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Tamara Lee

Standard 1
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. 1-1 Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. 1-2 Communicate and implement the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the mission of the school as a standards-based educational system. 1-3 Leverage and marshal sufficient resources to implement and attain the vision for all students and subgroups of students. 1-4 Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. 1-5 Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure integration, articulation, and consistency with the vision. 1-6 Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning.

Past experiences that may meet this standard: (If you have engaged in prior Leadership work)

1. Interview principal about the school budget and provided an analysis of the budget, allocations, and forecast. 2. Assist in planning, preparing, and running a staff meeting about teaching techniques. 3. Plan staff development for the math department and created IT training for teachers. 4. Participate in the analysis of student achievement data. 5. Participate in Student Study Team to develop an action plans for single students. 6. Directe staff at Mathnasium Math Learning Center in using data to create individualized learning plans for students with the vision that all students can learn and achieve/exceed grade level standards. 7. Participate in a committee thats building a shared vision. 8. Participate in the development or updating of the School Plan. 9. Participate in the budget committee. 10. Break down scores by students API subgroups to look for trends and to identify strengths and weaknesses. Make plans to identify areas that need improvement and present a plan to the grade level.
Experiences from my Leadership Project that meet this standard:

1. Create a shared vision with PAR team and staff of mentoring students. 2. Use data to identify students with a high amount of tardies to first period and work with PAR team to create a mentor program. 3. Track tardies and grades of mentees, looking for improvement. 4. During the PAR cycle, reevaluated the inquiry question as a team to be more in line with our vision. 5. Facilitate the sharing of best practices amongst the mentors.
Other Additional Field Experience activities that meet this standard: (If you need additional experiences)

Standard 2 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. 2-1 Create an accountability system of teaching and learning based on student learning standards. 2-2 Utilize multiple assessment measures to evaluate student learning to drive an ongoing process of inquiry focused on improving the learning of all students and all subgroups of students. 2-3 Shape a culture where high expectations for all students and for all subgroups of students is the core purpose. 2-4 Guide and support the long-term professional development of all staff consistent with the ongoing effort to improve the learning of all students relative to the content standards. 2-5 Promote equity, fairness, and respect among all members of the school community. 2-6 Provide opportunities for all members of the school community to develop and use skills in collaboration, leadership, and shared responsibility. 2-7 Facilitate the use of appropriate learning materials and learning strategies which include the following: students as active learners, a variety of appropriate materials and strategies, the use of reflection and inquiry, an emphasis on quality versus quantity, and appropriate and effective technology.

Past experiences that may meet this standard: (If you have engaged in prior Leadership work)

1. Assist in planning, preparing, and running staff meeting. 2. Participate in facilitating activities for the purpose of improving staff morale. 3. Use different modes of technology to communicate with various members of the school community. 4. Use data from common district assessments to collaborate with content area team. 5. Present strategies from Teach Like a Champion at staff meetings and encouraged grade level team to continue utilizing practices. 6. Analyze the data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. 7. Analyze state testing results for all students and all subgroups of students. 8. Observe and evaluate student teachers. 9. Conduct parent conferences to explain test results. 10. Write the curriculum that combines the ELA and ELD standards for SVUSD. 11. Participate as the school site technology chair.
Experiences from my Leadership Project that meet this standard:

1. Track tardies to first period and grades of students in the mentor program. 2. Track tardies in 7th grade for the purposes of increasing time in class through extrinsic motivation. 3. Track referral data and CST data showing staff that we are not meeting the needs of a significant sub-group. Encourage mentors to select mentees from this subgroup. 4. Create a culture of acceptance of all into our school by encouraging teachers to mentor students that may feel marginalized as based on data. 5. Survey mentors as to the best practices that are working with their mentees and share that information with the rest of the mentors. 6. Use student survey data to determine the effectiveness of the mentor program.
Other Additional Field Experience activities that meet this standard: (If you need additional experiences)

Standard 3
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment 3-1 Monitor and evaluate the programs and staff at the site. 3-2 Establish school structures, patterns, and processes that support student learning. 3-3 Manage legal and contractual agreements and records in ways that foster a professional work environment and secure privacy and confidentiality for all students and staff. 3-4 Align fiscal, human, and material resources to support the learning of all students and all groups of students. 3-5 Sustain a safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. 3-6 Utilize the principles of systems management, organizational development, problem solving, and decision-making techniques fairly and effectively. 3-7 Utilize effective and nurturing practices in establishing student behavior management systems.

Past experiences that may meet this standard: (If you have engaged in prior Leadership work)

1. Participate in the composition, review, and revision of the School Safety Plan. 2. Participate in the planning and execution of professional development. 3. Participate in the recruitment, development, and supervision of employees. 4. Participate in 7th activities for the purpose of improving student morale. 5. Evaluate student teachers. 6. Develop an employee handbook as director of Mathnasium. 7. Implement intervention program. 8. Organize and supervise multiple classes on out of town field trips. 9. Participate as a team member on the safety inspection for the campus. 10. Participate in the interviewing of paraprofessionals and certificated staff.
Experiences from my Leadership Project that meet this standard:

1. Inspire mentors to encourage mentees to earn weekly jeans dress and monthly Final Friday party attendance by following school rules and not earning detentions. 2. Encourage mentees to be on time to all classes to earn a weekly Never Tardy Party invitation. 3. Encourage mentors to discuss bi-monthly tracked grades and make the connection to being on time to class, behaving, and increased grade performance.

