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Eva Duartes Biography Early childhood and youth

Eva and one of her sisters

Mara Eva Duarte was born with the name Eva Mara Ibarguren on 7th of May1919, in a small village called Los Toldos. Her father, Juan Duarte, was a rich rancher from Chivilcoy, where he already* had a family. During this time period in rural Argentina, it was common to see a rich farmer with more than one family.
Evas father and mother: Juan Duarte and Juana Ibarguren

Evas mother, Juana Ibarguren, had five children with Juan Duarte. In 1920, when Eva was one year old, Duarte returned to his legitimate family, leaving Juana Ibarguren and her children in an extremely poor condition. They were considered ilegitimate children and people discrimitated them. The mother and her children moved to Junn. The six people in the family lived in a small room. Mother and daughters worked as maids* at the local estancias. Eva loved cinema and acting and participated in school plays. She wanted to be an actress.
Eva when she was fifteen years old

Eva in her First Communion Day

At the age of fifteen Eva moved to the cosmopilitan city of Buenos Aires. It was very difficult for her to survive in this city without a formal education. Little by little, she took part in some radio programmes and movies. But her career as an actress wasnt very successful*. However*, she could move into an apartment and live alone. Some people say Evas lifestyle at that time was scandalous. Her life with Juan D. Pern Eva met Pern at a party in 1944. He was 48 and she was 24 years old. Shortly after the meeting, they went to live together. This was a scandal at the time because actresses were considered bad life women. In addition, it was improper for the time that a man and a woman lived unmarried. Pern introduced Eva to the political circle, even when this decision could affect his career as a politician. Little by little, Eva was becoming* more and more interested in the political ideas of Peron. Juan Pern was part of a group of militars that had much influence in the government. His opponents feared the growing* popularity of Peron and his followers: the workers and the poor of the nation, So they sent Pern to prision. Finally, he was free on the 17th October, 1945 a day called The Loyalty Day-. After that, he married Eva in a simple ceremony. 1946 Presidential election victory After his release* from prison, Juan Pern decided to campaign for the presidency of the nation. Eva campaigned heavily for her husband. She visited every corner of the country, becoming the first woman in Argentina history to appear in public on the campaign with her husband. Pern won the presidency for two consecutive periods from 1946 to 1952 and from 1952 to 1958. He didnt finish the last period because of a military rebelion in 1955. Eva Pern Foundation
Eva meets the people in her foundation

The Sociedad de Beneficencia (Society of Beneficence), a charity group made up of society ladies, was responsible for most charity works in Buenos Aires before the election of Juan Pern. But by the 1940s, the Sociedad received money by the government. The Fundacin Mara Eva Duarte de Pern was created on 8 th July 1948. It bought and distributed annually 400,000 pairs of shoes, 500,000 sewing machines, 200,000

cooking pots. The foundation also gave scholarships*, built homes, hospitals, and other charitable institutions. Every aspect of the foundation was under Evita's supervision. Female Peronist Party and women's vote
Eva voting in hospital in 1951

Eva contributed very much to the passing of a bill* in the Argentinian Parliament to establish the equality of rights of vote between men and women. The law was sanctioned in 1947. Eva Pern then created the Female Peronist Party, which was the first large female political party* in the nation. While Eva Pern did not consider herself a feminist, her impact on the political life of women was decisive. Thousands of previously apolitical women entered politics because of Eva Pern. They were the first women to be active in Argentine politics. The combination of female vote and the organization of the Female Peronist Party granted* Juan Pern a large majority (63%) of the vote in the 1951 presidential elections.
Evitas parade after Perns re-election

Last years

Eva was invited to run for Perns second presidency as vicepresident, but for health* reasons she had to decline the offer, she had cancer. By 1951, it was evident that her health was rapidly deteriorating. On 4th June 1952, Evita rode with Juan Pern in a parade* through Buenos Aires in celebration of his re-election as President of Argentina. Evita was by this point so ill that she couldnt stand without support. Under her big coat was a frame* One of the last appearances in public. She couldnt stand up without Perns help made of plaster and wire that allowed* her to stand. She took a triple dose of pain medication before the parade, and took another two doses when she returned home. Death Even when she tried varied medical treatment, her cancer came back. By June 1952. Evita died at the age of 33, at 8:25 p.m., on 26th July 1952. The news was immediately broadcast throughout* the country, and Argentina went into mourning*. All activity in Argentina stopped; movies; restaurants and government suspended all official activities for two days. Her body was embalmed* by Perns petition by a Spanish doctor, Pedro Ara.
Dr Ara inspects Evas embalmed body

may be checked in the glossary on the blackboard or the netbook translator. A- True or False? CORRECT THE FALSE SENTENCES a- Evas father had two families b- When Eva was fifteen, her father left the family c- Eva worked as a maid, singer and actress. d- Eva went to Buenos Aires because she wanted to be a famous actress e- When Eva met Pern, they married immediately. f- Eva was a feminist woman

* words with the asterisk

g- Eva passed the bill for Womens vote h- Thanks to the creation of the Female Peronist Party Pern, won the elections in 1951 i- Eva couldnt be vice president because Perns supporters didnt like her j- When she died, the country stopped activities for a week. k- Her body was embalmed B- Complete the chart
Eva: a traditional woman She worked as a maid in the estancias Eva: a liberal woman She went to work to Buenos Aires when she was fifteen

C- Order the words to make questions a- was / When / born / Eva / ? ......................................................................

b- Eva / Why / and / her brothers / were / discriminated / ? ............................................................ c- she / a / Did / career / successful / have / as an actress / ? ......................................................... d- Why / Peron / prision / was / sent to / ? ......................................................................

e- distribute / What / the Eva Pern Foundation / did /? .................................................................. f- decline / she / Why / did / the vice presidency / ? ...................................................................... g- old / How / she / when / she / was / died/ ? D- Answer these questions E- Choose the appropriate tense form 1- Eva................cinema and movies a- loved b- was loving c- loves 2- During many years Eva and Pern ...............unmarried a- lived b- were living c-are living 3- Eva..................hard for the 1951 presidency with her husband a- works b- was working c- worked 4- She....................cancer when she declined the vice-presidency in 1952 a- suffered b- was suffering c- suffer 5- Eva.................herself a feminist woman a- didnt consider b- wasnt considering c- doesnt consider F- Answer these questions fully a- Did Eva have a difficult childhood? Why? Why not? b- Do you consider Eva a brave woman? Why? Why not? c- In your opinion, was she used by Pern to win political power? Why? Why not? d- Do you think the Eva Pern Foundation had a populist policy? Why? Why not? e- Why did Eva help the poor? f- Name two important things Eva did for the country g- Name two facts you didnt know about Eva Duarte ......................................................................

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