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Unit 2 Test Review: The Big Bang & the Fate of the Universe Test Review


1) An infinite universe is one of the assumptions of the cosmological principle.

Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 26.1

2) The Big Bang was an expansion of matter into empty space

Answer: FALSE

5) The universe has been expanding at the same rate since its formation.

Answer: FALSE

6) Einstein's cosmological constant is a leading candidate for the "dark energy".

Answer: TRUE

7) Currently we think the matter accounts for only 27% of the cosmos, with dark
energy making up the rest.

Answer: TRUE

8) The cosmic microwave background is the total of all the radio emissions from
all the galaxies and quasars in the universe.

Answer: FALSE

9) In pair production, the heaviest particles are formed in reactions that have
the highest temperatures. Answer: TRUE

10) When an electron is formed from a gamma ray collision, a positron is also

Answer: TRUE

11) Pair production is how a proton and electron are formed together from two
photons, with neutrinos also given off.

Answer: FALSE

12) Before the Planck time of 10-43 seconds, the Big Bang must be treated as a
singularity, with even general relativity yielding no information about it.

Answer: TRUE

13) In the GUT, gravity was the first force to take on a separate identity at the
Planck Time.

Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 27.2

14) In the GUT, the electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force were the first to
separate, then came gravity.
Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 27.2

15) The period before the separation of the gravitational force is the Planck

Answer: TRUE

16) The density of the cosmos at the end of the lepton epoch was comparable to
iron, about ten times denser than water.

Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 27.2

17) Deuterium and helium could be made only during the nuclear epoch. Answer:

Answer: FALSE

18) The protons, neutrons, and electrons of our atoms were made in the quark

Answer: FALSE

19) Deuterium was made only in primordial nucleosynthesis, since stars destroy it.

Answer: TRUE

20) Primordial nucleosynthesis refers to the Big Bang making all elements up to

Answer: FALSE

21) At decoupling, the electrons and protons were made from neutron decay.

Answer: FALSE

22) Decoupling refers to interactions between matter and antimatter at the end of
the Radiation Era.

Answer: FALSE

Page Ref: 27.3

23) The horizon problem relates to the isotropy of the microwave background

Answer: TRUE

Page Ref: 27.418)

24) The universe expanded by a factor of 1050 during inflation, when the strong
force separated from the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces. Answer:

Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 27.4

Multiple Choice

1) Homogeneity and isotropy, taken as assumptions regarding the structure and

evolution of the universe, are known as:

A) Obler's Paradox.

B) Hubble's Law.

C) Wien's Law.

D) the Cosmological Principle.

E) the Grand Unified Theory.

Answer: D
2) The redshift of the galaxies is correctly interpreted as

A) a Doppler shift due to the random motions of galaxies in space.

B) an aging of light as gravity weakens with time.

C) space itself is expanding with time, so the photons are stretched while
they travel through space.

D) placing our Galaxy near the center of the Local Group.

E) the differences in temperatures and star formation in old and young


Answer: C

Page Ref: 26.2

3) What does the Hubble law imply about the history of the universe?

A) The universe must be infinitely old and huge.

B) The universe had a beginning and has expanded since, giving it a finite

C) The Milky Way lies exactly at the center of this expansion.

D) The red shifts will lengthen with time due to dark energy.

E) The red shifts will turn to blue shifts as universe contraction follows
the expansion.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.2

4) The presently accepted value of the Hubble constant gives an age of

A) 4.5 billion years.

B) 8-9 billion years.

C) 13.7 billion years.

D) 18.0 billion years.

E) 22.3 billion years.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.2

5) The center of the universe

A) is the Milky Way.

B) is the Sun.

C) is Earth.

D) is where the Big Bang happened.

E) does not exist anywhere in space.

Answer: E

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.2

6) The sky is dark at night

A) because the stars in the Milky Way are far away.

B) because the Sun is on the other side of Earth.

C) because there are far fewer stars on the night side of Earth.

D) because all the light from all the objects in the universe hasn't arrived
here yet.

E) because the quasars are too far away from Earth for their light to have
arrived here.

Answer: D

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.2

7) What was there just after the Big Bang?

A) nothing

B) the primeval fireball

C) a singularity

D) a black hole

E) everything was inside Earth

Answer: B
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.2
8) What is the Big Bang?

A) An enormous explosion that organized all matter in the universe.

B) The creation of matter and the universe.

C) The creation of the primeval fireball.

D) An explosion that spewed matter all over the universe.

E) The event that started the expansion of the universe.

