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Near Field Communication or NFC is the next generation short-range high frequency wireless communication technology which enables the exchange of data between devices built with this technology. Mobile devices are main targeted devices for this technology. This seminar brings to light the technology behind NFC which is based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology and also that which uses magnetic field induction to enable communication between electronic devices in close proximity. The main objective of this seminar is to highlight the two communication modes in which NFC operates- Passive Communication Mode and Active Communication Mode. Emphasis is also given to the two different coding schemes used in NFC to transfer dataManchester and Modified Miller Coding. I would also like to focus the attention on the significant advantage of NFC over Bluetooth which is the shorter setup time. Due to its shorter range, NFC provides a higher degree of security than Bluetooth and makes NFC suitable for crowded areas. The modes of operation are Reader/Writer, Card emulation and Peer-to-Peer mode. Further scope lies in mobile payment and mobile commerce, development of smart posters from which the mobile phones can be used to read NFC tags, electronic ticketing, electronic money, travel cards, etc. Thus, the key concepts to be focused are: Technological overview Basic Architecture Protocol Flow Coding and Manipulation Modes of Communication and Operation Comparison with other technologies Security Aspects Further scope and Applications

Reference Near Field Communication (NFC), IEEE 2013 5th International Workshop on Submitted by: Nikhil Kumar EEE, Reg: 19110058 S7

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