Adverting Plan For LG Mobiles Pakistan: Submitted By: Muhammad Mohiuddin Baig

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Adverting Plan for

LG Mobiles

Submitted by: Muhammad

Mohiuddin Baig

The scope of the project is to analyze the current advertising strategy of LG mobiles
Pakistan and recommend changes in it.

First the Industry analysis is discussed in which market share and the market
segmentation is included, followed by consumer behavior and consumer buying
patterns. Then the focus is shifted on the client. After discussing the target market
and Marketing mix (Product, Price, Distribution and Promotion) their current strategy
and ads are discussed.

It has been observed that LG mobile is perceived to be a low quality brand primarily
due to ineffective promotions. Now LG has an opportunity to change this perception
considering two major players are leaving the market. The new plan suggested
incorporates as to how LG mobiles can seize on this opportunity.

The strategies adopted by the competitors and the competitive posture of LG

mobiles against it are discussed.

New strategy is proposed along with its benefits are discussed. The media selection
for the new strategy along with the implementation of the strategy is also

In the end the challenges in the proposed strategy is discussed followed by


LG Electronics Mobile Communication Company (LG) is a global leader and

innovator in the worldwide mobile market, providing consumers with better mobile
experiences through its advanced mobile technology and premium handset design
capabilities. LG is the largest handset provider in the global CDMA market, and is
rapidly expanding its presence in the GSM market.

In Pakistan LG mobiles was launched when LG electronics ventured with New Allied
Electronics few years back.

LG aims to provide the best quality products and technologies for consumers and to
become the undisputed leader in the mobile industry. The company is strengthening
its presence in the global market and earning favorable reputation as a top-quality

LG has combined its cutting edge design and technological capabilities to create a
more emotional experience for customers with the launch of its Black Label product
under the edge of LG's Black Label series, showed the company's commitment to
high-end premium design products. it was also a commercial and industry success,
selling more than 7.5 million units last year and winning numerous design award.
This year, LG will keep the momentum going by continuing to focus on handset
style and usability.

LG Electronics pursues its 21st century vision of becoming a true global digital
leader who can make its customers worldwide happy through its innovative digital
products and services. LG Electronics set its mid- and long-term vision anew to rank
among the top 3 electronics, information, and telecommunication firms in the world
by 2010. As such, we embrace the philosophy of “Great Company, Great People,”
whereby only great people can create a great company, and pursue two growth
strategies involving “fast innovation” and “fast growth.” Likewise, we seek to secure
three core capabilities: product leadership, market leadership, and people-centered


Pakistan’s handset market is primarily a low-end market with majority of volume

comes from low-end mobile phones. Another important aspect is that our handset
market is extremely price sensitive just like any other handset market of a
developing country.

To comprehend the local market dynamics, below is the price segmentation analysis
along with the market share each price segment comprised upon.

Now let us take a look at the market share of handset manufacturers in Pakistan


These figures might be shocking for some people, since in Pakistan most of the
people still think Sony Ericsson is the second major player in the Pakistan’s handset
market which isn’t correct any more, As mentioned earlier Pakistan is primarily a
low end market with approx 63%-65% volume generates from phones worth less
than 3000 and if we look into Sony Ericsson local product portfolio you will not find a
single Sony Ericsson model in this price range, strangely enough their majority of
portfolio compete in a price segment (High-end) which is just a mere 5% of the total
handset market.

Motorola is just vanishing in Pakistan, the disaster of their F-3 model started a
vicious slide from which they never recovered with the future seems more bleak.

The Koreans are playing their cards really well with the success of both Samsung &
LG they are really flying high. Especially the success of Samsung is very impressive
with a very strong portfolio (the most balance portfolio in the industry covering all
price segments with good products). This success in Pakistan has come down from
the global success Samsung Mobile has been enjoying from the start of 2007. Their
flagship model SGH C-160 targeting the low-end category is making waves in the
most lucrative (volume vise) price segment in Pakistan’s handset market. With more
emphasis on R&D & product development the future looks bright for this giant

LG has also succeeded really well through getting direct benefit from the absence of
any substantial products by Sony Ericsson. But the question mark on the product
quality is hurting the brand to grow exponentially; I believe that they need to work
very hard in building their brand image (development of high perceived value
through High-end Flagship model) as LG still have very low brand image in
comparison with the competition.

Nokia, the global leader in the world is still the player to beat in Pakistan’s handset
market with the resounding success of Nokia 1200 and Nokia 1208, this global giant
has so much to offer in-terms of quality products. In Pakistan, Nokia plays a major
role in 3 main price categories (Low-end, Low Mid & High) which comprised upon
82% of the total market.

