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Exercise Worksheets

Copyright 2002 Susan D. Phillips

WHOLE NUMBERS 1. Adding 2. Subtracting 3. Multiplying 4. Dividing 5. Order of Operations FRACTIONS 6. Mixed Numbers 7. Prime Factorization 8. Least Common Multiple 9. Simplifying Fractions 10. Add & Subtract Fractions 11. Add & Subtract Mixed Numbers 12. Multiply Fractions 13. Divide Fractions DECIMALS 14. Decimals to Fractions 15. Add & Subtract Decimals 16. Multiply Decimals 17. Divide Decimals RATIOS & PERCENTS 18. Ratios & Rates 19. Proportions 20. Converting Percents 21. Percents Problems 22. Measurements - American 23. Measurements - Metric ANSWERS GEOMETRY 37. Lines & Angles 38. Quadrilaterals 39. Triangles 40. Circles 41. Composite Figures 42. Volume ALGEBRA 29. Evaluating Expressions 30. Properties 31. Simplifying Expressions 32. Equations: Addition Principle 33. Equations: Mult. Principle 34. Multistep Equations 35. Formulas 36. Word Problems REAL NUMBERS 26. The Basics 27. Add & Subtract 28. Multiply & Divide STATISTICS 24. Graphs 25. Mean, Median & Mode

Worksheet #1 Add. 1

Adding Whole Numbers

47 + 32

678 + 426

4389 3377 + 1689

8 5 +1

2846 + 1635


24,592 + 46,268

72 94 + 3

2504 4241 + 2173


587,938 + 629,777

25 + 57

96 5748 + 482


99,763,500 + 2,827,449

Worksheet #2 Subtract. 1

Subtracting Whole Numbers

47 - 5

35 - 8

776 - 498

95 - 31

652 - 251


1904 - 625

68 - 62

821 - 507


70,801 - 62,762

87 - 20

493 - 37


1,344,192 - 804,663

Worksheet #3 Multiply. 1

Multiplying Whole Numbers

72 x 4

205 x 34

776 x 98

39 x 6

376 x 18


2309 x 278

81 x 57

800 x 30


3650 x 400

46 x 72

493 x 67


79,248 x 589

Worksheet #4

Dividing Whole Numbers

Divide. Round your answer to the hundredths place. 1

3 156

4 1289

28 770

7 588

9 2230


289 5801

6 39

36 1620


325 6344

5 128

61 427


76 30,027

Worksheet #5

Order of Operations & Exponents

Write in exponent form. 1 2 3 4

Find the value.

5 6 7 8

8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 267 x 267 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 85

25 103 161 370


32 + 6 - 2 x 7


7 x (43 - 6)



23 x 35


124 - 3 x (7 + 52)



5 x 2 - (6 + 2) x 7

Worksheet #6

Fractions: Mixed Numbers

Identify which of the following are improper fractions. 1

a) 21 2 b) 4 5 c) 83 126 d) 7 6

Change the mixed numbers to improper fractions. 2 3 4 5 6

2 4

6 11 12 8 9 3

17 45

61 69

87 41

Change the improper fractions to mixed numbers. 7 8 9 10 11

8 3 10 7 56 17 132 11 94 93

Worksheet #7 Find all of the factors. 1 2 3 4

Prime Factorization

6 7 45 20

Identify which of the following numbers are prime: 5

a) 14

b) 4

c) 11

d) 9

e) 3

f) 17

Find the prime factorization. Use exponents when applicable. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 60 18 33 105 125 42

Worksheet #8 Find the LCM. 1

Least Common Multiple

2 and 5

2, 6, 8 and 12

2, 3 and 4

3, 4 and 5

8 and 10

5, 15 and 20

6 and 8


40 and 180

9 and 30


108 and 72

3, 5, and 6


6, 8 and 36

Worksheet #9

Simplifying Fractions

Simplify to lowest terms. 1

3 18

100 1000

15 25

50 1000

6 8

7 341

37 37


6 30

66 99


36 12

35 42


4 29

Worksheet #10

Adding & Subtracting Fractions

Add or subtract as indicated. Reduce to lowest terms. 1

12 3 + 17 17

8 11

5 11

11 1 + 12 12

7 16

5 16

7 8 2 + + 10 10 10

7 9

2 3

1 2

+ 3


2 3

1 6

3 8

+ 2


47 50

3 10

5 6

+ 4


1 2

1 5

Worksheet #11

Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Add or subtract as indicated. Reduce to lowest terms. 1

