E1-Conduction Heat Transfer

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ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module

1.0 OBJECTIVES 1.1. To examine the temperature profile along a homogeneous bar and radial of cylinder
by conduction. 1.2. To investigate Fouriers Law for the linear conduction of heat along a homogeneous bar



The equipment comprises two heat-conducting specimens, a multi-section bar for the examination of linear conduction and a metal disc for radial conduction. A control panel provides electrical and power digital for display heaters in the specimens as well as the selector switch for data acquisition system A small flow of cooling water provides a heat sink at the end of the conducting path in each specimen.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10

Figure 1: Unit Assembly for Heat Conduction Study Bench No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Item Control Panel Heater Power Indicator Heater Power Regulator Heater Power Temperature Indicator Temperature Selector Main Power Switch Temperature Sensors Radial Module Linear Module

ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module

2.1 Specifications a) Linear Module Consists of the following sections: i) Heater Section Material : Brass Diameter : 25 mm ii) Cooler Section Material : Brass Diameter : 25 mm iii) Interchangeable Test Section - Insulated Test Section with Temperature Sensors Array (Brass) (Diameter = 25mm, Length = 30 mm) b) Radial Module Material : Brass Diameter : 110 mm Thickness : 3 mm c) Instrumentations Linear module consists of a maximum of 9 temperature sensors at 10 mm interval. For radial module, 6 temperature sensors at 10 mm interval along the radius are installed. Each test modules are installed with 100 Watt heater.



Thermal conduction is the mode of heat transfer, which occurs in a material by virtue of a temperature gradient. A solid is chosen for the demonstration of pure conduction since both liquids and gases exhibit excessive convective heat transfer. In a practical situation, heat conduction occurs in three dimensions, a complexity which often requires extensive computation to analyze. In the laboratory, a single dimensional approach is required to demonstrate the basic law that relates rate of heat flow to temperature gradient and area. 3.1 Linear Conduction Heat Transfer


dx 2

ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module



Figure 2: Linear temperature distribution It is often necessary to evaluate the heat flow through a solid when the flow is not steady e.g. through the wall of a furnace that is being heated or cooled. To calculate the heat flow under these conditions it is necessary to find the temperature distribution through the solid and how the distribution varies with. Using the equipment set-up already described, it is a simple matter to monitor the temperature profile variation during either a heating or cooling cycle thus facilitating the study of unsteady state conduction.






FiFigure 3: Linear temperature distribution of different materials Fouriers Law states that:

ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module

Q = kA where,

dT dx


Q = heat flow rate, [W] W k = thermal conductivity of the material, Km A = cross-sectional area of the conduction, [m2] dT = changes of temperature between 2 points, [K] dx = changes of displacement between 2 points, [m] From continuity the heat flow rate (Q) is the same for each section of the conductor. Also the thermal conductivity (k) is constant (assuming no change with average temperature of the material). Hence,

AH (dT ) A (dT ) A (dT ) = S = C (dx H ) (dx S ) (dx C )

i.e. the temperature gradient is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area.









Figure 4: Temperature distribution with various cross-sectional areas

ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module


Radial Conduction Heat Transfer (Cylindrical)


Temperature Distribution

Ri Ro



Figure 5: Radial temperature distribution When the inner and outer surfaces of a thick walled cylinder are each at a uniform temperature, heat rows radially through the cylinder wall. From continuity considerations the radial heat flow through successive layers in the wall must be constant if the flow is steady but since the area of successive layers increases with radius, the temperature gradient must decrease with radius. The amount of heat (Q), which is conducted across the cylinder wall per unit time, is:

Q =

2Lk (Ti To ) R ln o Ri


Q = heat flow rate, [W] L = thickness of the material, [m] W k = thermal conductivity of the material, Km Ti = inner section temperature, [K]

Ro = outer radius, [m] Ri = inner radius, [m]

ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module

To = outer section temperature, [K]


