Lesson 4

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Development from infancy to late childhood

Lesson 4

Learning Intention: To understand & describe the characteristics of development from birth until late childhood

Key Knowledge Characteristics of development from birth to late childhood

Key Skills Describe the characteristics of development from birth to late childhood

Learning Tasks: Stage of the Lifespan Infancy birth-3 years Early childhood3-6 years Late childhood7-12 years 1. Working in groups of 2 you will be allocated one dimension of development from one of the three stages of the lifespan listed in the table above. Your task is to: a) Find & record 3-4 developmental milestones (characteristics of development) related to you stage and dimension. You can use any resources to help you find this information (hint: pages 209-226 of your textbook will probably be very helpful). E.g. during late childhood children learn to use logical thinking processes & start to develop abstract thoughts. Physical Intellectual Emotional Social

b) Find a video clip, whether it is from Youtube, Google Videos or Teacher Tube that shows one of the characteristics that you have recorded in a). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-BvUfEHEQM this video shows a 9 year old boy using logical thinking processes to identify which glass has the most amount of water in it. c) Present & explain your findings from a)& b)to the class- copying the 3-4 characteristics into the table on the board. d) Copy & complete the table on the board into your workbooks. Decorate the table & use little images or symbols next to each characteristic to help you remember it.

2. Class Photo Gallery: Bring in a picture of yourself between the ages of 1 & 12 (make sure you know the age). A class photo gallery will be constructed with everybodys picture. Your job is to use your knowledge of childhood development to guess the age of each of your class members in their photos. Using the table template below, draw up a larger scale table in your workbook & record your results. Once everyone has completed their table the true ages will be revealed & class results will be discussed. If someone can guess the ages right for every photo a prize will be awarded. Age Guessed 3 Justification of age/stage of development She is showing the ability to have some control of her motor skills, using a spoon to eat- she however missed her mouth. She has developed a sense of humour and is expressing this emotion through laughter (possibly at missing her mouth)

Name of classmate Priscilla

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