1 3

2 3

2 3

1 3

3 8

1 8

6 2


16 17

+ 4

10 - 3

2 3


3 10

+ 5 100


3 8

5 6

3 5

9 10


1 2

7 10

5 1

3 5

2 1


2 1

1 3

Worksheet #12

Multiplying Fractions

Multiply. Reduce to lowest terms. 1

1 2

3 4

( )
3 5

3 (5 ) ( 9 10 )

3 8

5 6

15 4

12 5

1 3 ) (2 1 ) ( 5 2

2 3

1 1 2

3 ( 16 ) (8)


5 9

16 25

Worksheet #13

Dividing Fractions

Divide. Reduce to lowest terms. 1

1 2 4 5

1 8

4 5

1 2

2 3

3 10

9 10

2 5


3 5

3 4

22 25

1 7


4 5

2 15

Worksheet #14

Decimals to Fractions

Find the equivalent fraction. Reduce to lowest terms. 1












Worksheet #15

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Add or subtract as indicated. 1

1.1 + 2.8

0.9 - 0.2

3.5 + 6.14

12.66 - 3.41

9.242 + 0.87

35.87 - 10.2

1.306 + 5.5 + 46.77

40.4 - 6.37

2.01 + 8 + 0.593


28 - 15.59

Worksheet #16 Multiply. 1

Multiplying Decimals

0.7 x 0.4



0.12 x 0.6

(1.504) (1000)

31.002 x 9


0.63 x 100

3.4 x 10

0.0085 x 0.044




Worksheet #17

Dividing Decimals

Divide. Round your answer to the hundredths place. 1

Write as an equivalent decimal. Round to the thousandths place.

7 8

9 211.5

0.2 .31

5 21

4.6 58

9 10



43 57




81 20

Worksheet #18

Ratios & Rates

Write each ratio as a fraction in lowest terms. 1

Write each rate as a fraction in lowest terms.


30 feet to 60 feet

48 gallons in 14 mins

45 mph to 25 mph

21 females to 51 males

6 minutes to 16 minutes

$4.20 for 36 potatoes

$300 to $450

72 correct answers out of 96 questions

Find the unit rate.


1500 meters in 6 seconds

10 192 miles per 6 gallons.


5 cars for 20 people

12 $36 for 4 lbs of shrimp

Worksheet #19


Write each proportion. 1 2 3

48 is to 32 as 3 is to 2. 6 adults is to 10 children as 18 adults is to 30 children. If 12 pens cost $4, then 33 pens will cost $11.

Determine if each proportion is true or false: 4 5 6

2 3

= 16
5 acres 15 bags seed

48 acres = 144 bags seed 12 28

= 42
x 8 4 1 10 x 2.4


Solve each proportion to find the value of x. 7

3 6 52 x 15 12 18 x 3 4 x 12

= =


= 28


= 3.8 =
1 3


Worksheet #20

Converting Percents

Write each percent as a fraction or mixed number. Simplify. 1 2 3 4

Write each percent as a decimal.

21% 5% 14% 130% 12

1 % 2

6 7 8 9

47% 26.3% 219% .02% 3

1 % 2


Write each decimal as a percent. 11 0.33 12 0.04 13 2.51 14 6.8 15 3

Write each fraction as a percent. 16 17 18 19 20

3 4 2 5 1 10 1 8

2 5

Worksheet #21 Solve. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Percents Problems

What is 35% of 200? 15% of what amount is 6? 30 is what percent of 20? Find 102% of 2000. What percent of 80 is 60? 14 is 70% of what number? What is 0.5% of 3.2? 2.5 is what percent of 4? 5 is what percent of 15? 12.5% of 32 is what number? What percent of 8.7 is 17.4? What is 3.1% of 60?

