Tugas Optimasi Struktur Desain

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Optimasi struktur desain

Nama Nim Kelas Mata kuliah Dosen : DAJUKO. B : 03091005048 :B : optimasi struktur desain : GUSTINI, S.T, M.T


Dajuko Butarbutar-Teknik Mesin FT UNSRI

Optimasi struktur desain

Step 1: Project/problem The object this project is design a two bar truss. Base on figure two steel tobe pinned together to suport a force load w. The span at the trusss is fixed at s, and h is height. Step 2: Data and information collection Teh design constrainted: Height of the truss not exceed b1, no be less than b2. The ratio of the mean diameter (d) to thichness (l) of the tube must not exceed b3. The compressive stress in the tubes exceed the allowable stress (a) for steel. The height, diameter, and thickness must be choosen to safeguard againts member buckling.

The following notation is defined: The span of the truss : s Truss mass Truss height Tube thickness Tube diameter Load force :m :h :t :D :w

other data for the problem given as: Load force Span w = 10kN s = 2m B1 = 5m B2 = 2m B = 90m Allowable stress a = 250 MPa Modulus of elasticity E = 210 GPa Mass density P = 7850 kg/m3 Factor of safety againts buckling Fs =2 Tube diameter 0,1 D 2 (m) Tube thickness 0,01 t 0,1 (m)

Because structure is symetric truss 1 and 2 will have same cross-sectional

Dajuko Butarbutar-Teknik Mesin FT UNSRI

Optimasi struktur desain

y F1 f2 height x s/2 s X => f1 sin f2 sin + 0 = 0 f1 sin = f2 sin f1 = f2 y => f1 cos + f2 cos + w = 0 2 f1 cos +w = 0 s/2 f1 f2

f1 = f2 2 f1 cos + w = 0 2 f1 cos = -w 2f1 = f1 = f2 = f2 = l= = = 4,123 f1 =f2 = -0,5 w => 2h5

Dajuko Butarbutar-Teknik Mesin FT UNSRI

Optimasi struktur desain

= -0,5 10 KN = -10 KN Step 3: Identification/defenition of design variables d1=1,4 , dO = 1,5 , t1=0,01 , t2=0,1 X1 = h , X2 = s , X3 = 1,5 , X4 = 1,4 , X5 = 1,5 , X6 = 1,4

A1 = A2 = ( = 3,14/4 ( -1, )

=0,785 ( 2,25 1,96) = 0,785 (0,296) = 0,227

Step 4 : Identification of a criterion to be optimized Mass = ( ( A1 + A2)) = ( = (7850 kg/ /4 ( + ) -1, + -1, )

+ (0,5 * 1 * 3,14 / 4 (

= 11879, 28 kg/m3 Step 5 : Identificatuon of constraints

Dajuko Butarbutar-Teknik Mesin FT UNSRI

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