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Nick Bourbeau

It was a calm night, slightly chilly, as young Timmy sat out on his backyard patio, wishing adventure would find him. He found his life to be boring, nothing ever happened, so he wished upon the only star in the sky, shining bright enough to shine his way through his yard. Then a voice called him, Tim? TIM?! Where are you boy? a bellowing voice from inside Timmy's house called. As soon as the air had cleared of the interruption, Timmy tranquilly walked through the back door. yes father? Timmy quietly said. Boy, do you have any idea how much money running air conditioners costs even for a small house such as ours? Timmy's father said through his teeth, his rank yellow rotting teeth, this was best though, otherwise Timmy was likely to lose consciousness from the smell. n-no Timmy stuttered. Well then, why would you leave the door wide open letting all the cold air out?. Well why are we running the air conditioner in the middle of Fall anyways?. Quickly Timmy was slapped across the face by the back of his father's hand, don't you ever sass me boy!. Timmy, barely shocked by this action, managed to squeak out a sorry dad. Calmly his father replied yeah you damn well better be, now go to your room it's time for you to go to bed. Timmy fearing what his father might do, decided to just do as he said and went to bed. Slowly as he drifted off to sleep he couldn't help think about his wish for adventure on that star. The next morning, Timmy got up for his morning routine. It was dark, the sun itself hadn't risen yet, but Timmy grabbed the cold steel pan, grabbed a match and lit the gas stove. Quickly he smelled the pungent aroma of propane gas, then struck the match on the box filling his nose with the smoke making him cough,as customary. He cracked the eggs, placed the yolks in the pan with a satisfying sizzle, as they cooked he sprinkled a little shredded cheese into the whitening eggs. His father's room could be described as a cave, it was dark, cold, cramped, moist, and creepy. Every morning, and this was no exception,Timmy's father would emerge from his cave like bedroom, like a bear out of hibernation, demanding breakfast. Boy you didn't burn the eggs this time congratulations. thanks dad. well don't let it go to your head, you're gonna be late to school get going. Timmy grabbed his bag and shoes, ran outside and stopped at the curb. The light burned his eyes for a minute, but they adjusted. His neighborhood was a small one, the kind everyone knew everyone's name. His neighbor Mrs. Winchester, whom was a kind and gentle woman in her 70's with what was once red hair gracefully fading into greyness, was always in her yard watering her prized roses. They were not prized for no reason, they were beautiful hues of ruby red, they were fragrant, in fact their smell would invade your nostrils, with that strong scent all roses have, however hers won because her roses had an extra sweet smell, almost honey like. what are you looking at there Timmy? called Mrs. Winchester. Oh I'm sorry Mrs. Winchester I was dazzled by your roses again Timmy replied with a smile. they are dazzling aren't they? I have this year's rose contest in the bag I believe. Well have a nice day at school sweetie. thank you ma'am you enjoy your day too. When Timmy waved the bus had just pulled up to the bus stop. When the bus applied its brakes a harsh rush of compressed air escaped from under the bus. He walked onto his bus and was greeted by the simpleton's grunt of the bus driver, as

usual. He ignored it like any other day and walked down the row, smelling kids deodorant, cologne, and some sweat even. It was pungent enough it distracted Timmy, then suddenly he was pulled back into reality with a SLAM. He picked himself up and looked and saw a foot in the aisle that caused his struggle with gravity. He quickly noticed to whom the foot belonged, the notorious John Burtuli. He was the school bully, in fact in a town as small as this, he could be considered the town bully. His hair was black short and smooth, with his pale and pasty skin, his teeth were yellow, and his piercing soulless black eyes. watch where you're going Jim you scuffed my shoe! said John. It's Tim you imbecile! said Timmy. now I don't know what you just said but I don't like it, perhaps I'm going to have to remind you of your place here. Timmy gulping , no it's not necessary apparently it is, good luck today John said with a laugh. Timmy was terrified by this laugh, it sent a shiver cold as ice down his back, he did not look forward to his day at school. Timmy was the last off the bus and only left because the neanderthal of a bus driver grunted at him to get off. He dragged his feet and stepped off the bus, the