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Rules for Coding JCL Statements[edit] Keyword parameters[edit]

//NEWFILE DD DSN=MYFILE01,UNIT=DISK,SPACE=(TRK,80,10), // DCB=(LRECL=100,BLKSIZE=1000), // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE) All of the major parameters of OS JCL statements are identified by keywords and can be presented in any order. A few of these contain two or more sub-parameters, such as SPACE (how much disk space to allocate to a new file) and DCB (detailed specification of a file's layout) in the example above. Sub-parameters are sometimes positional, as in SPACE, but the most complex parameters, such as DCB, have keyword sub-parameters. Positional parameter must precede keyword parameters. Keyword parameters always assign values to a keyword using the equals sign (=).

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