Answer: E

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.2

9) Astronomers know the universe is expanding because

A) everything is moving away from us.

B) all stars are moving away from us.

C) most galaxies are moving away from us.

D) galaxies farther away are moving away from us faster.

E) there is a cosmic microwave background.

Answer: D

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.2

10) In which of the following models will the universe stop expanding?

A) High Density Universe

B) Low Density Universe

C) Steady State Universe

D) Critical Density Universe

E) Euclidean Universe

Answer: A

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 26.3

11) In which of the following models will the universe stop expanding?

A) Open Universe

B) Closed Universe

C) Critical Density Universe

D) Steady State Universe

E) All have an ultimate collapse.

Answer: B

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 26.3

12) What is the meaning of a "closed" universe?

A) The universe is already collapsing back into another cycle.

B) The universe will someday stop expanding and begin collapsing inward.

C) The universe will slow down and stop expanding in an infinite amount of

D) The universe is in a steady state, with constant replacement of matter

and energy.

E) The universe will expand forever.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.3

13) According to the data from the microwave background radiation, at what speed
and in what direction is Earth moving through the universe?

A) 380 km/s in the direction of Leo

B) 70 km/s in the direction of the Big Bang

C) 300,000 km/s in the direction of Polaris

D) 250 km/s in the direction of Vega

E) 600 km/s North

Answer: A

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.3

14) In the closed universe model, the geometry of spacetime in two dimensions
resembles the surface of a

A) flat piece of paper.

B) saddle.

C) cylinder.

D) sphere.

E) pyramid.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.4

15) The critical evidence for cosmic acceleration in 1998 came from two teams of
astronomers, both observing:

A) hypernovae.

B) gamma ray bursts.

C) type I supernovae.

D) type II supernovae.

E) ages of globular clusters.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.5

16) The expansion rate of the Universe is

A) increasing.

B) decreasing.

C) constant.

D) different in different directions.

E) independent of time.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.5

17) The universal accelerating force could NOT be considered:

A) antigravity.

B) Einstein's cosmological constant.

C) dark energy.

D) vacuum pressure.

E) dark matter.

Answer: E

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.5

18) The luminous matter in the universe accounts for what percent of the total
mass of the universe?

A) less than 4%

B) about 23%

C) about 27%

D) about 73%
E) 100%

Answer: A

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.6

19) In the critical universe now proposed, the ratio of matter/energy is about:

A) 50:50.

B) 27:73.

C) 75:25.

D) 10:90.

E) 95:5.

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.6

20) The two teams involved in the discovery of the cosmic microwave background
radiation were at:

A) NRAO and Cal Tech.

B) JPL and the Hubble Space Institute.

C) Kitt Peak and the University of Arizona.

D) Bell Labs and Princeton.

E) Mt. Palomar and the VLA.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.7

21) What temperature has the Big Bang cooled to by now?

A) About 3,000 K

B) 5,800 K

C) About 300 K

D) Just over 2.7K

E) 1.4 K

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.7

22) The discovery of the cosmic microwave background was important because

A) it established a firm center of the Universe.

B) it was was experimental verification of a prediction from the Big Bang

C) it proved that astronomy at radio wavelengths was possible.

D) its detection was a major advance in microwave testing.

E) it showed the universe must be closed, with more than the critical
density here.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.7

23) The photons from the microwave background have not interacted with matter
since the universe was how old?

A) 4,000,000,000 years old

B) 4,000,000 years old

C) 400,000 years old

D) 4,000 years old

E) 4 seconds old

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.7

24) When the microwave background radiation was emitted, about how big was the

A) smaller than the head of a pin

B) 1/1,000,000 its current size

C) 1/100,000 its current size

D) 1/1,000 its currents size

E) 1/100 its current size

Answer: D

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.7

25) According to the microwave background radiation Earth is

A) at the center of the universe.

B) near the location of the Big Bang.

C) in no special location in the universe.

D) in a part of the universe that is just like any other part.

E) moving at about 380 km/s toward Leo.

Answer: E

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.7

26) The cosmic microwave background is

A) redshifted in the direction of Earth's motion.

B) redshifted in the direction of the Sun's motion.

C) redshifted in the direction of the center of the Milky Way.

D) blueshifted in the direction of Earth's motion.

E) blueshifted in the direction of the Virgo Cluster.

Answer: D

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 26.7

27) The critical temperature above which pair production can occur is called the

A) Chandrasekhar Limit.

B) Cosmological Constant.