smell of new books, new pencils, and bubblegum. He walked through the halls only then did he noticed, the bottom of his shoe was terribly sticky. When he took a look he noticed that he had stepped in gum, so he took his least favorite pencil and started taking the gum off. Then later in his class he took his normal seat in the corner, watched as all the other students flooded in and took their chairs. As the teacher stood up and told the class to settle down, Timmy started dazing off into a day dream. One where he was the strongest kid in class, everyone adored him, John feared him, he wasn't awkward at all, his jokes were hilarious, and Kristen Doth was completely in love with him. It was amazing, the most miraculous ever, but suddenly this utopian reality came crashing in as an upset teacher was yelling Timothy wake up you stupid child! in an instant Timmy realized it was an amazing dream, and that he had fallen asleep in class. He reached up to his neck and noticed something wet, he picked something off and looked at them. To his dismay he realized that his neck was covered in spitballs, no doubt shot by John from the pencil sharpener while the teacher wasn't watching. Later at lunch Timmy walked with his lunch to his usual secluded table where no one would bug him, but provoked by today's earlier incident john was hiding behind Timmy's table and pulled the chair out under Timmy as he went to sit. This lead to a grand display, tater tots, juice, and sandwiches went flying in the air, eventually falling on Timmy covering him. And of course on the bus headed home, John stuck his foot out in the aisle as customary, just worsening Timmy's day. Then when he took his seat he was so upset he didn't even notice he had just sat next to Kristen Doth. oh hi Timmy said Kristen with a smile. oh h-h-hi. stuttered Timmy with a blush. Kristen simply giggled then raised an eyebrow um why are you covered in ketchup and grape juice?. that is a very long story said Timmy with a sigh. well our stop isn't for a while so we got time wanna tell me?. uh uh okay stuttered Timmy again. The rest of the long bus ride was filled with Timmy explaining his day, of course leaving out the embarrassing dream, with some laughs and some parts of Kristen getting angry with john, Timmy could just tell. i can't believe he did all that just because you scuffed his shoe when he tripped you said Kristen with furrowed brow. yeah I think it's just because he has a terrible home life so he takes out his pent up aggression on people at school. Timmy said. The bus stopped gently and the next thing he knew Timmy heard a grunt and looked up to the disgruntled bus driver pointing to get out.

Timmy frowned and said this is my stop I gotta go. Kristen said with a smile i really enjoyed talking to you Timmy, let's talk again tomorrow okay? Really? I mean of course! Timmy cheered excitedly. Timmy marched into his house with a grin sparkling on his face. oh it looks like you had a nice day today didn't you Timmy said Mrs. Winchester. Mrs. Winchester, you have no idea, plus the coyotes are playing game seven tonight there is no way they will lose this year, I can feel it. smiled Timmy. And he walked straight into his house. you're finally home boy, the coyotes are facing off in game seven in only five minutes go get your jersey on! of course father Timmy said as he hurried to his room. Now, his father and Timmy did not always get along or see eye to eye, but there was always one thing they could agree on, one thing that would never change, they were both huge phoenix coyote hockey fans. And tonight was the big game seven of the western finals, the winner of this game would go on to the Stanley cup finals. All the coyotes have to do is beat out L.A. Should be simple right? Timmy thought. Boy you are missing the face off! Hurry up! Timmy threw on his jersey and raced into the living room, and planted himself on the couch, just as the puck hit the ice and the game started. Timmy felt that if the coyotes could just win this game, maybe his life would even itself out. While Timmy was contemplating deeply on this, 15 minutes had passed by and the coyotes had just scored a deflection goal. The only reason Timmy stopped his concentration was his father jumping off the couch celebrating this goal. Quickly Timmy began celebrating with him. And decided to no longer contemplate his life, and just enjoy the game. The other five minutes plus the second period went by rather uneventfully, but with time ticking down and the coyotes ahead by a goal Timmy was assured of a coyotes victory. With 2:30 minutes left, the L.A. Kings went onto the offensive started a desperate rush to tie it up. To Timmy, it played out in slow motion, the right winger skating over the blue