Worksheet #22 Convert. 1

Measurements: American Units

26 ft =


14 pt =


9 yd =


12 oz =


3.5 gal =


2.43 tons =


250 min =


5.5 mi =


4 days =



6600 ft =


Worksheet #23 Convert. 1

Measurements: Metric Units

2L =


24 kL =

420 g =


1.5 g =


80 m =


3500 mm =

400 cm =


3.8 m =


10,000 mL =


0.002 kg =


Worksheet #24

Statistics: Graphs

Refer to the circle graph in the tutorial to answer the following questions. 1 2 3

What percent of caloric intake should be from fat? What is the ratio of protein to carbohydrates? Write in lowest terms. How many grams of carbohydrates should one have for every 6 grams of protein?

Refer to the line graphs in the tutorial to answer the following questions. 4 5 6

In the year of highest overall video sales, approximately how many videos were sold? DVD sales exceeded VHS sales for the first time in what year? Write the ratio between VHS sales and DVD sales in 1997.

Refer to the bar graphs in the tutorial to answer the following questions. 7 8 9

Which month had the greatest number of guests at the Dove Hotel? In which months did the majority of guests choose the mealplan? Approximately how many guests chose the mealplan in June?

Refer to the histogram in the tutorial to answer the following questions. 10 11 12

Which age range (class interval) has the highest class frequency? Which class interval has the lowest class frequency? How many members of the club are between 1 and 20 years old?

Worksheet #25 Find the mean. 1 2 3

Statistics: Mean, Median & Mode

2, 6, 15, 3, 1, 8, 7 34, 57, 68, 12, 9 216, 103

Find the median. 4 5 6

2, 3, 8, 17, 21 102, 138, 194, 320, 322, 387, 569 15, 26, 1701

Find the mode. 7 8 9

2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9, 16, 16 16, 37, 82, 82, 95, 95, 95, 101, 123 2.1, 3.2, 3.2, 3.6, 3.9, 4.3

Worksheet #26

Real Numbers: The Basics

Fill in the operator (<, > or =) that makes the statement true. 1 2 3 4

Find the number equivalent to the following absolute values.

6 7 8 9

19 __ 5 - 3 __ 3 0 __ - 12 - 7 __ - 7 - 22 __ - 48

|6| |-5| |0| -|2| -|-8|


Find the opposite of each number.

Write TRUE or FALSE for each statement. 16 17 18 19 20

|-8| > 0

11 12 13 14 15

9 - 34 0 - 5.1
3 7

|-2| = 2

|-6| < |-5|

3 < -(-4)

- | - 9 | > - | - 15 |

Worksheet #27

Real Numbers: Adding & Subtracting

Find the sum or difference as indicated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

8 + (-2) - 7 + 10 5 + (-9) -6 + (-3) 12 + ( - 12 ) ( - 34 ) + 17 + ( - 88 ) + 5 - 0.4 + 1 3 - 19 7 - (-4) -5 - 5 - 23 - 6 -2 + (-4) - 9 + 8 1 - (-1) + 6 + (-6) - 2 6.5 + ( - 8.3 ) - ( - 1.6 ) + 0.7 - 9.9

Worksheet #28 Find the product. 1 (3)(-6) 2 (-2)(-7) 3 -1

Real Numbers: Multiplying and Dividing Find the quotient. Simplify. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

- 16 -9 - 100 20 - 52 - 1.5
-1 -2 3 -4 -3 4

(-8) 9 10 (-4) (-1) 5


4 4(-8) 5 (-2)2 6 (5)(-3)(-9)(1) 7 (-1)3 8 - 86 9 10 11


20 21

2 ( 5 ) ( 6 3)
3 ( 2 ) 7 2 ( 1 ) 2

22 - 6 - ( - 1)

(- 3 ) ( 1 5)


( 1 3)

12 2 1

2 24 2 ( - 0.3 )

Worksheet #29

Algebra: Evaluating Expressions

Evaluate each expression. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Let n = 3 Let S = 16 Let x = - 7 Let p = - 2 Let m = 500 Let q = 47