C) fusion temperature.

D) threshold temperature.

E) event horizon.

Answer: D

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 27.1

28) When new particle pairs are being created as fast as they annihilate, it is

A) hydrostatic equilibrium.

B) thermal equilibrium.

C) the threshold equilibrium.

D) the cosmological constant.

E) the critical density.

Answer: B

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 27.1

29) Currently, most of the mass of the matter of the universe is believed to
consist of

A) baryonic matter, made up of protons and neutrons.

B) tachyonic matter, travelling only faster than the speed of light.

C) dark matter not made of protons and neutrons.

D) dark energy.

E) tiny but very numerous black holes.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.1

30) Pair production can occur if

A) the energy of two photons is greater than the combined mass-energy of a

particle-anti-particle pair.

B) only virtual particles are produced.

C) photons are at the event horizon of a black hole.

D) one particle is struck by a sufficiently high energy photon that a pair

of electrons are formed.

E) the particle and antiparticle have opposite spins.

Answer: A

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.1

31) How does the energy of the cosmic microwave background compare to the energy
radiated by all the stars and galaxies that ever existed?

A) They are very close to being equal.

B) 73% cosmic background, 27% starlight.

C) About ten times more from the Big Bang than from stars and galaxies.

D) The starlight now dominates the background, as your eyes show clearly.

E) We have no way of comparing matter and energy this way.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

32) The crossover point from radiation to matter domination occurred

A) when the strong force separated from the other two forces.

B) with the emission of the cosmic background radiation.

C) about 50,000 years after the Big Bang, at a temperature of about 16,000

D) with the creation of neutrons and protons, at about 1013 K.

E) with the creation of electrons and positrons at about 6 × 109 K.

Answer: C
Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

33) Both protons and neutrons (and their anti-particles) froze out

A) after 10-43 seconds, at the Planck Era.

B) at 1032 K, at the end of the Inflationary Era.

C) at 1013 K, about .0001 seconds after the Big Bang.

D) after about a minute of expansion.

E) about 50,000 years after the Big Bang.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

34) In pair production in the Big Bang, which statement is FALSE?

A) The heaviest particles and their antiparticles formed first, from

collisions of the highest energy gamma rays.

B) Matter is frozen energy, according to Einstein's E = mc2.

C) Every electron should have a proton formed at the same time with it.

D) Even neutrons have their antineutrons, although both lack any charge.

E) In addition to familiar neutrons and protons, many other exotic particle

and antiparticle pairs formed, but decayed back to radiation.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

35) Concerning dark energy, we do know

A) that it is created when matter annihilates anti-matter.

B) its density remains constant over time, so it is not important in the

early Universe.

C) combined with dark matter, it will ultimately produce a closed universe.

D) that it was revealed with Type II supernovae distances in the late 1990s.

E) that it makes up 90% of all the matter and energy in the whole universe.

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

36) At this time, the universe is

A) radiation dominated.

B) quark dominated.

C) lepton dominated.
D) matter dominated.

E) dark energy dominated.

Answer: E

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

37) Before about 4 billion years ago the universe was

A) radiation dominated.

B) quark dominated.

C) lepton dominated.

D) matter dominated.

E) dark energy dominated.

Answer: D

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

38) Before about 50,000 years after the Big Bang the universe was

A) radiation dominated.

B) quark dominated.

C) lepton dominated.

D) matter dominated.

E) dark energy dominated.

Answer: A

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

39) In the process of pair production, which of the following is a possible
product pair?

A) electron-neutron

B) proton-neutron

C) electron-positron

D) proton-positron

E) electron-proton

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

40) Because of their mass, the threshold temperature for electrons is

A) higher than that of neutrons.

B) lower than that of protons.

C) higher than that of protons.

D) lower than that of hydrogen.

E) higher than that of hydrogen.

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.1

41) How hot was the universe at time zero?

A) 2.73 K

B) 5, 800 K

C) 16, 000 K

D) 1032 K

E) We have no theory capable to addressing this question.

Answer: E

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 27.2

42) Gravity becomes separate from the other forces at the

A) decoupling Event, about a million years after the Big Bang.

B) end of the Planck Era, about 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang.

C) end of the Inflationary Epoch, about 10-32 seconds into creation.

D) beginning of particle production, about .0001 seconds into the universe.

E) end of electron production, about a minute after creation.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.2

43) What would help scientists probe the period from zero time to 10-43 second?