line, takes a shot on net but mike smith stops him solid like a rock. But before he knew it or any other coyote player could react, the L.A. center skated in picked up the rebound and Timmy saw it almost like a frame by frame replay the puck sailed just past mike smith's glove, and hit the twine of the back of the net. Game 7, was going into overtime. His father in an instant stood up shouting pissed, Smith how could you let a goal like that get past you! Boy can you believe this?! Timmy just sat there on the couch shocked, speechless, motionless. Boy? BOY! Listen they can still pull it out in overtime this statement snapped Timmy out of his trance, i really hope he said. they have to, I bet 4 months salary on them. Timmy bewildered you bet that much?. yes so they damn well better win. Timmy was terrified now, not only did his happiness ride on this game but now the next four months of not depleting the bank savings was. okay here we go overtime mike smith better be at the top of his damn game. Timmy was to scared to watch the next twenty minutes. But at 13:00 left in the period, the coyotes center jumped of the bench as part of the line change and got a turnover and was on a breakaway chance, suddenly Timmy saw this demonic figure standing on the ice placing it's hideous green extremity out in front of the coyote center, the instant he touched the unidentified entity the coyote player tripped and fell on the ice hard. And when he hit the ice the puck slid quickly towards the goal and the L.A. goalie moved to stop it but the phoenix player slid into him causing the puck to go in and leave both players in a bewilderment. Then the referee blew the whistle and gave a goaltender interference penalty on

the coyotes. Despite Timmy's and his father's objections to the television screen. i can't believe they are gonna call that! That's bullshit! and Timmy proclaimed yea he was tripped what the hell was that!? it's okay boy we just have rely on the pk unit. but within the first minute and a half of the 2 minute penalty, the center of L.A. passed it to his defense man at the point who faked a shot centering passed it to the right winger who let it rip. Once again it all played out in slow mo the shot was flying towards smith's glove but suddenly it changed directions from an offensive hockey stick, into the opposite corner where it found the back of the net. As soon as the siren blasted, the crowd cheered, and the referee whistled with his arms up, Timmy and his dad had it all sink in, phoenix lost. Timmy disappointed went to sleep that night, shocked and terrified of the next couple months and what that strange figure on the ice was. His morning went on as normal but on a quiet and sadder note, even the bus drove to school silently, the cave driver didn't even growl,groan,or moan once. It was as if all of Arizona was forced quiet by disappointment. Not even john was being his annoying obnoxious self. The teacher seemed less energetic even, the entire day went by uneventfully. Then finally the bell rang, and even that sound was deafened by defeat. The kids marched out of class and towards the bus, everything grayer the sky, the grass, even the usually bright golden bus seemed to be tainted by gray. The children drudged onto the bus, but Timmy was able to achieve the seat next to Kristen. hey Kristen oh hi Timmy did you see that game last night? Timmy asked. yeah my whole family watched, it was terrible that we lost like that responded Kristen with a frown. can you believe they called that penalty when the phoenix guy was tripped by that weird looking thing? Kinda looked like an alien. um Timmy what are you talking about? There was no one there near him when he fell. Kristen what are you talking about? He was clearly tripped by that weird green guy. okay Timmy if you say so. Suddenly as Timmy glanced out the window and saw a green thing flash on the outside of the window. Kristen can we trade seats real quick? I think I saw something. sure Timmy they shifted seats somewhat awkwardly, and Timmy peeks out the window, but the alien seemed to have disappeared. um never mind it ran away a disappointed Timmy said. out of curiosity what were you looking for? an inquisitive Kristen asks. that same alien that caused the coyotes to lose last night, he was just outside the bus. Timmy said. A confused Kristen said, i didn't see anything, Timmy are you just kidding around? no! Timmy said offended it was there it was real! Right? When the bus stopped, Timmy was sure to inspect the outside of the bus and sure enough he saw some claw marks on the body of the bus, but decided to keep it to himself, someone would find it eventually. Timmy somewhat discouraged walked into his home, to his kitchen and saw a single note on the table.
