2013 Vocabulary Challenge

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*A Fundraiser in which ALL students learn!
* March 26 -- Pledge forms due back to school * April 5 -- Spelling Challenge Test Day * April 8 -- Pledge Money due Number of Words Possible Per Grade: 7th Grade: Number Correct 40 or with Spanish 50 8th Grade: 40 or with Spanish 50

Student: _____________________________ Tiger Time Teacher: _____________________________ Grade: 7 or 8

Pledge Record
Name / Address / Phone # $ Pledge Per Word $ Amount Due $ Amount Collected



You will receive a vocabulary list to study
40 words from all of your classes 10 bonus words in Spanish


plural of incentive (noun)

A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something

Collect pledges for each word Study vocabulary list Take Vocabulary Challenge in school Find out how many you got right Collect pledges and return the funds to school EARN INCENTIVES!!!
Each student who scores 100% will receive a Tiger Pride card that can be redeemed for prizes or entered to win a big prize!

Vocabulary Challenge Spring 2013


plural of incentive (noun)


plural of incentive (noun)


plural of incentive (noun)

A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something

A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something

A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something

This could be you for a whole week!

The 8th Grade TIGER TIME and 7th Grade TIGER TIME who raise the most money will receive a breakfast party during tiger time. YUM!

The GRADE that has the highest percentage of correct words will be able to eat lunch first for a week!

If the BUILDING has 20,000 correct words or more (about 30 correct words per person) we will have an ice cream party.

Monday, March 11th
Pledge envelopes go home

Tuesday, March 26th

Pledge forms due to school

Friday, April 5th

Vocabulary Challenge Test day

Monday, April 8th

Pledge money due to school

8th Grade Vocabulary Challenge

Spring 2013
1. Contrast- creating difference between elements of art 2. Value value is the lightness or darkness of a color

Drama and Vocal Music

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Articulation The shaping and molding of sounds into syllables; to spit out words Diction Pronunciation and enunciation of words while singing Pantomime Bodily movement and expression without dialogue Projection Increase voice or actions so that they will carry to audience Vibrato - A slightly tremulous effect imparted to vocal tone for added warmth and expressiveness by slight and rapid variations in pitch

Language Arts
8. Allusion A brief, usually indirect reference to a person, place, or event real or fictional 9. Analyze To examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, and possible results 10. Dystopia A society characterized by human misery, oppression, and/or disease 11. Empathize The understanding of what someone else is feeling because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes 12. Inference To reason from circumstance; to surmise 13. Ostracize Exclusion from a society or group

14. Coefficient A number attached to a variable using multiplication 15. Hypotenuse The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle 16. Integers Whole numbers and their opposites 17. Reciprocal The multiplicative inverse of a number 18. Slope The rate of change between any two points on a line

Media Center
19. Bibliography A list of citations for books, periodical articles or other materials cited in research 20. Copyright A form of protection given to the authors or creators of original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works. 21. Infinite Campus Logon A logon that allows a student onto Infinite Campus

22. Plagiarism The un-credited use (both intentional and unintentional) of somebody else's words or ideas

Social Studies
23. Impeach To bring charges against 24. Precedent An action or decision that later serves as an example 25. Propaganda Information spread to help or harm a specific group 26. Ratify To formally approve 27. Secede To formally withdraw

28.Siege A military blockade of a city Science

29. Inertia The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion 30. Mass The amount of matter in an object 31. Velocity Speed in a given direction 32. Volume The amount of space an object takes up 33. Weight The measure of the force of gravity acting on an object 34. Work- Force exerted on an object that causes it to move

Physical Education
35. Endurance The ability of the cells in the body to efficiently use oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Also known as aerobic fitness. 36. Flexibility The elasticity of muscles and connective tissues, which determines the range of motion of the joints.

Tech Ed and Graphics

37. Diameter The distance across a circle at its greatest point. 38. Forstner Bit A round drill bit used for drilling flat-bottomed holes. 39. Transistor Electronic device that can turn an electric current on or off. 40. Resistor Electrical device that control how much current flows through a circuit.

Bonus 8th Grade Spanish Words

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Atrevido - Outgoing La Pregunta - Question El Cartel - Poster Las Tijeras - Scissors Bienvenidos - Welcome 6. La Ropa - Clothes 7. El Estadio - Stadium 8. Picuda- Pointy 9. Ocupado - Busy 10. Demasiado Too much

Vocabulary Challenge Test Grade 8

The Fundraiser in which ALL Students Learn!