A) discovery of a white hole, with matter and energy flowing out

B) more sophisticated gravity wave detectors

C) a theory incorporating the force of gravity into existing GUTs

D) a better understanding of the nature of dark energy

E) more detailed observations of the cosmic microwave background

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.2

44) Collectively, electrons, muons, and neutrinos are called

A) hadrons.

B) baryons.

C) photons.

D) leptons.

E) pions.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.2

45) The period from about one to 100 seconds after the Big Bang is called the

A) pair-production era.

B) atomic epoch.

C) nuclear epoch.

D) quark epoch.

E) lepton epoch.

Answer: E

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.2

46) The quark epoch is when _________ was/were created

A) all known matter.

B) everything in normal atoms.

C) only dark energy.

D) protons and neutrons that still survive.

E) the rapid inflation of the cosmos.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.2

47) During the nuclear epoch, the temperatures were

A) higher than 1032 K.

B) about a trillion degrees.

C) comparable to the temperatures inside giant stars today.

D) less than 10 million K.

E) between 3,000 and 16,000 K.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.2

48) What key event took place during the atomic epoch?

A) the universe expanded and cooled enough to allow the first particles to

B) The universe expanded and cooled enough for electrons to orbit protons.

C) The neutrinos were created.

D) Atoms in the universe collected to form stars and galaxies.

E) The universe underwent a brief period of rapid expansion.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.2

49) The period from about 100 seconds up to 15 minutes after the Big Bang is the

A) Radiation Era.

B) Lepton Epoch.

C) Nuclear Epoch.

D) Decoupling Epoch.

E) Matter Era.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

50) In the Grand Unified Theory, the superforce was

A) only dark energy.

B) a union of the weak and electromagnetic forces.

C) a union of all matter and energy.

D) a union of the gravitational, strong and weak nuclear, and

electromagnetic forces.

E) was only in effect at low energies.

Answer: D

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

51) Scientists are able to use the theories of physics to describe the conditions
of the universe back to

A) the moment of the Big Bang.

B) the end of the Planck Epoch.

C) the beginning of GUT.

D) the end of the Radiation Era.

E) the Recombination Epoch.

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

52) The nuclear epoch occurred during the formation of

A) only protons and neutrons.

B) dark energy.

C) deuterium and helium.

D) all elements up to iron.

E) all known elements.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

53) How do astronomers define the "superforce"?

A) a force connecting electromagnetism and the strong and the weak nuclear

B) the GUT, with all five forces combined

C) the GUT, but with no dark energy added in

D) a force connecting gravity and the electroweak force

E) a force including only dark energy and gravity

Answer: A

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

54) At what point do the weak nuclear and electromagnetic forces split?

A) never, they are still united

B) at 1012 K, when pair production starts for neutrons and protons

C) at 10-43 seconds, when all four forces separate as the Planck Era ends

D) at about four seconds, when at millions of degrees hydrogen forms helium

E) after about 10-10 seconds, when the temperature drops below 1015 K
Answer: E

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

55) The stellar epoch, which we are still in today, began with

A) the end of the quark epoch, when neutrons and protons fused into

B) the end of the lepton epoch, when neutrinos were formed and escaped from

C) with the liberation of the dark energy.

D) about 100 million years after the Big Bang, with the making of galaxies.

E) about three billion years after the Big Bang, with population I stars

Answer: E

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

56) Which of these orderings of the epochs is correct?

A) nuclear, stellar, galactic

B) quark, lepton, atomic

C) Planck, lepton, quark

D) nuclear, lepton, quark

E) Planck, stellar, galactic

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

57) Of the normal elements around us, the Big Bang produced

A) none, only energy.

B) only hydrogen.

C) hydrogen and helium.

D) all elements up to iron.

E) all elements in much their present proportions.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

58) At the end of the first fifteen minutes, the mass ratio of H/He created was

A) 50/50.

B) 75/25.
C) 27/73.

D) 90/10.

E) 1/4.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

59) Which of these substances must be primordial?

A) helium

B) lithium

C) deuterium

D) beryllium

E) tritium

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

60) The scarcity of what isotope is a critical test of the density of the present

A) carbon 14

B) deuterium

C) helium 3

D) helium 4

E) lithium 5

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

61) About how hot was the Big Bang when matter and energy "decoupled"?

A) 900 million K

B) 15 million K

C) 3,000 K

D) 300 K

E) 2.73 K

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

62) What key event happened during the decoupling epoch?

A) Pairs of neutrons and protons were created.

B) Electrons and positrons were created.