Dear Boy, I will be at work late tonight in order to make up for the losses in that bet. I left a can of beans in the fridge for you, don't burn the house. Be home by 11:00 I expect you to be asleep when I get home, you still have school. Signed, Chuck

It must have been serious,considering he used his name. But Timmy felt tired, exhausted. He

heated up his beans, and went straight to bed. That night he had vivid nightmares, more of those demonic aliens, walking into his home, doing weird experiments, then leaving. When they left, they gave him a gift,a bomb, in his kitchen. As the explosion went off, Timmy sat up screaming sweating profusely, realizing it had all been a dream. He was hesitant to check, but pulled up his night shirt, to see red, grotesque, scratches going up and down his chest. The next morning he was visibly uneasy, but his father decided not to ask. So Timmy went to school unimpeded. That day he talked to no one, not john, not his teacher, and not even Kristen. As he was walking the halls to his next class, his head hung low, when he looked up, he noticed a green figure run into the restroom. Quickly, with a burst of adrenaline, Timmy rushed into the bathroom. Suddenly he was stopped by a hideous creature, its teeth snarling and orange, it's eyes black completely other than one small slit of red in the middle, and two long green arms that formed into two enormous claws. Timmy was paralyzed by fear, here it was the very creature causing Timmy all his stress. The creature lifted its magnificently gross claw to Timmy and reached into his backpack and pulled out a pack of matches Timmy kept in case of emergency. Somehow the alien was graceful enough to take out a single match and light it, throwing it into the garbage can. In seconds the trash bin was ablaze, Timmy panicked and ran away. Soon the fire alarm set off as the flames spread, chaos ensued, children started flooding the halls. Timmy got out the doors to find a couple teachers and fellow students waiting for him. timothy did you really just start a fire? You know arson is a felony! said his teacher. i had nothing to do with it! pleaded Timmy. oh and who did it? asked his teacher an....alien... Timmy said with a pause. oh is that so? How do you explain these matches in backpack? those aren't mine they are my father's! okay young man we are calling your father, and you are going to see the principal and probably be suspended if not expelled! a disappointed Timmy decided not to argue and waited for those loud sirens to come around. The principal was a short round man, with a large mustache, short dark brown hair, and piercing green eyes. With the bathroom fire extinguished, Timmy was called to the principal's office. ah yes Timmy Schroeder, well you know son, arson is a very very serious offense. But principal Jackal, I didn't do it! proclaimed Timmy. I'll believe you but, if it wasn't you, then who was it?. well you see sir, I think we have been invaded by aliens. admitted Timmy. But this statement not only seems annoying, but infuriating for principal Jackal . How dare you lie to me he yelled you expect me to believe that outrageous of a story? but sir I swear it's true!. i can't handle being lied to, I don't want to see your face here anymore, you are expelled. but, but, but, I have no other school choices in the district. and this was your only choice? Well you set fire to it so get out, you are no longer a student here. With defeat in his eyes Timmy simply walked out of the office, feeling as though all the eyes in the school were staring disapprovingly at him. He asked the lady in the front office to borrow their phone, and called home to speak with his father. You got what?! his father screamed over the phone, expelled replied Timmy. For doing what?!, they say I set fire in the bathroom, but I promise it wasn't me, it was the aliens! cried Timmy. Boy don't you start with that again, I am headed there to pick you up now, you better hope they don't press charges. Timmy could feel his heart sink as soon as he saw an ugly green pickup truck, it was his father. The truck pulled along the sidewalk, from the bench outside his school, Timmy could