Other Additional Field Experience activities that meet this standard: (If you need additional experiences)

Standard 4 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. 4-1 Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities. 4-2 Recognize the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups. 4-3 Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and with respect. 4-4 Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students through the mobilization and leveraging of community support services. 4-5 Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships. 4-6 Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media and modes.

Past experiences that may meet this standard: (If you have engaged in prior Leadership work)

1. Participate in the Math/Science Olympiad district wide. 2. Participate in Literacy for All district wide. 3. Assist in planning, preparing Math Night in which both students and parents participated. 4. Initiate a partnership with Blue Cross/Wellpoint who donated gently used computers for a computer lab. 5. Use various forms of technology to communicate with members of the school community. 6. Maintain a school website with important events and homework. 7. Send home weekly classroom newsletters. 8. Conduct an analytic study of community demographics and needs. 9. Conduct home visits to meet with guardians of high needs students. 10. Participate in Ice Cream socials with families prior to Open House Night.
Experiences from my Leadership Project that meet this standard: 1. Recognize that the reasons students are tardy may be out of their control but encourage them to advocate for themselves. 2. Encourage mentors to make positive phone calls home about mentees and to develop stronger rapport with the mentees family members. 3. Encourage mentors to attend out of school activities such as the after school club sporting events, city sporting events, dance recitals, etc.

Other Additional Field Experience activities that meet this standard: (If you need additional experiences)

Standard 5 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity. 5-1 Demonstrate skills in decision making, problem solving, change management, planning, conflict management and evaluation. 5-2 Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness and expect the same behaviors from others. 5-3 Make and communicate decisions based upon relevant data and research about effective teaching and learning, leadership, management practices, and equity. 5-4 Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. 5-5 Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. 5-6 Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibilities. 5-7 Engage in professional and personal development. 5-8 Demonstrate knowledge of the curriculum and the ability to integrate and articulate programs throughout the grades. 5-9 Use the influence of the office to enhance the educational program rather than for personal gain. 5-10 Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff.

Past experiences that may meet this standard: (If you have engaged in prior Leadership work)

1. Participated in the discipline process for students not in my classroom. Discipline Review Board. 2. Attended a school board meeting. 3. Make casual observations in other teachers rooms, leaving notes of encouragement. 4. Reflect on leadership as the 7th grade level lead and focus on being a positive influence. 5. Maintain a professional and personal life balance by having activities outside of work in the evenings and weekends. 6. Seek out opportunities for professional development growth outside of my own school. 7. Maintain a professional manner and respect the confidentiality of staff and students. 8. Worked with content area team to create projects across the grade levels. 9. Mentor a beginning teacher and develop her induction plan that includes a balanced plan of personal and professional responsibilities. 10. Participate in Focus Groups for the implementation of The College Ready Promise. 11. Participate as a member on the Instructional Leadership Team.
Experiences from my Leadership Project that meet this standard:

1. Encourage office staff and other classified staff to take on mentees. 2. Work with other grade level leads to facilitate the mentor program. 3. Keep a sense of open mindedness when presenting the PAR teams suggestions to grade level teams and grade level teams want to adjust the ideas for their specific grade level. 4. Keep the names of mentees confidential.
Other Additional Field Experience activities that meet this standard: (If you need additional experiences)

Standard 6 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. 6-1 View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team. 6-2 Ensure the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. 6-3 Generate support for the school by two-way communication with key decision-makers in the school community. 6-4 Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning. 6-5 Influence and support public policies that ensure the equitable distribution of resources, and support for all the subgroups of students. 6-6 Open the school to the public and welcome and facilitate constructive conversations about how to improve student learning and achievement.

Past experiences that may meet this standard: (If you have engaged in prior Leadership work)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Attend school board meetings. Realize that my actions as a Grade Level Lead affect the attitude of the team. Serve as Secretary of School Advisory Council. As director of Mathnasium, I ensured that the math learning center operated within the law. 5. As director of Mathnasium, I maintained weekly two-way communication with parents about the progress of their children. 6. Suggest solutions to the parking lot dilemma that could prove to be deadly with the chaos that ensues upon dismissal. 7. Make recommendations to the Safe and Civil committee to improve student procedures. 8. Analyze my yearly stake-holder survey feedback and ponder ideas for improvement. 9. Make recommendations about students brought up to the Discipline Review Board. 10. Active member of the Gates Grant Evaluation Committee for The College Ready Promise. 11. Participate in Focus Groups for the implementation of the Gates College Ready Promise. 12. Facilitate grade level math and science team in backwards planning and creating common assessments. 13. Active PTA member.
Experiences from my Leadership Project that meet this standard:

1. View myself as a leader of the mentor program and a member of the larger team of people striving to provide an equitable academic experience to students of South LA. 2. Encouraged mentors to take on mentees of our targeted sub-group. 3. View myself as a member of the PAR team and realize that small steps like the mentor program will lead to systemic change across my charter district and eventually LAUSD.

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