12 + n 3S -x + x p3
m 100

Evaluate. Let x = - 2 and y = - 3 7

x - y xy x4 + y3


2x 2y - xy ( 2xy )2
4 x + y - 1



10 x + y
y - x


Worksheet #30

Algebra: Properties

Identify the property as commutative, associative or distributive. 1

a + b = b + a ab = ba a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c a(bc) = (ab)c a ( b + c ) = ab + ac a ( b - c ) = ab - ac
a + b a b = + c c c

Rewrite using the commutative property. 4 5 6

x + y t + 10 pq

Rewrite using the associative property. 7 8 9

(x + y) + z x(yz) 7(ab)

Worksheet #30

Algebra: Properties (continued)

Rewrite using the distributive property. 10 e ( g + h ) 11 f ( j - s ) 12 5 ( a + b ) 13 3 ( x + 6 ) 14 2 ( 5x - 1 ) 15 a ( x + y + 4 ) 16 17

e + f g x + 8 8

Rewrite by factoring. 18 ab + ac 19 2b + 2c 20 7x + 4x 21 15s - 11s 22 ax + bx + cx

Worksheet #31

Algebra: Simplifying Expressions

Collect like terms to find an equivalent expression. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3x + 6x 8x + 4y - 5x - 7y 10x - x - 9x + x 13 + 5t + 6y - t - y - 2 a - 4a 8x - 5x + 3 + 2y - y - 1

Remove parentheses to find an equivalent expression. 8 9 10 11 12

-(3+x) - ( 5x + 7 ) - ( - 2x - 6y + 4 ) - ( 10x - 17 ) - 2 ( 4x + 8 )

Remove parentheses and collect like terms to find an equivalent expression. 13 14 15 16 17

6y - ( 5x - 2y + 8 ) 3a + 2a - ( 5a + 6 ) 5y - 2 - ( 2y - 4 ) 20a - 3 ( 6a - 2 ) [ 3 ( x + 2 ) + 2x ] - [ 4 ( y + 2 ) - 3 ( y - 2 ) ]

Worksheet #32

Equations: Addition Principle

Solve using the addition principle. 1

x + 3 = - 12

m-5 = -2

- 8 + y = 19

z + 3.2 = 5.7 e+ 1 = 9
2 1 4

5 = q-1

t - 14 = 0

n+7 = 3

40 = - 2 + x 5 = b+2 1


Worksheet #33

Equations: Multiplication Principle

Solve using the multiplication principle. 1

5x = 40

12y = 36

- 7y = 14

3s = - 57
1 v = 45 2 x = 3 4 n = 11 2

1.7w = 6.8

3 = 7x
a = 15 10


Worksheet #34 Solve for x. 1

Algebra: Multistep Equations

9x - 5 = 13

3x + 12 = 24

8x - 2 = 4 + 5x

2 ( 3x + 4 ) = x + 6
5x = 8 7

6 - 2 ( x + 3 ) = 1 + 4x

- 8x - 10 = - 3

7x + 3x - ( 10x + 2 ) = 5 + x
x 2 + 6 = 16


8+2(x-7) =0

Worksheet #35

Algebra: Formulas

Evaluate the following formulas. Use the given values to find the values of the remaining variables. 1

P = 4s

P = 64

Find s.

A =

x+y+z 3

x = 5 y = 3 z = 4 A = 6 x = 9 y = 2 C = - 20

Find A.

A =

x+y+z 3

Find z.

F = 9C + 32

Find F.

P = 2L + 2W

L = 8 W= 7

Find P.

P = 2L + 2W

P = 56 L = 12

Find W.

d = rt

Find t.

P = a+b+c

Find b.

Worksheet #36 1

Algebra: Word Problems

Jennifer has $26 less than triple the savings of Matthew. Matthew has saved $81. How much has Jennifer saved?

Mark has consumed 5 of a box of cookies, and Patricia has gobbled up 2 another 3 . If the box origonally had 60 cookies, how many are now left?

