Advantage of Practicum

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A practicum is a college course, often in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory. Practicums (student teaching) are common for education and social work majors. In some cases, the practicum may be a part-time student teaching placement that occurs the semester before a student's full-time student teaching placement. As we talking about practicum that involved is medical terms, we should know that in many countries there are mainly three types of Medical Laboratories as per the types of investigations carried out. 1. Clinical Pathology 2. Clinical Microbiology & 3. Clinical Biochemistry laboratories. 1. Clinical Pathology: Haematology, Histopathology, Cytology, Routine Pathology2. Clinical Microbiology: Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology, Immunology, Serology.3. Clinical Biochemistry: Biochemical analysis, Hormonal assays etc.Blood Banks:- Blood bank is a separate body. Its laboratory need Microbiological analysis for infectious diseases that may be found in blood. Pathology to observe Blood grouping, Haematology & cross matching reactions. Purpose of the practicum is to assure that students have practical experience to support academic skills and information acquired within the broad field of public health before they enter the world of public health practice. The student and his/her academic advisor will determine the place, scope, and duration of the practicum. In general, practicum sites will meet the following criteria: The practicum site will enable the students to apply specific skills or competencies learned in the academic program, the site will provide logistic support to the student (e.g. desk, telephone, patient records, data, etc.), the practicum will match the educational/experiential needs of the student, and last the site supervisor will have a community-based perspective.

Luvita Peilouw (07120080086)

Luvita Peilouw (07120080086)

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