Reports Using ALV GRIDS: by Manish Dedhia

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Reports Using ALV GRIDS

By Manish Dedhia

Advantages of using ALV Reports

Better Display More Tools Available Programmers life made easy !!

Steps of Reporting - I

Collect Data that is needed Manipulate and Process the Data Collect the same in one Final Output table

Steps of Reporting - II

Create a screen Create a custom control Create objects for the classes :CL_GUI_ALV_GRID & CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER.

Steps of Reporting -III

Create Field Catalog Pass the Final Output table to the method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY of that class

Steps of Reporting - III

Execute the Report

Instance for ALV Grid Control

Data <name of reference variable> type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid e.g. : grid1 type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid

SAP Container
-it is a control that accomodates other

controls. - Provides Physical area in which they are displayed

Five kinds of SAP Containers :

- SAP Custom container
- SAP Dialog Box Container - SAP Docking Container - SAP Splitter Container - SAP Easy Splitter Container

SAP Custom Container

This allows you to display controls in an area defined on a normal screen using the Screen Painter.

Display an output table in the ALV Grid Control instance. In the call sequence, you must specify either a reference structure of the Data Dictionary or a suitable field catalog.

The Field Catalog


field catalog is a table of type LVC_T_FCAT that contains information on the fields to be displayed. The field catalog contains more than 60 fields, some of which are only used internally.

Required fields of the Field Catalog

FIELDNAME - Name of the field of the

internal output table. REF_TABNAME Name of the DDIC ref. structure. REF_FIELDNAME Name of the DDIC ref. field.

The Layout Structure


layout structure is of type LVC_S_LAYO . It contains fields for setting graphical properties of the grid control, displaying exceptions, calculating totals and enabling specific interaction options.

Events of class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID

Example :
print_end_of_page print_top_of_page double_click toolbar

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