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H.T. Wharton Updated

Immortal Aphrodite, queen of an embroidered throne Daughter of Zeus, Tortoise, do not break my spirit with anguish and distress I pray. But come, if ever my prayers before you heard and heeded And leaving Zeus gilded house you came, chariot yoked by sparrows, Sparrows beautiful, drawing you, flapping, diving, descending From bright heavenly heights to dark earthly depths Through mid-sky vagueness. Their journey was quick; and you, blessed one, smiling that ageless smile you smile asked what befell I, why called I and what thing my thumping heart thumped mad for What Beauty spurns your attentions? Who hurts Sappho so? For if now she flees soon shell follow, and soon will give The gifts she now rejects, and soon love that love she loves not now Even against her will. In like manner come again I plead Aphrodite, Slake my thirst; loose me from this burden of my craving Accomplish on my behalf my hearts desires and be for me, Aphrodite, both goddess and ally. Kayode Faniyi (2013)

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