Harold has typed 14 more pages than Rebecca. Together they have typed a total of 138 pages. How many pages have each of them typed?

The sum of 3 consecutive whole numbers is 72. What are the 3 numbers?

Jerome ate 4 of the pizza. How much did that leave for Zachary?

Worksheet #37

Geometry: Lines & Angles

Identify each of the following angles as right, straight, acute or obtuse. 1 2 3 4 5 6

12 180 97 90 163 89

A and B are congruent. If ment of B?

A is 50 , what is the measure-

E and F are complimentary. If surement of F?

E is 35 , what is the mea-

S and T are supplementary. If surement of T?

S is 98 , what is the mea-

Worksheet #38

Geometry: Quadrilaterals
8m 6m

1 2

Find the perimeter of the rectangle. Find the area of the rectangle.

7 ft

3 4

Find the perimeter of the square. Find the area of the square.
12 km 4 km 6 km

5 6

Find the perimeter of the parallelogram. Find the area of the parallelogram.
10 mm 7 mm 6 mm 15 mm 8 mm

7 8 9

Find the perimeter of the trapezoid. Find the area of the trapezoid. What is the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral?

Worksheet #39

Geometry: Triangles

26 in

34 in 21 in 39 in

1 2

Find the perimeter of the triangle. Find the area of the triangle.


4m 2m


? 3m

3 4

Find the missing side to the similar triangles. What is the sum of the angles of a triangle?

Identify the type of each triangle according to its description.

5 6 7 8 9

2 equal sides, 2 equal angles

3 acute angles 1 right angle 3 equal sides, 3 equal angles no equal sides, no equal angles

10 1 obtuse angle

Worksheet #40


A circle has a diameter of 48 km. What is the radius?

Find the diameter of a circle whose radius is 10 miles.

What is the value of

, rounded to the hundredths place?

Find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 19 m.

Find the circumference of a circle whose radius is 2.5 ft.

Find the area of a circle whose radius is 7 mm.

Find the area of a circle whose diameter is 18 yd.

Find the area of a semicircle whose radius is 5 cm.

Worksheet #41
10 m 7m

Geometry: Composite Figures

6m 3m

1 2

Find the perimeter of the above figure. Find the area of the above figure.

4 in 4 in

3 4

Find the perimeter of the above figure. Find the area of the above figure.

58 m
22 m

40 m

Find the shaded area of the above figure.

Worksheet #42

Geometry: Volume

Find the volume of the following figures. 1

A rectangular solid that is 6 mm long, 4 mm wide and 8 mm high.

A pyramid whose length = 12 ft, width = 7 ft, and height = 10 ft.

A cone whose radius = 4m, and height = 18 m.

A sphere with a radius of 6 km.

A hemisphere with a radius of 3 in.

A cylinder whose radius = 9 yd and height = 2 yd.

ANSWERS 1 Adding Whole Numbers

2) 14 9) 9455 3) 169 10) 70,860 4) 82 5)1104 6) 4481 12) 102,590,949 7) 8918 11) 1,217,715

1) 79 8) 6326

Subtracting Whole Numbers

2) 64 9) 278 3) 6 10) 1279 4) 67 11) 8039 5) 27 12) 539,529 6) 401 7) 314

1) 42 8) 456

Multiplying Whole Numbers

2) 234 9) 76,048 3) 4617 10) 641,902 4) 3312 5) 6970 6) 6768 12) 46,677,072 7) 24,000 11) 1,460,000

1) 288 8) 33,031

8) 7

Dividing Whole Numbers

2) 84 9)27.5 3) 6.5 10) 20.07 4) 25.6 11) 19.52 5) 322.25 12) 395.09 6) 247.78 7) 45

