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CONSCIOUS FADE IN EXT. HIGHROAD-DAY JASON STEEL (17) is running away from hit men. He turns around and cannot see them. He turns around once again and out of nowhere the sheer force of a car strikes him. Out of the car comes Mr Black(20). He has a smile on his face as he supposedly killed JASON. Shortly after, Mr Black is joined by Mr Red (21). Mr Red walks around the car and looks at the body. The shot cuts to a medium close up of Jasons body and then the camera zooms into his head where an open wound that is bleeding is. The camera then zooms into the wound. CUT TO: Wound in Jasons Head INT. JASONS HEAD The camera travel through his head we notice that there a part of his skull has collapsed in his brain and is stopping that part of the brain from functioning. CUT TO: JASON ON THE FLOOR Mr Red takes out his phone and dials a number. He puts the puts his phone to his ear and says: Mr Red (on phone) The job is done, he is no more The unknown source replies and says: UNKNOWN SOURCE (on phone) Well that was unexpected, being the on the most wanted list you wouldve thought hed at least put up a fight. Are you sure hes dead? Almost immediately after, A loud message tone sounds, the Hit Men turn around and we see that the source of the tone is coming from where Jason is lying behind the car. The two hit men faces immediately change. The shot cuts to Jasons hand, which starts twitching, and it slowly reaches into his pocket where the message tone is coming from. We notice that his phone has received a message. The camera focuses on the phone the message says:

CONSCIOUS `JASON STEEL, YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO DO AS I SAY IF YOU WANT TO LIVE THE TWO MEN BEHIND YOU ARE TRAINED HIT MAN OUT TO KILL YOU. The camera focuses on JASONS face and we see the disillusion ion eyes. He slowly peeks around the car and a gunshot is fired into the rear body of the car. Mr Red shouts: Mr Red `HEY! Hes alive JASON quickly stands to his feet runs off the road, back the way he came CUT TO: ALLEY WAY Hes met with challenging obstacles that requires skills that he has. He comes across a dead end and looks for a way out. He turns around and hears the voice of Mr Red and he shouts: Mr Red `OUT OF THE WAY! (SIT.1) He gets a flash back showing him how to overcome the obstacles, it instructs him take a few steps back and make a run push of the wall on the left with his left foot and the grab onto the ledge of the wall. He takes a few steps back and runs to the right wall and pushes of his right foot. He slips at the attempts and the flashback plays and realises that he should use his left foot. He tries again but this time he uses the left wall and he just grabs the ledge and climbs over. Hit Man 1 shoots and misses. (Sit.2) JASON is standing about 10 feet away from the wall. A superimposed video of JASON is played and acts as a guide for JASON to follow. He sees himself run up and climb the wall. He runs up and then climbs the wall. Shots are fired into the wall but it doesnt hit JSAON. The Hitmen run to the wall and realise that they cant climb over. They run back round to look for another route.


CUT TO: HIGH STREET JASON receives another text message, it says: UNKNOWN SOURCE Turn left at the next turn JASON runs straight and turns left at the next turn. He comes to a dead end, and he is shortly joined by Mr Red and Mr Black. They draw their weapons and JASON says: JASON STEEL This is a new suit, can I take it off before I die Mr Red laughs and says: Mr Red Why not JASON takes off his blazer, and throws it at the Hitmen, temporarily confusing them; this gives him enough time to launch an assault. He comes from the right hand side and throws a lethal strike at Mr Black with his right hand. Mr Black is knocked out and is lying on the floor. JASON is shocked at the level of combat skills he possesses, he looks down at his hands and then looks up and Mr Red surprises JASON by throwing a lethal punch which connects with the right side of JASONS face knocking him onto the floor. JASON gets a flashback, which shows him in a similar situation where he sweeps the person onto the floor. JASON copies this action and sweeps Mr Red onto the floor and mounts him and says: JASON STEEL WHO SENT YOU! Mr Red laughs and replies: Mr Red You cant trust anyone, you should really... watch your back Mr Red looks behind JASON and Mr Black is standing there with a gun pointed at JASON, JASON hears the gun being drawn and quickly reaches

for Mr Reds gun in his left pocket, grabs it, turns around and shoots Mr Black in the chest, killing him. He quickly turns around and shoots Mr Red in the head. JASON reaches into Mr Reds blazer pocket and finds a piece of paper. It reads: 101 Green Street, 9:00pm

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