see the cold hard gaze his father was casting upon him. Timmy slowly got up and dragged his feet towards the truck, regretting every step taken, he was terrified. He knew the instant he opened the car door, his father would let loose a hell's worth of profanities, threats, and anger. Silence. Silence is all that filled the car. Timmy was amazed, and yet more terrified by the lack of screaming, yelling, and profanities. The tension was agonizing. Not a word was said the whole trip home. Not even after walking in the front door, his father just walked in and went straight to the fridge. The fridge? This is terrible, he went straight to the fridge, that means he is going to be drinking. With the recent trouble, odds are he isn't holding back the drinks tonight. Turns out hell was going to be raised after all. sho you thought that you coul-could just *hic go and just burn your school and *hic not pay up to the *hic consequenches? a heavily drunken Chuck Schroeder told a horrified Timmy. no I'm sorry, but it really was aliens! but his response was only to be drowned out by the drunken ramblings of his father. not thish again *hic I shwear I am sho sick of hearing you blame those *hic &%#$ing aliens for all jyour problems. but dad I swear it is the truth shut up you shpoiled punk. Go to jyour ro *hic room or elshe. relieved that his father didn't allow drunken rage to take over, raced into his bedroom and thrust himself onto his bed, where he laid for what seemed like hours. Until, finally, the sandman decided to allow him to sleep, but not before the dreadful thought of what tomorrow might bring. But he mustered the strength to put those thoughts behind him, and just fall to sleep. Timmy started dreaming again, aliens slowly clawing his chest, wrists, and arms. This nightmare forced Timmy awake into the real world, which was not much safer. When suddenly Boy! I dechided *hic you have not learned *hic you lesson yet *hic Timmy's father burst suddenly stumbling drunk. dad? Wha-what's going on? I just had the weirdest dream. Timmy said unaware of any danger. boy that was all real *hic you got expelled *hic and it's time you learn what consequences there *hic are. suddenly his father pulled out a very intimidating knife. Dad?dad! No no no no, don't do it. But just as Timmy let out this squeal, his father's knife had penetrated Timmy's rib cage. The pain was excruciating. The knife burned, the blood spurting. Everything going dark. Then his father pulled it out and stabbed Timmy in the stomach. In that instant, Timmy sat up screaming. It had all been a dream. Nightmare is more like it. His father was too hungover to go to work and was sleeping it off in his dark room. It's better this way Timmy thought, this way it gives me time to think of what to do before he gets up. much to Timmy's dismay however, his father started to wake up and slowly make his way out of his den with a pair of dark shades on. son last night I had a dream and it came to me, a way for you to make up for getting expelled, you are my slave until we find you a new school, that shall be your punishment. Now here take this money and list go buy our groceries, and don't go crazy we aren't made of money you know. Timmy thankful that this is what occurred rather than the expected shouting, guilt trips, or even physical punishment. So he cautiously accepted the money and list, and left. By the time he got home however, his father seemed much angrier. it's about damn time you made it home! What took you so long? he yelled. Timmy was far to afraid to respond, fine just stay silent, give me that food. with this he took the food and left toward the kitchen. Suddenly Timmy noticed the green monster stalking his father, terrified of what it might do, he ran after it screaming, and as it raised a knife threatening to stab his father, Timmy lunged at the monster. Timmy laid on what he

thought to be the legs of the monster but soon realized he hadn't saved his father as the gnarly blade was protruding from his calf. What in the hell do you think you are doing! an infuriated father yelled. Timmy simply laid there attempting to hold on to the monster to keep it from running away,but it was all in vain as he found himself flying into the wall as the monster escaped,and at the same time his father was dialing on the phone. Hello? yes my son has gone insane and stabbed me in the leg I need assistance now. Okay just hurry! his father told the person on the other side of the phone. It was but moments after his father hung up the phone that he found himself completely restrained unable to move at all, his father had a tight hold on him despite Timmy's abundance of squirming and struggling. let me go! It's going to get away! he yelled. Shut up boy! This alien monster demon whatever you call it why has no one seen it?! his father replied. because people are ignorant and blind! And I've had it everyone hates me. So I am turning my back on you people and helping them conquer humanity. Timmy said with an evil smile. You have gone insane boy and I'm done with you I don't want you coming back here ever again. with the fact that he has been effectively disowned and now orphaned, Timmy let out a maniacal laugh and said, you fool it doesn't matter to me, the aliens shall welcome me home with open arms while he was laughing, his father picked up a pan from