1) 52

1) 8 8) 1

Order of Operations, Exponents

2) 267 9) 1

3) 1

4) 85

5) 32 12) 28

6) 1000 13) -48

7) 16

10) 203

11) 486

8) 1

Mixed Numbers
3 7 14 5 9) 3 5 17

1) a, d



113 17

10) 12

548 45 11) 1 1 93



552 61


6044 69

7) 2 3

7) 2

Prime Factorization
2) 1,7 5 3) 1,3,5,9,15,45 3

1) 1,2,3,6

4) 1,2,4,5,10,20 11 10) 3 5 7

5) c,e,f 11) 5

6) 2 12) 2

3 7

8) 2

9) 3

Least Common Multiple

2) 12 9) 60 3) 40 10) 360 4) 24 11) 216 5) 90 12) 72 6) 30 7) 24

1) 10 8) 60


1 6 8) 1 20 15 17 8) 1 8

Simplifying Fractions
3 5 9) 7 341



10) 2 1

3 4

4) 1 11) 3


2 3


5 6


1 10

12) 5

10 Adding & Subtracting Fractions

1) 2) 1 9) 1
9 1 3 7 10 10) 1 2

3) 1

1 6 11) 16 25

4) 1

7 8 12) 3 10


6) 1

1 12


3 11

11 Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers

1) 3 3 8) 3 1
2 2

2) 5 2 9) 6 1

3) 26 17 10) 3 13


4) 21 100 11) 4


5) 3 2 12) 3
4 1 2

6) 11 8

7) 2 3

12 Multiplying Fractions
3 8


1 6

3) 9
3 8 3

4) 4
2 3 1

5) 1


9 25

7) 3

11 48

8) 8

9) 3

10) 14

13 Dividing Fractions
1) 8 8) 8
25 3 5

2) 1 5

9) 3 1

3) 3

1 17

10) 3 6

4) 10

5) 49

6) 8

7) 7 2

14 Decimals to Fractions
1) 10 8) 1 1000

2) 5

9) 4 2500

3) 2

1 641

4) 3 5

5) 100


6) 18 4

7) 250


10) 89 2000

15 Adding & Subtracting Decimals

1) 3.9 8) 25.67 2) 9.64 9) 34.03 3) 10.112 10) 12.41 4) 53.576 5) 10.603 6) 0.7 7) 9.25

16 Multiplying Decimals
1) 0.28 7) 1504 2) .072 8) 0.25 3) 279.018 9) 34 4) 63 10) .11208618 5) .000374 6) 2239.38

ANSWERS 17 Dividing Decimals

1) 23.5 8) 0.9 2) 1.55 9) 0.754 3) 12.61 10) 4.05 4) 20.4 5) 0.09 6) 0.875 7) 0.238

