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PROCEDURE NO.: SP 010 DATE: January 15, 2002 ORIGINATOR: RK PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements for annual management review of the Quality System. SCOPE: The scope of this procedure is to define the management review process. RESPONSIBILITIES: The President, General Manager, Quality Manager or designee, are responsible for adhering to this Procedure. REFERENCES: 1. Quality System Manual, Section 4.1.2 EXHIBITS: None PROCEDURE: 1. To facilitate the management assessment for adequacy of the Quality System (Reference 1), the Quality Manager or designee will: A. Assemble, as a minimum, the following data to assist in the assessment: Quality System Manual and Procedures Review Policy for any changes Organizational objectives that affect quality Project delivery status number of on-time deliveries, etc. Internal Audit Results/Status External Audit Results/Status Customer Complaints Corrective and Preventive Actions Completed and Pending Staffing and Training needs Quality Cost Summaries Management Review Schedule TITLE: Management Review REVISION: B PAGE 1 OF 2

PROCEDURE NO.: SP 010 TITLE: Management Review PAGE 2 of 2 B. Arrange meeting schedule of the appropriate management review committee. The Management Review Committee shall consist of, as a minimum, the CEO/President, General Manager, Quality Manager or designee. Other functional department managers may be called upon to participate in this review as deemed necessary by the committee. C. Following the meeting the Quality Manager or designee shall: 1. Document the results of the Management Review Meeting in an appropriate format. 2. Issue and distribute the results of the review

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