the stove, after that everything went black. Snow white, soft white, comforting, inviting. That's all Timmy could see once he awoke looking around that's all he could see. am I dead? he asked but no answer. hello? Anyone? silence was the only remark. He sat up and when his nose itched he tried to reach for it, but then it came to him, he couldn't move his arms he was a wearing a strange white coat. But he couldn't be bothered with that now for the itch was becoming unbearable, he resorted to rubbing his face along the walls like a common dog. When he stopped he looked and found a door with a small window, glancing this way and that through it he discovered the room he was in, was in the middle of a hallway. Standing hoping to see someone out there, he saw a green hideous monster. there you are, I've been waiting for you. Timmy said to the monster. The monster looked and did what would pass for a monster's smile, then turned and left. wait where are you going? Wait after all you've done you aren't going to help me out of here?! Timmy getting more frantic by the second, please no I've given up everything to be with you monsters! he began crying please no come back. tears filling his eyes and rolling down his cheeks, he leaned on the wall and slid down slowly. Going to rest one more time. It was one week later, and Timmy finally understood all that was going on in his current situation. He knew when lunch was served allowing him time out of his straight jacket. Ways to pass the hours were very very few. Timmy became able to count backward and forward within seconds without messing up, the alphabet just as fast too. He would stare out the window to watch the beast pace the hallways, like a big green guard keeping him imprisoned. He would yell uncensored unyielding insults at the guard to no avail. Nothing helped anything, Timmy decided to simply stare up at the ceiling. I've figured it out! I know you can see me right now! You are observing me through this document! I don't know how you are doing it, but I know you are reading about me! Please help me! Get me out of here! PLEASE! Timmy cried yes you on the other side of this screen I know you can read what I'm saying! Get me the hell out of here please! however from behind a one way glass pane there was Cassandra Swill whom

said, he's making no progress, he still believes he's a character in some story, he has no grip on reality anymore. she said with a frown. Hi my name is Cassandra but you can call me Cassie, what can I call you? she said with a smile. Timmy he replied without turning around or moving his stare off of the corner of the room. Then for a minute there was a pause, silence, nothing but breath. The smell of a week without a shower the only smell of the room, it was strong enough to make Cassandra wrinkle her nose. you have been here awhile, how about I run you a shower? Cassandra calmly asked. thank you,(a pause) ca...ssie.. The water was warm, the water felt great to Timmy, when he looked around however he was intrigued in that he was showering a large concrete room with many drains and a multitude of shower heads, as if it was made for more than 4 people to shower at one time, with no dividers. After he dried himself off, two burly security guards put his straight jacket back on, and escorted them back to his padded room. hi Timmy how was the shower? Cassie asked openly. fine. Timmy said. listen Timmy I want us to get along and I feel you are sealing yourself off from me. Now I'm not asking to be best friends,but I really want to help with your problem of these aliens this comment filled the room and was the last sound in the room for what seemed like 5 minutes. Cassie was it? I'm sorry but the aliens are real, they request your death. Timmy said in his most monotone voice. i see, are they speaking to you now? May I talk to them? Cassie soothingly inquired no they only speak to me, and in order for me to rule with them. You must die. It was two grueling weeks before Timmy would speak to anyone not even Cassandra. Timmy, I see that you aren't happy and I want you to feel better, I want to help you get there. Cassandra consoled. There was a long silence, until finally Timmy warned, they are coming for you, I can no longer stop them. i don't fear them Timmy, because they are only in your head. Cassandra said. believe what you will, but you are in danger, you are the only human I actually care about, seek safety please. will that make you happy Timmy? yes please okay I will go back to my office. But as Cassandra turned to leave, Timmy saw the familiar green monster wielding his weapon of choice the gnarly green knife. But before the knife could make contact with Cassandra's back, Timmy had stood up and tackled him even restrained by his