18 Ratios & Rates

1) 7)
$.35 3 potatoes 1 2


9 5

3 8 3 correct 8) 4 questions



2 3


24 gallons 7 minutes


7 females 17 males

9) 250 meters/second

10) 32 miles/gallon

11) 4 people/car

12) $9/lb shrimp

19 Proportions
1) 32 = 2 5) true 12) 5 5
3 48 3

2) 10 children = 30 children 6) true 7) 4 8) 13

6 adults

18 adults


12 pens 33 pens = $4 $11

4) false 11) 2.85

9) 8

10) 210

20 Converting Percents
21 100


1 20


7 50

4) 1

3 10


1 8

6) 0.47 13) 251%

7) 0.263 14) 680%

8) 2.19 15) 300%

9) .0002 16) 75%

10) 0.035 17) 40%

11) 33% 18) 10%

12) 4%

19) 12.5% 20) 260%

21 Percents Problems
1) 70 8) 62.5% 2) 40

3) 150%

4) 2040 11) 200%


5) 75% 12) 1.86

6) 20

7) 0.016

9) 33 1 % 10) 4

22 Measurements - American Units

1) 312 8) 9680 2) 7 9) 96 3) 27 10) 1 4

4) 4

5) 14

6) 4860

7) 4 6

23 Measurements - Metric Units

1) 2000 8) 380 2) 24,000 9) 10 3) 0.42 10) 2000 4) 1500 5) 0.08 6) 3.5 7) 4000

ANSWERS 24 Graphs
1) 30% 2)
3 11

3) 22 9) 2500

4) 7800

5) 2001



7) JUL


10) 41 - 60 11) 81 - 99 12) 12

25 Mean, Median & Mode

1) 6 8) 95 2) 36 9) 3.2 3) 159.50 4) 8 5) 320 6) 26 7) 3

26 Real Numbers: The Basics

1) > 8) 0 15) - 7

2) < 9) - 2 16) True

3) > 10) - 8 17) True

4) = 11) - 9 18) False

5) > 12) 34 19) True

6) 6 13) 0 20) True

7) 5 14) 5.1

27 Adding & Subtracting Real Numbers

1) 6 8) - 16 2) 3 9) 11 3) - 4 10) - 10 4) - 9 11) - 29 5) 0 12) - 7 6) - 100 13) 0 7) 0.6 14) - 9.4

28 Multiplying & Dividing Real Numbers

1) - 18 8) 0 15) - 10 22) - 1 2) 14 9) 9 16) - 5 23) - 21

3) - 15 10) - 343 17) 52 24) - 0.03


4) - 32 11) - 4 18) - 0.3


5) 4 12) - 2 19) 2
1 1

6) 135 13) 2 20) - 4


7) - 1 14) - 1 21) - 4

29 Evaluating Expressions
1) 15 8) 6 2) 48 9) - 11 3) 0 10) 5 4) - 8 11) - 24 5) 5 12) - 6 6) undefined 13) 144 14) 7) 1
2 3

30 Properties
1) commutative 7) x + (y + z) 2) associative 8) (xy)z 3) distributive 10) eg + eh 4) y + x 5) 10 + t 6) qp 12) 5a + 5b 9) (7a)b 11) fj - fs

ANSWERS 30 Properties (continued)

13) 3x + 18 18) a(b + c) 14) 10x - 2 19) 2(b + c) 15) ax + ay + 4a 20) x(7 + 4) = 11x 16)
e g

f g


x +1 8

21) s(15 - 11) = 4s

22) x(a + b + c)

31 Simplifying
1) 9x 2) 3x - 3y 8) - 3 - x 13) 8y - 5x - 8 3) 9x 4) - 8x 5) 11 + 4t + 5y 6) - 3a 7) 3x + y + 2 12) -8x -16 9) - 5x - 7 14) - 6 10) 2x + 6y - 4 15) 3y + 2

11) - 10x + 17 16) 2a + 6


17) 5x - y - 8

32 Equations: Addition Principle

1) - 15 8) - 4 2) 3 9) 42 3) 27

4) 2.5

5) 8 2

6) 6 4

7) 14

10) 2 3 3) - 2 10) 150 4) - 19 5) 90 6) 12 7) 22

33 Equations: Multiplication Principle

1) 8 8) 4 2) 3 9) 7

34 Multistep Equations
1) 2 7) 7 8

2) 4 8) -7

3) 2 9) 20

4) -

2 5


56 5

or 11

1 5

6) -

1 6

10) 3

35 Formulas
1) 16 8) P - a - c 2) 4 3) 7 4) - 4 5) 30 6) 16

7) r

36 Word Problems
1) $217 2) 8 3) Harold: 62, Rebecca: 76 4) 23, 24, 25

5) 11

37 Geometry: Lines & Angles

1) acute 8) 55 2) straight 9) 82 3) obtuse 4) right 5) obtuse 6) acute 7) 50

ANSWERS 38 Quadrilaterals
1) 28 m 8) 75 mm

2) 48 m 9) 360

3) 28 ft

4) 49 ft

5) 36 km

6) 48 km

7) 40 mm

39 Triangles
1) 99 in 7) Right 2) 409.5 in

3) 6m

4) 180

5) Isosceles

6) Acute

8) Equilateral

9) Scalene 10) Obtuse


40 Circles
1) 24km 2) 20 miles

3) 3.14

4)59.66 m

5) 15.7 ft

6) 153.86 mm

7) 254.34 yd

8) 39.25 cm

41 Composite Figures
1) 46 m 2) 88 m

3) 20.56 in

4) 28.56 in

5) 1940.06 m

42 Volume
1) 192 mm

2) 280 ft

3) 301.44 m

4) 904.32 km

5) 56.52 in

6) 508.68 yd

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