If we look at how the current market stands with respect to market share of each
handset manufacturer, Nokia still has a sizeable lead though their market share has
been deteriorating steadily (from 65% in 2006 to 48% at the end of July, 08). The
progress of Samsung has been phenomenal from 8% market share in 2006 to the
current 30% with indication of further progression in 2009. LG is the second biggest
gainer (approx 17% share for a player who has just been active since 2 years) with
most of the success came from its 2 successful models LG KG195 & KG270. Sony
Ericsson & Motorola represent 2 of the biggest losers in the handset market with
only 5% & 1% share in the market.


In the product life cycle LG mobiles is currently in the growth stage and this can be
substantiated from the data above which says that it has increased its market share
to 17% in just two years.


The mindset of our local mobile phone user is very unique & complex. Influences of
socio-economic & demographic factors, peer pressures & life style etc are the main
driving force through which the consumer ends up owning a particular model for
his/her communication needs.
A rough estimate suggests that in Pakistan the usage span of a new cell phone is
mere 3 months (means majority of local users upgrade their cell phone within 3
months time).

Pakistan’s mobile user can be divided into two main categories (2 basic types of

1. Those who are driven by their needs

2. Those who are driven by their aspirations (Users who can easily suffice their
communication requirement through a say Rs. 10k mobile phone but instead they
choose to carry a cell phones worth Rs. 40K or more)

In every mobile phone user’s mind there is a battle going around, a battle between
their needs & aspirations. Some own phones to suffice their communication needs
while some own phones to meet their aspiration urges.

Now look at the mobile phone user preference chart while making actual decision,
the data is a study & extrapolation is used for analysis purposes as it enable us to
understand the psyche of local consumer. Also take a look at the chart depicting
local consumer purchasing pattern.

The above chart suggests that the consumer is sensitive to a number of factors and
it is difficult to point out just one or two.


Following table shows the prominent factors that influence the customers in buying
a phone:


It is a high involvement product. We can see that referral and advertisement both
play a vital role when a phone is being bought. Building a strong brand image and
ensuring a positive word of mouth are the two key success factors for any player in
the industry.


LG mobile caters to both high and low end market by providing a diversified product
line. This has already been discussed earlier that the market is segmented
essentially in four broad categories
• Low-End

• Low-Mid

• High-Mid

• High-End

Now let us take a look what products of LG caters to which segment

Low-End Low-Mid High-Mid High-


LG G 1600 GSM LG KG 195 LG KE 970 LG

KU 990
Price: Rs.2,200. Price: 6,000 Price: 14,000
Price: 30,000

Also LG has launched an exclusive phone for females this is in response to Motorola
pink phones:

LG KG 270

So it is difficult to say that LG targets a specific segment the range of products is as

such that it caters to all broad categories that are there in the market. From
advertising perspective the ads shown do not target any segment specifically rather
they are generic ads which is a major drawback because you first need to identify
the target market according to the product and then make ads accordingly.


Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Strong brand Ineffective Growth in the Counterfeiting
name promotions Telecom Industry phones
Technological No defined Using Strong
Innovation position against promotions to Competition
competition establish a
Increasing Negative word of Targeting low Market for
Market share mouth end market second hand
Diversified Relatively new in
product line the market


LG has a strong brand name which is mainly due to the other electronic items that
are there in the market. When we talk of LG mobiles we see that LG is constantly
innovating, it is bringing in new features in its phones. This is primarily due to the
competition that is there for example if Nokia or any other competitor would launch
a new phone, LG would be quick to launch a similar phone with same or even more
features. Another key attribute that LG has is its strong financial backing. LG
provides a diversified product line targeting both high and low end customers.
These phones vary in design, features and prices in order to cater to each segment.
LG has been one of the prominent brands in the cellular industry which increased its
market share considerably.

If we look at the promotions of LG mobiles we can identify a number of flaws. They
play heavily on the celebrity endorsement and in the end the celebrity turns out
bigger than the brand. Also we would not find and cohesion between the
promotional strategies. Another key issue is that even if they produce a quality
product the customers would perceive it to be sub standard because of the negative
word of mouth. LG provides all features at a relatively cheaper price but somehow
customers don’t associate quality with it. LG mobile is a relatively new player in the
market. It has only been there for two years, considering Nokia have been in the
market for a long time.


Pakistan has seen immense growth in the telecom industry over the last few years.
According to PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) 91% of Pakistan’s
population is covered with mobile. LG mobile has a huge market that it can cater to
thereby it can increase its market share. If LG formulates a consistent promotional
strategy and define its position it would be able to compete with giants like Nokia.
This is crucial because even if it continues to produce quality products,
incorporating new features it would continue to suffer because of the ineffective
promotional strategy. As discussed earlier chunk of the revenue in the industry
comes from the low end market so LG should strongly focus on that to increase its
market share.


