Extreme Makeover Home Edition Grading Rubric

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Name: _____________________

Extreme Make-Over Home Edition Project Rubric

Period: _______

Name_____________________________________________Period___________ Excel List of Items Purchased w formula for total Total Group Sheet with appropriate formula Chart Access Creation of store and item tables Creation of forms to enter data (2) Creation of queries Creation of report (grp by store) Pts. Possible 30 30 30 Pts. Possible 30 20 30 20 Self Assessment Teacher

Self Assessment


Word Description of room Link to Access and Excel files Reflection Miscellaneous Team Participation Were you a good partner? * Printed portfolio created (hard copies) Files added to shared drive properly Completed rubric self-assessment & peer assessment on group members Extra Credit

Pts. Possible 30 10 30 Pts. Possible 20 10 05 05

Self Assessment


Self Assessment


Grand Total Comments:

Pts. Possible 300

Self Assessment


* See Peer Assessment Rubric on next page

Name: _____________________ Peer Assessment Rubric Your Name: ________________________ Group Members Name: ___________________________ Please rate the members of your group on the following criteria. Strongly Disagree Disagree 1 2 1. This group member completed all parts of the project on time. 2. This group member worked well with the other people in the group. 3. This group member helped in discussing how to furnish the home. 4. This group member was helpful in developing the format for the Excel and Access files. 5. This group member worked hard to ensure that the project was completed correctly. 6. This group member considered others opinions when making decisions Total Points

Period: _______

Neither Agree/nor Disagree 3

Agree 4

Strongly Agree 5

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