Directions: Fill in the blank with the letter of the correct vocabulary word. Media Center and Tech Ed and Graphics Vocabulary A. Forstner Bit D. Diameter G. Transistor B. Bibliography E. Infinite Campus Logon H. Resistor C. Copyright F. Plagiarism Answer Question Sentence using the Word Letter Number 1 When writing a research paper, it is important to use your own words. If you copy from a source, you have committed _____________________. 2 When someone writes a new song, a book, or other original piece, they will often _______________ it to protect its value. 3 ________________ is a device designed to introduce resistance to an electrical current. 4 To give credit for the sources you used in researching for a paper, you will cite the sources in the ___________________. 5 The ______________________ or the tin can is 3 inches. 6 Use a ____________________ to drill the eye holes for your Gumball machine. 7 A __________________ is a small electronic device that can be used in a circuit as an amplifier, detector, or switch. 8 To view your grades online you must sign on with your _______________.

Directions: Fill in the blank with the letter of the correct vocabulary word. Social Studies Vocabulary A. Impeach B. Precedent Answer Question Letter Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 C. Ratify D. Secede Definition To formally approve An action or decision that later serves as an example To bring charges against Information spread to help or harm a specific group A military blockade of a city To formally withdraw E. Propaganda F. Siege

Directions: Fill in the blank with the letter of the correct vocabulary word. Math Vocabulary A. B. C. D. E. Answer Letter Question Number 15 16 17 18 19 Coefficients Hypotenuse Integers Reciprocal Slope Sentence Using the Word The ________________________ is the longest side of a right triangle. _____________ is the ratio of vertical change to horizontal change. The product of a number and its ________________ is one (1). When subtracting with _________________, always rewrite as addition of the opposite. Combine like terms by adding the _______________________.

Directions: Fill in the blank with the letter of the correct vocabulary word.
Language Arts Vocabulary

A. B. C. D. E. F. Answer Letter Question Number 20 21 22 23 24 25

Allusion Analyze Dystopia Empathize Inference Ostracize Definition

Exclusion from a society or group A society characterized by human misery, oppression, and/or disease To reason from circumstance; to surmise A brief, usually indirect reference to a person, place, or event real or fictional To examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, and possible results The understanding of what someone else is feeling because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes

Directions: Fill in the blank with the letter of the correct vocabulary word. Vocal Music and Drama Vocabulary A. Diction B. Pantomime C. Articulation Answer Letter D. Projection E. Vibrato

Question Sentence Using the Word Number 26 Amy couldnt hear Louis through the window, so instead of asking for her to open the door, he had to ___________________ the action. 27 The soloists use of _______________ created a very warm, rich tone quality that was perfect for that style of music. 28 An actor must be sure to exhibit good ____________ in order for the audience to hear the lines and see all the actions. 29 It is important to avoid mumbling and use good _____________________ so others can understand exactly what you are saying. 30 In order for the audience to understand what you are signing about, you will need to use great _____________________.

Directions: Fill in the blank with the letter of the correct vocabulary word. Science, P.E., and Art Vocabulary A. B. C. D. Answer Letter Question Number 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Inertia Mass Velocity Endurance E. Volume F. Flexibility G. Weight H. Contrast Definition Force exerted on an object that causes it to move. The amount of matter in an object. Creating difference between elements of art. The ability of the cells in the body to efficiently use oxygen and release carbon dioxide; also known as aerobic fitness The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion. Speed in a given direction. The lightness or darkness of a color. The elasticity of muscles and connective tissues, which determine the range of motion of the joints The measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. The amount of space an object takes up. I. Work J. Value


Directions: Match the Spanish vocabulary word with the correct English word.
Answer Letter Question Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Spanish Word atrevido Mi hermano es muy atrevido, le gusta esquiar en las montaas. pregunta Tienes una pregunta? cartel Hay muchos carteles en la clase de espaol. tijeras Usa las tijeras para cortar el papel. bienvenidos Bienvenidos a la clase de espaol. ropa Mi ropa favorita son mis pantalones y camisetas. estadio Vamos al partido de ftbol americano en el estadio de Valley. picuda En Mxico, hay personas que llevan botas picudas para bailar. ocupado Hoy estoy muy ocupado. Tengo que estudiar, trabajar, e ir a la leccin de piano. demasiado Lola est demasiado enfermo hoy. .

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

Poster Scissors Too much Clothes Busy Pointy Question Outgoing Welcome Stadium


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