The major threat for all mobile producers including LG is the presence of
counterfeiting phones which are the replica of the original phones. They provide the
same features and sold at half price or even lesser than that in the market.
Considering the decreasing disposable income due to inflation customers are
switching to these phones. With reference to LG mobiles it is facing stiff competition
from big players like Nokia the reason is that the loyal customers of other brands
refuse to switch to any LG. Pakistan is a host to one of the biggest mobile for used
phones and customers prefer to buy a second hand Nokia phone instead of getting
a new LG phone because they relate reliability with Nokia not LG mobiles



LG mobiles provide a diversified line of products of handsets in order to cater to

different segments. Currently it is providing a variety of more than twenty phones in
the market. They include the phones that were launch with the intention that they
would compete with Nokia and other brands and then there are some which are
completely different.

Some categories of phones that are as follows

• LG KG series

• LG KU series

• LG KF series

• LG KM series

• LG KP series

Within these series variety of sets are offered keeping in mind the pricing and the
features that have to be offered with it.

The price range varies from Rs. 2,000-30,000 depending on the features and design
of the phones. The nature of the product is as such that it has to cater to various
segments and obviously you cannot charge a similar price to all the segments so
this variability in price provides flexibility.


LG has its own showrooms where their products are displayed and sold but primarily
it is sold through distributors namely Advance Telecom and United Mobile. These
distributors have contracts with LG mobiles and they also claim the warranty in case
of any damage or malfunctioning of the product.

Communication/ Current Promotions

LG has remained one of the top advertisers for the year 2008 yet it has not been
able to define its clear position in the market although the market share of LG is
increasing but that is due to the fact that one of
the major player i.e. Sony Ericsson is leaving the

If we look at the promotional campaign of LG

mobiles we see heavy use of celebrity
endorsement in all their advertisements whether
print or media. They have used celebrities like:

• Abrar Ul Haq

• Ali Zafar

research carried out by media track
• Atif Aslam

There is nothing wrong with using celebrity endorsement but if you rely heavily on it
and do not highlight the brand, the celebrity becomes bigger than the brand and
that is exactly what is happening with LG’s campaign. This is one of the reason why
LG phones are perceived to be sub standard. The impact on the high end products is
greater than the low end products because consumers are not willing to spend a lot
of money buying a LG phone.

In their ads they do focus on the features of the product but in the end it gives an
image of a sales pitch. It does not talk about
building brand or building relationship with the
customers. According to my analysis the issue is
not of the product or the quality the issue is of
the perception. So far none of their campaigns
tries to resolve that issue. Earlier when
consumer buying behavior was discussed we
observed that the brand name plays a vital role
but unfortunately LG has not been able to
establish that. Due to ineffective promotions LG
has also been a victim of negative word of
mouth, people who have not used the phone still
have to say something bad about it because
they do not like the ads that they have seen on TV or print media. They started of
their campaign with Abrar ul Haq and the TV commercial gave an image of a low
quality and low price brand although it had all the features to compete with Nokia
and Samsung. Then they bought in Atif Aslam in LG KG ads which was I believe
much better than the previous one and now they are using Ali Zafar. The point that I
am trying to make here is that there have been no cohesion between these
campaigns and the message was confusing. It is giving an image that LG is relying
on celebrities to compensate for lack of quality in the products.

Media Selection
As discussed earlier LG mobile has been one of the top three advertisers on TV
having said that they do advertise on print media as well but primarily they focus on
the TV. Print media includes advertisement in news papers and billboards as well.
LG mobile hardly uses radio for advertising.

To sum up the analysis of the current campaign of LG mobiles, here are the salient
features of it:


Let us now take a look at what companies like Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson is
doing in terms of their ad campaigns.
The ads of these companies are not locally made so they have adopted a regional if
not a global strategy.

Sony Ericsson

If we take the example of Sony Ericsson the

ads shown in India are the same that run
here. Sony Ericsson has a well defined
product line meaning everyone knows that
Walkman phones of Sony Ericsson are the W
series and they Cyber shot phones are the K series so the customers can relate to it.
The ads that run of each line are different and tailor made for each segment. Also
the tagline of I (logo of Sony Ericsson) has proved to be very effective. It sends a
consistent message.


Recently Nokia has introduced a line of music

phones known as express music they are
introduced to compete with Sony Ericsson’s
Walkman phones. The ads truly depict the core
benefits of the products. Like Sony Ericsson, Nokia
has a well defined product line. The customers
know what to expect from N-series and E-series.
The latter is a sophisticated product line designed for the corporate and N-series for


Samsung has recently launched Omnia to compete against Apple I phone but
surprisingly Samsung hardly advertises its products. The ads we see on television
are not on our local channels. One thing that they do is that they bundle their
phones with their other products such as LCDs and home theatre system. So
essentially they are cashing in on their strong brand name. When it comes to
advertising their phones separately they have no defined plan as such with
reference to our market.

