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Education Unit Subject Grade/Semester Time Allocation : SMK Al-Aliev Surabaya : English : XII/I : 2x45 minutes

A. Competency Standard Able to communicate in English on the Intermediate Level. B. Basic Competency Writing business letters and simple reports. C. Indicators Writing application letters correctly D. Learning Objective Students can answer some questions of related to the application letters Students can make application letters from the job vacancy given E. Learning Materials Sample of job vacancies and application letters Teaching Method Question Answer Discussion


G. Learning Methods Pre-Activity : Greetings Teacher do the presence Teacher gives motivation Teacher explain about the aims of study Whilst Activity : a. Exploration Teacher provide and give some of application letters to the students Teacher ask to student for reading an application letter b. Elaboration Teacher gives some questions about the contents of application letters Students are asked to answer some questions about application letter Teacher divides students to some of groups Teacher asks students to discuss the answer of question given based on the group made Teacher gives an example of advertisement of job vacancy Teacher gives example and explain of how to write an application letter based on that job vacancy c. Confirmation: Teacher gives the example of new job vacancy Students is asked to make an application letter based on the job vacancy given Students make a summary Post Activity : Giving feedback and additional explanation. Reviewing and concluding the material Giving post test Ask the student to ask about the material

H. Assessment Method Evaluation through the process of TL Test Pasuruan,................2013 English Teacher

Known, The Headmaster of SMK Al-Aliev Surabaya,



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