Homogeneous bar

1. Make sure that the main switch is initially off. Then Insert a brass conductor (25mm diameter) section intermediate section into the linear module and clamp together 2. Connect the ninth sensor (TT1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7, 8, 9) leads to the linear module with the TT1 connected to the end left plug on the linear. 3. Turn ON the water supply and ensure that water is flowing from the free end of the water pipe to drain. This should be checked at intervals 4. Turn the heater power control knob control panel to the fully anticlockwise position and connect the sensors leads 5. Switch ON the power supply and main switch, the digital readouts will be illuminated. 6. Turn the heater power control to 15 Watts and allow sufficient time for a steady state condition to be achieved before recording the temperature at all nine sensor points and the input power reading on the wattmeter (Q). Repeat this procedure for input power at 10 watts and 5 watts. After each change, sufficient time must be allowed to achieve steady state conditions. Record all your data in Table 1. 7. End of experiment Note: i) When assembling the sample between the heater and the cooler take care to match the shallow shoulders in the housings. ii) Ensure that the temperature measurement points are aligned along the longitudinal axis of the unit.

4.2. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Wall of a cylinder Make sure that the main switch is initially off. Connect one of the water tubes to the water supply and the other to drain. Connect the heater supply lead for the radial conduction module into the power supply socket on the control panel. Connect the six sensor (TT1, 2, 3 & 7, 8, 9) leads to the radial module, with the TT1 connected to the innermost plug on the radial. Connect the remaining five sensor leads to the radial module correspondingly, ending with TT 9 sensor lead at the edge of the radial module Turn on the water supply and ensure that water is flowing from the free end of the water pipe to drain. This should be checked at intervals Turn the heater power control knob control panel to the fully anticlockwise position. Switch on the power supply and main switch, the digital readouts will be illuminated Turn the heater power control to 15 Watts and allow sufficient time for a steady state condition to be achieved before recording the temperature at all six sensor points and the input power reading on the wattmeter (Q). Repeat

5. 6. 7. 8.

ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module


this procedure for input power between 10 watts and 5 watts. After each change, sufficient time must be allowed to achieve steady state conditions. Record all your data in Table 2 End experiment



Experiment - Homogeneous bar 1). Plot the temperature, T (C) versus sensor distance, x(meter) in figure 1 from data in
Table 1. 2). From the graph in figure 1 calculate the thermal conductivity at heater power is 5 watts.

Experiment - Wall of a cylinder 1). Plot the temperature, T(C) versus sensor distance(radius), r (meter) in figure 2 from
data in Table 2.



ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module

EXPERIMENT - Homogeneous bar

Table 1 Heater TT1 Power, Q (C) (Watts) 5 10 15 20

TT2 (C)

TT3 (C)

TT4 (C)

TT5 (C)

TT6 (C)

TT7 (C)

TT8 (C)

TT9 (C)

Figure 1

Temperature versus Distance

EXPERIMENT - Wall of a cylinder

Table 2 Test Heater TT1 Power, Q (C) (Watts) 5 10 15 20 TT2 (C) TT3 (C) TT7 (C) TT8 (C) TT9 (C)


ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module

Figure 2

Temperature(oC) versus radial(x)

ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module

7.1. 7.2.


Briefly summarize the key results of each experiment Explain the significance of your findings


Explain any unusual difficulties or problems which may have led to poor results


Offer suggestions for how the experimental procedure or design could be improved.


Compare your experimental values with theoretical values given


Define thermal conductivity and explain its significance in heat transfer.

Table 1 Material, k(W/m.K) Brick (insulating), 0.15 Brick (red), 0.60 Concrete, 0.80 Glass, 0.80


Refer to Table 1, which would make for better insulation for your home? Explain your answer


ENT 255 Heat Transfer

Laboratory Module

8.0. CONCLUSION (Based on data and discussion, make your overall conclusion by referring to experiment objective)
The conclusion for this lab is




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