LG mobiles has an advantage over its competitors that it makes local ads in which
usually the medium of communication is Urdu, the reason why it is crucial because
it is the most understood language among the masses. Same is not true for its
competitors in which the medium of language is English. Ads by LG usually have a
local touch which is a double edged weapon because on one hand masses do
understand the product and on the other perceive it to be sub standard since it
gives a local touch.


The plan suggested would focus on building a stronger brand image for LG mobiles.
The plan would require a more sophisticated and customized approach while
designing the campaign.


The objective of the plan proposed is to build a strong brand image of LG mobiles so
it can penetrate into high end market. This is important because the penetration of
LG mobiles in high end market is very less. The ads designed should reach out to
the High end market. Currently none of their ads appeal to this class this includes all
their celebrity endorsed. Their ads should be focusing on the brand rather than the
strategy. One thing that they are doing well is explaining the product features well
so I would not recommend changing that considering the nature of the product
however the brand LG mobiles should be focused as well.
The plan would also include defining each product line again taking example from
its competitors Nokia has a well defined product line( N-series, E-series) but LG
doesn’t have that all they have is their LG KG series but no one know how it is
different from its other products.


Market positioning

The plan suggested would project LG mobiles as a high quality brand. Considering
Sony Ericsson and Motorola are leaving the market and the consumers are running
out of alternatives, now would be the best time for LG mobiles to take advantage of
the phone. Consumer Behavior analysis and purchase patterns suggest that the
perception of the brand is important. The plan would try to improve that.

Advertising Message

The advertising message should show

sophistication and they can use punch lines such as

“Sophistication with Style”

The appeal of these advertisements should

primarily be slice of life. The music especially in the
TV ads should be sober yet classy. They focus on
the product features which is essential but they
also need to focus on the brand as well. This
advertisement is from their current campaign and I
believe it is a pretty decent ad but somehow these kind of ads are over shadowed
by celebrity endorsed ads.

They have to do away with too many celebrities that are currently endorsed and
move their focus to the brand. Making sophisticated ads like Nokia does is important
for a better brand image. They should not mention the price with their every ad
because in the end the product is perceived to be sub standard. If we look at the
competitors no one shows the price of the product in the ads.
In the ads they have to use more sophisticated colors such as black also they need
to come up with a jingle like Nokia and Sony Ericsson has. Jingle leads to an
immediate brand recall. LG mobile needs to have one as well which is sophisticated.


Considering LG mobiles is among the top advertisers for the last year so one can
safely assume that the company has no major financial constraint. The costs of
showing new ads which have a more sophisticated look and message which lead to
brand building are as follows:

The cost would be assumed for a campaign of one month:

Newspaper ads (The News and The Rs. 800,000

Jang Urdu) on weekends. Half page
Television Geo TV and Hum TV. One Rs. 100,000,00 approx
minute commercial 4 times on
alternate days on each channel
during prime time and regular as
Outdoor advertisements Rs. 50,000,00 approx
Misc. Rs. 50,000

The costs are high because it would be a month campaign focusing on brand


I believe the media vehicles used by LG mobiles now are fine but I would like to
propose advertising more on print media and radio.

The sole focus of LG mobiles current advertisement is TV. The new strategy would
require LG to shift its focus slightly from that to other media as well. LG should
advertise more in Newspapers and radio following the footsteps of Nokia because
they are the market leaders right now. Outdoor advertising would include billboards
and point of sales (Mobile Markets).
Considering it to be a high involvement product direct mail can be effective and
would give a more personal touch to the potential customers.


The strategy proposed can be evaluated through the following

• Increase in sales of high end products

• Customer surveys as to how they perceive the brand after the campaign

• Feedback from distributors


The challenges that can be faced while this strategy is adopted can be the strong
influence of the Parent company as it would be difficult to create a separate
positioning for this particular product line. Considering the recent financial crunch
allocating huge costs to advertisements can be a threat. Stepping into high end
market would mean additional competition from brands like Blackberry and I phone
so that is a major challenge.


LG mobiles is increasing its market share but that is only due to the sales of low end
products. At this point market is flooded with counterfeiting phones coming from
china. So they must explore new markets or re visit their strategy in their existing
markets. It is about time LG focuses on its advertising strategy for high end
products and have more sophisticated approach. This would improve the brand
image of LG mobiles in the market. If LG is able to change the perception of the
consumers about the brand it will for sure see a growth that is sustainable in the
long run as well.

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