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Disinfectants Available to use on Mushroom Farms

Disinfectant Type Chlorine Active Ingredients Calcium/Sodium Hypochlorite HTH, Bleach, other trade names Example Trade Names
Use/Restrictions/Comments Approved for FCS at 200 ppm, general disinfecting at 600 ppm; chlorine not tolerant OM; corrosive; inexpensive; adjustment of pH is critical, chlorine is not effective unless pH is approx. 7.0 or slightly lower. Approved for FCS at 25 ppm; broad spectrum disinfectant for general sanitation at 100 ppm. Provides little residual; may stain porous surfaces; sanitizer of choice for hospitals; midlevel cost. Mildly corrosive, different complexes and types; the more stabilized chemical need acids to activate; effective under some OM load; approved for FCS at 100 ppm; GS 500 ppm. Unknown efficacy; initial trials suggest more effective against spores than mycelium. Unknown efficacy; corrosive, expensive; labeled for FCS; check individual label for ppm. Low residual antimicrobial activity; kills broad spectrum of microorganisms.

Iodine Based


Various Trade names, e.g: Rapidyne


Chlorine Dioxide various types/levels of stability Hydrogen Peroxide or Hydrogen Dioxide Peracetic (peroxyacetic) acids Active peracid chemistry; Peracid chemistry is similar to that of the oxidizing disinfectants. Combination of: ortho-phenylphenate (OPP) and/or some potassium or sodium based phenol derivatives Quaternary Ammonia Chlorides Hydroxymethyl-npropanediol, formaldehyde, and dimethyl benzyl ammonia chloride Copper-8-Quinolinolate Propiconazole

Various Trade names, e.g: Oxysan Various Trade names, e.g: OxiDate


Various Trade names, e.g: Oxonia


Various Trade names, e.g., Premisan, Onestroke, Germ Warfare

Quaternary Ammonium

Various Trade names, e.g: Verticide, PermQuat, SantiQuat Various Trade names, e.g: Lysofume DCR PQ-57 Safetray

Does not have FCS tolerance; Tolerant of some OM load; Increasing OM load rapidly decreases effectiveness. Use on nonporous surface only (NO WOOD); Use on A/C or other equipment requires thorough rinsing with potable water. Clings to substances. Stable under low OM tolerances; does not easily dissipate. Broad spectrum, noncorrosive

Stabilized Formaldehy de
Wood Preservatives

Approved for wood surfaces between crops, prior to filling.

FCS = food contact surfaces; GS = general sanitation; OM = organic matter

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