C) expansion cooled the universe enough that protons could capture electrons
in orbit.

D) Dark energy accelerated the cosmos on to infinity.

E) The universe underwent a brief period of very rapid expansion.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

63) The Big Bang formed

A) only hydrogen.

B) only helium.

C) hydrogen and helium, but nothing else.

D) all elements up to iron.

E) all elements found in nature now.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

64) Before the decoupling,

A) the Universe was transparent to radiation.

B) the Universe was opaque to radiation.

C) protons and electrons combined to form atoms.

D) there was more helium than hydrogen.

E) deuterium produced electrons and positrons.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

65) Most of the deuterium that formed right after the Big Bang

A) is still around today.

B) broke down into electrons and neutrons.

C) turned into dark matter.

D) quickly burned into helium nuclei.

E) was found in the globular clusters.

Answer: D

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

66) The critical temperature for nucleosynthesis to begin was the

A) triple alpha reaction at 100 million K.

B) deuterium bottleneck at about 900 million K.

C) proton-proton cycle at 10 million K.

D) iron production at 10 billion K.

E) formation of lithium at 50 million K.

Answer: B

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.3

67) There is observational evidence that supports the theoretical conditions of
the universe. The farthest back in the history of the universe this evidence goes

A) the moment of the Big Bang.

B) the end of the Planck epoch.

C) the beginning of GUT.

D) the end of the Radiation Era.

E) the Recombination Epoch.

Answer: E

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.3

68) Which of these did NOT occur at decoupling?

A) The cosmic microwave radiation was released from matter.

B) Neutral atoms were formed.

C) Matter dominated radiation.

D) Electrons began to orbit protons.

E) The universe became transparent.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.3

69) Why didn't elements heavier than helium form in the first minutes of creation?
A) The first generation of stars used them up too quickly to observe them.

B) There was not enough matter in the universe at that time.

C) When He-4 was formed, the expansion cooled the cosmos below 100 million

D) The electrons slowed down enough to be captured into orbits by protons.

E) Only Type I supernovae can produce iron and heavier elements.

Answer: C

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.3

70) The best answer to both the flatness and horizon problems is

A) the Steady State Theory.

B) the GUT theory.

C) the inflationary epoch.

D) dark energy.

E) decoupling.

Answer: C

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.4

71) What did the cosmic microwave background tell cosmologists about the early

A) Nothing; it is a product of the black hole in the center of our own


B) The horizon problem in that the microwave background is almost too


C) The discovery of dark energy and its role in accelerating the universe.

D) The discovery of relativistic red shifts and the Big Bang.

E) The dark matter in the universe is mostly baryonic in nature, for a

closed Big Bang.

Answer: B

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.4


1) Most astronomers agree to interpret ________ Law to mean that the present day
universe is expanding.

Answer: Hubble's

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 26.2

2) ________ Paradox asks why is the night sky dark.

Answer: Olbers'

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 26.2

3) Einstein's ________ is a candidate for the dark energy that would be a

repulsive force that may exist throughout space, and accelerate the expansion of
the universe.

Answer: cosmological constant

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 26.5

4) The ________ is the observational evidence that the whole universe was once
extremely hot and dense, as called for in the Big Bang, but has now expanded and
red shifted this energy to much longer wavelengths.

Answer: microwave background radiation

5) Discounting the newly discovered role of dark energy, the universe we live in
now is said to be ________ dominated.

Answer: matter

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 27.1

6) The ________ background radiation in fact far exceeds all the energy radiated
by all the stars and galaxies that formed since then.

Answer: microwave

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 27.1

7) During the Planck Epoch, all forces were ________, and the universe was
considered as a singularity.

Answer: unified

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 27.2

8) The ________ epoch has dominated the last ten billion years of universal

Answer: stellar

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 27.2

9) The universe was ________ old when electrons and positrons formed.

Answer: about a minute

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.2

10) The universe was two minutes old when ________ started to form from deuterium
Answer: helium

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.3

11) All of the ________ now observed must be primordial.

Answer: deuterium

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 27.3

12) The ________ epoch explains how the uniformity of the 2.73K background could
evolve into the clumpy cosmos we live in today.

Answer: inflation

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 27.4

13) The separation of the ________ force from the Grand Unified Force was
accompanied by the release of energy which went into forcing an immense inflation
of the size of the universe.

Answer: strong (nuclear)

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.4

14) A compelling advantage of the inflation theory is its explanation of both the
________ and ________ problems.

Answer: horizon; flatness

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 27.4

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