What Is Special About Language

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Escuela de Posgrado Universidad Nacional de Educacin Enrique Guzmn y Valle - La Cantuta MASTERS PROGRAM IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES


Student: Major: Topic: Semester: Teacher:

Paulo Cesar Chiri Saravia Teaching English as a Foreign Language What is special about language? 2013-I Rogil Sanchez Quintana

What is special about language?

In this talk Chomsky say nothing is special about language and he add language is just some arbitrary collection of objects he means language is just a collection of words arbitrary. Every object has a name chosen arbitrarily. For example the object that is represented by word tree does not have relation with the word tree. Language can differ arbitrarily from one other. Leonard Bloomfield added language is a collection of all the sentences that can be spoken. Then he said when you study a second language you study externalization I think he means when you study a second language it is more difficult to learn because of your mother tongue therefore learning a second language is external because it is not acquired (internal) that is the reason which most of students of second language do not speak fluently. Later he said words are sounds with meaning it is like Ferdinand Saussure said about linguistic sign it is formed by significant (sounds) and significant (the meaning of the word). Social context is crucial it means a linguistic sign (words) without a social context may be ambiguous so every speech act needs a context. Chomsky mentioned the computational cognitive science: after a long behaviorist psychology domain is consolidating a new approach known as cognitive psychology whose representation clearer is information processing based on an analogy between the functioning of the human mind and digital computers. Cognitive science is responsible of the explanation of the functioning of the human mind from several scientific views making an analogy between information processing that is capable of performing a computer. Chomsky is a relevant figure to cognitive psychology.

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