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Question 18. (1238,Single Selection) Which class of IP is used in Multicasting group addresses (no hosts)?

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E Wrong! Looking for answers(s):3

Question 19. (1239,Single Selection) Class E IP is used for

1. Multicasting group addresses (no hosts) 2. Reserved for experimental purposes 3. Small networks, the most common class 4. Coprorate network Wrong! Looking for answers(s):2

Question 20. (1240,Single Selection) What is the Subnet Mask (Dotted Decimal) used in Class A IP?

1. 2. 3. 4. Wrong! Looking for answers(s):1

Question 21. (1241,Single Selection) Which of this is the lead bit (first 4 bit) of Class B IP?

1. 10xx 2. 110x 3. 1110 4. 1111 Wrong! Looking for answers(s):1

Question 22. (1242,Single Selection) Which of this is the lead bit (first 4 bit) of Class E IP?

1. 0xxx 2. 10xx 3. 110x 4. 1111

Wrong! Looking for answers(s):4

Question 23. (1243,Single Selection) Any IP address in the range of 128.0.x.x -191.255.x.x is considered a

1. Class A address 2. Class B address 3. Class C address 4. Class D address Wrong! Looking for answers(s):2

Question 24. (1244,Single Selection) Any IP address in the range of 192.0.0.x -223.225.255.x is considered a Class C address with a subnet mask of

1. 2. 3. 4. Wrong! Looking for answers(s):3

Question 25. (1245,Single Selection) Which of these is the most popular IP Class?

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D Wrong! Looking for answers(s):3

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