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Friday, February 26, 2010

Health H lth h&S Science i

from page 9

through the Fajr prayer. Other people have a different kind of ritual, like their morning cup of coffee and newspaper, or their morning workout. Those rituals are a strong impetus for waking up and enjoying the part of day that most of us waste for sleep. So in order to get in the habit of waking up early even in weekends, you can start setting up goals to accomplish in the morning. We are creatures of habit, so start a good habit in the morning, which will make waking up more enjoyable.

Dalai Lama, said, "Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can. These kind words and

positive energy ought to be espoused by every person that wants to succeed. It doesnt come easily, so dont force it. Train your body and spirit until it reaches that perfection, and then keep up the efforts to maintain what you have achieved. As much as mornings are such a drag, and sleep seems to be the perfect thing to do at the time we need to wake up. We should always remember the following hadith that The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "O Allah, bless my Ummah in the mornings." Blessings I would like to close with the following: Some of the salaf disliked the idea of sleeping after Fajr, Ibn Abi Shaybah reported in his Musannaf with a sahih isnad from Urwah ibn Zubair that he said: "Al-Zubair used to forbid his children to sleep in the morning. Urwah said: I do not hear of any man who sleeps in the morning, but I lose interest in that person. We do not want Urwah or anybody to lose interest in us, so lets take this matter seriously and approach this human behavior in a holistic manner. If we have a problem sleeping, then lets heal the root causes, if its just a bad

Book B k of f th theWeek W k

Lost History,The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Scientists, Thinkers and Artists

Written By Michael Hamilton Morgan
f we lose the past, how would we enter the future?" This is how former US diplomat and author Michael Hamilton Morgan summarized the idea behind his book "Lost History: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Scientists, Thinkers, and Artists" which talks about how the Islamic civilization contributed significantly to our modern world. On Monday, March 10, 2008, Morgan spoke at Sultan El-Ghouri palace in Cairo's historic Al-Azhar district, Egypt, on the occasion of publishing the Arabic translation of his book. The book is based on the premise that there is no clash of civilizations or war of religions between Islam and the West. Instead, people today have a single global civilization, based on digital innovations that are derived from the achievements of Muslim thinkers, writers, and artists during what Europe calls the middle ages. "When I first started writing, there was disagreement whether to call it Islamic or Arabic civilization," Morgan explained. "There was also disagreement about whether Muslims have a civilization or not." But at the end, it became

habit of sleeping late, like I and most of my friends suffer from, then lets not force the good habits, but gradually adopt them.

After all it is worth our efforts, since there are a lot of blessings waiting for us in the mornings.

clear how Islam acted as a binding force for this civilization and culture. "For decades, Islamic civilization was the most progressive force in the world. This is a thing that we in the West do not remember," he added. Morgan went on to highlight some of the achievements of pioneering Muslim scientists he discusses in his book including mathematician Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, optician Ibn AlHaitham, astronomer Al-Tusi, and chemist Jabir Ibn Hayyan. He also pointed out how AlQur'an itself has presented accurate scientific information within its folds including details on human reproduction and calendar calculations.

AL-RAZI (RHAZES, 865-930)

Name: Title Birth Death Ethnicity Region School Main interestes Notable Ideas : Abu Bakar Muhammad ibn Zakariya Razi. : Al-Razi, Rhazes, Rasis, Ibn Zakariya, Polymath. : August 26, 865 in Rayy, Iran. : 930 in Baghdad, Iraq. : Persian. : Persia. : Persian Science : Chemistry, Medicine, Biology, Science. : The discovery of alcohol, first to produce acids such as sulfuric acid, writing up limited or extensive notes on diseases such as smallpox and chickenpox, a pioneer in neurosurgery and ophthalmology, making leading contributions in inorganic and organic chemistry, also the author of several philosophical works. : The Virtuous Life, A Medical Adviser for the General Public, Doubts About Galen, The Diseases of Children; The Classification of Diseases, Royal Medicine, For One Without a Doctor, and The Book of Simple Medicine. Wikipedia


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