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The impeachment is the only way to remove the public officials who have the highest positions in government

which is the President, Vice President, members of the Supreme Court, members of the commission on elections, commission on audit and the civil service commission. Thats why in this process I believe that the Impeachment court, as the sole body to try and decide cases of the impeachable officers, is higher than the other branches of government with respect to impeachment cases and is in that sense that they have the power to invite anyone, through its compulsory power, to make anyone appear and testify in the court. If this power is deprived, like what the Supreme Court is doing by issuing a resolution preventing the Impeachment Court to Subpoena any officer of the Supreme Court to testify in the impeachment court, it would defeat the impeachment process because if the Supreme Court can do that then they can limit the power of the Impeachment Court from holding an impeachable officer accountable. In my opinion, the Supreme Court should not even have any power to interfere when it comes to impeachment because they are Impeachable officers themselves and by interfering, they can decide the outcome of their case if they are the ones impeached. If the time comes that fifteen of the justices are to be impeached and they had the power to interfere, then they would be deciding their own case. In our system of government, when a person is charged for committing any offense, a person who is related to the offender or has personal relations with the offender cannot in any way participate in the trial of the said person because they would naturally be partial to that person. What more if the one being charged for an offense has a say on whether or not his trial is legal or not or if the trial is being handled well or not or can decide the outcome of his trial. That is why an impeachable officer cannot, in any way, interfere in impeachment proceedings.

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