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NUR FARHANA BT MUHAMMAD FUAD PISMP SCIENCE JANUARY 2011 List three things about life that you

learned from Chris Gardners story.

What I learned from the story of Chris Gardner lifes was hard work and strong heart are essential elements needed to survive in this life. Facing many challenges of life and hardships, Chris Gardner seems obviously can face those strongly and successfully. Plus, he also appear as a very hard work character that never give up upon something that may interrupted his life. The second point I get from Chriss life was to grab any chance s that appear in front. This was shown by him when he got the opportunity to talk to Witter in a cab and impress him by solving Rubiks cube. He also can stabilise his emotion when Linda add more problems when she decides to leave and take Christopher along with her. He still can pick up the call that is from Mr. Witter about giving him opportunity to employ in his company, even Chris is in an urgent situation. Lastly, the thing of life that I learned from Chris Gardner is about survive for the one who we love. From this story, it is obviously shown by Chris that he can continually continue his journey of life for Christopher. Even whatever obstacle that came up and push his life to hardship and even poverty, he still can make it and came to a successful life with the existence of Christopher beside him.

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