are diverse, but our vision is one.
This designates our journey as we imagine, explore create, share and responsibly celebrate our connections.

Our Mission
Brew an idea revolution

Our Vision
In 5 years brew a national ecosystem of pubs and communities of growth

H & Ed
Fitness Resilience Community

IT Web Social

Design Prototype Craft

Our Values
Empowerment, Passion, Informality, Creativity

Community Development and Learning
Developing Communities of Growth (CoGs) Learning Opportunities

Platform for Sharing Ideas (The Big Event)

Pitch/Presentation Sessions

Communities of Growth

Small team Idea sharing and generation. Focus on solutions within the Communities of Growth (CoGs).

Keep it simple and more social less structured to allow free flow of ideas and thoughts, build competencies within, and provide resources of aspiring entrepreneurs

2014 Learning Focus

Visual Literacy Design Thinking Presentation

Setup meeting schedules for Communities of Growth Communicate opportunities to media and word of mouth Conduct learning session on focus areas Plan June event

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