straight jacket. Cassandra not noticing left the room. The monster made a low guttural growl, and with that the green monster got up and walked through the large solid door, phasing through it. Timmy terrified Cassandra was in danger he started screaming hoping she would return to where he can protect her. She never came. Timmy refused to work with any other human being, Cassandra was gone and along with her his faith in humanity, however he knew he could no longer trust the monsters haunting him. He was stuck no one to turn to, the humans working in the building still fed him and attempted to break through to him, he was to far gone in grieving. His madness was starting to become overwhelming, he was allowing himself to drift into the darkness. Time was all a blur with no windows or clock, so it was determined by when he was tired or being fed. He had just been fed what assumed was his dinner, so he decided he should just close his eyes and let the night take him away. He normally slept until his breakfast was served to him, but he was awoken this night by a familiar figure in a lab coat. Timmy, you have to get up fast, I can explain everything to you in awhile but for now you have to come with me. Cassandra? I

thought the monsters got you Timmy murmured still half asleep. no I'll tell you where I was but first we have to get you out of here come on with that Cassandra took out a small knife and cut Timmy's restraining coat off, giving him freedom. where will we go? Timmy asked bewildered Timmy I know you must have a million questions right now but we don't have time for it right now okay? Cassandra I know we don't have time, but is that blood on your coat? Cassandra didn't answer she was afraid to explain where the scarlet stain on her coat came from. never mind that Timmy just take this. she handed him the small knife she had used to free him. He took it slowly looking at her inquisitively, not knowing what was about to happen. hey! The director said Timmy is to remain here! Step away from him or I'll be forced to use lethal force. a man with a fully loaded gun yelled. listen if you don't back down I will be forced to eliminate you, Timmy needs to get out of this horrific place. Cassandra warned. wait a minute you are the woman who has been killing guards all day! in the instant he finished that sentence, Cassandra fired three bullets into the guard. Going to pickup his weapon to get more bullets, she said come on Timmy let's leave here. But what if the monsters come for us? that is what I am hoping for. Timmy terrified by what this meant was hesitant, but followed Cassandra anyways. Guards started filling the halls, but each were greeted with bullets fired from Cassandra's weapon. But then a guard started sneaking up on Cassandra slowly creeping up knife drawn, but Timmy saw the monster return, but this time aiming to kill the guard. He raised his gnarly green blade, and thrust it straight into the guard alerting Cassandra with his scream of agony, who proceeded to fire a round into him. thank you Timmy I didn't see that one. but that wasn't me it was one of the monsters. I see, well thank him for me then. once the guards stopped coming, everything became silent, only noise was Timmy and Cassandra's footsteps as they ran for the door, and as Cassandra reached for the door, it was locked. now now Cassandra you didn't think you could just leave that easily did you? a tall lean man said. no director, I've been waiting for you to show up,i needed to make you pay for having locked up my son and studying him like some sort of animal. Cassandra shouted. This came as the most shocking fact of all to Timmy, he had always thought his mother had died in a car crash. Cassie, a boy like that is not normal and must be studied to understand how he is able to do such things. i told you never to call me that! And I've heard enough of your voice, my son and I are leaving alive, but you won't. bullets started flying wildly, Timmy was pushed into cover, while his mother was firing at the director. Being pinned down behind a corner Cassandra yelled Timmy I know it's hard but I want you to focus and see one of your monsters next to and attacking the director. Timmy obeyed and looked up to where the balcony the director had been fighting from and saw a green monster raising his dagger once more. The only thing Timmy could hear was the pained shriek of an elderly man. You did it Timmy! We are free! an overjoyed yell came from the other side of the hall as his mother ran over to him to hug him. And the reunited mother and son opened the door as a blinding light filled the hall, Cassandra escorted Timmy outside, promising she would keep him safe from now on. END PART 1

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