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Intendant of the Building

1981 Edition

Eighth Degree

I. THE DEGREE SYSTEM OF THE SCOTTISH RITE The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A., has a ritual system of 33 degrees classified as follows: 1- 3 SYMBOLIC DEGREES Conferred in a Symbolic or Blue Lodge under the jurisdiction of a recognized Grand Lodge of Masons. 4 - 14 INEFFABLE DEGREES Conferred in a Lodge of Perfection. 15 - 16 HISTORICAL DEGREES Conferred in a Council of Princes of Jerusalem. 17 - 18 PHILOSOPHICAL DEGREES Conferred in a Chapter of Rose Croix. 19 - 32 TRADITIONAL AND CHIVALRIC DEGREES Conferred in a Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. 33 OFFICIAL DEGREE The 33 Sovereign Grand Inspector General is conferred by the Supreme Council upon Freemasons of the 32 in recognition of distinguished Masonic or public service. By invitation only. Cannot be applied for. II. THE INEFFABLE DEGREES AND THE RITE 1. The Ineffable Degrees, 4-14 inclusive, are linked historically with a system of 25 so-called higher degrees which flourished in France in the 18th century and which came to be known as THE RITE OF PERFECTION. In 1740, the first Ecossais

Intendent of the Building

(Scottish) Lodge Parfaite Harmonie was organized in Bordeaux, the oldest and most influential Masonic center in France. There is evidence that some of these advanced degrees had an ancestral source in England and Scotland. In or about 1763, these degrees were brought to the West Indies by Stephen Morin of Bordeaux, under a Patent granted by the Masonic authorities in Paris. Before the end of the 18th century other degrees were added until the Rite had a ritual structure of 33 degrees. 2. Henry Andrew Francken (1720-1795) deputized by Stephen Morin, organized a Lodge of Perfection in Albany, New York, in 1767. This was the beginning of what was to become the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in the United States. Within a few years, similar groups were formed in Philadelphia, Charleston, South Carolina, Baltimore, Savannah, Troy, New York, and New York City. All of these groups were independent, with little official connections or centralized supervision or control, except to agree that their authority came from Jamaica and Stephen Morin. 3. On May 31, 1801, THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE THIRTY-THIRD DEGREE FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was founded in Charleston, South Carolina, in an effort to bring order out of Masonic chaos. Hence the motto: Ordo ab Chao. A few years later (circa 1807) the name was changed to THE SUPREME COUNCIL 33, ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE. The Supreme Council of 1801 has had a continuous existence as the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction. In 1813, the Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction was organized in New York City. By mutual agreement the territorial jurisdiction of each Supreme Council was adjusted in 1827.

Eighth Degree

4. These Supreme Councils made slow progress in unifying the scattered degree-conferring groups and in standardizing rituals. They were handicapped by pride in the local organization and leadership jealousies; by the anti-Masonic agitation (1827-1840); by the Civil War and by periods of financial depression. Until about 1845, rituals were fragmentary with little more than a title, a few words and signs, an obligation and a lecture in question-and-answer form. It was not until the Union of 1867 that the process of unifying independent groups and competing Supreme Councils was completed in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
III. THE DEVELOPMENT OF RITUAL: EIGHTH DEGREE (Based on the ritual research and notes of Ill. McIlyer H. Lichliter, 33, Chairman of the Committee on Rituals and Ritualistic Matter from 1944 to 1957.) INTENDANT OF THE BUILDING The word Intendant is French, from the Latin intendere, meaning to direct ones thoughts to a thing. An Intendant is, therefore, a superintendent, one who has charge, direction or management of some public business. The title of the Degree is derived from the French Intendant du Batiment. Francken Ritual: 1783 Title: Intendant of the Building or Master in Israel (obviously a reference to the Harodim or Masters among the workmen of the Temple.) Many French Lodges. Setting: Middle Chamber of Solomons Temple. Hangings red. 27 lights in 3 groups of 9. 5 other great lights at foot of the altar opposite the T..P..Master.

Intendent of the Building

Officers: Thrice Puissant Master representing Solomon. Senior Warden representing Tito, Prince Harodim. Junior Warden representing Adoniram. Apron-Jewels: Same as in ritual of 1941.

Opening: Solomon interrogates Tito as to tyling of the Lodge who answers We are very safe and secure here. In reply to the question What is the clock? Tito says, The break of day. Battery is given by gavel also signs of surprise and admiration. Reception: A brief discussion with Tito concerning the loss of Hiram Abiff and duty of completing the secret chamber. Tito advises the appointment of 5 architects representing the 5 orders of architecture. Tito and Adoniram are appointed to seek these 5 chief architects. Joabert the Candidate is found. Adoniram questions him as to his zeal. He is led (barefoot) into the Lodge. Kneels. Obligation: Brief. Pledge of secrecy and of obedience to regulations. PenaltyBody cut in two and bowels torn out. Discourse and Investiture: An address to the Candidate, rehearsing the meaning of the degree the selection of an architect to superintend the completion of the secret chamber. After which the Candidate is raised by the Masters grip under a sprig of acacia. Secret work: Words and three signs. Lecture: Usual lecture in question-and-answer form, (4% pages of closely written manuscript). Note the following which have influenced later rituals: Q. Are you an Intendant of the Building? A. I have taken the five steps of exactitude, I have penetrat-

Eighth Degree
ed into the innermost part of the Temple. I have seen the effects of the great and resplendent light in the middle of which I have seen, in Hebrew characters, the three mysterious J.J.J. without knowing what they meant.

The lecture includes a rehearsal of the lessons of the Symbolic Degrees: 1 stands for moral virtue; 2 for political virtue; 3 for heroic virtue. The symbolism of the steps is explained, also the jewel, and there is an elaborate explanation of the triple triangle. There follows an interpretation of the sides of the Temple: Left: Masonry under the law of signs and ceremonies. Right: Masonry under the law of grace and truth. After this an anachronism. John the Baptist is mentioned as a forerunner of the true Temple which the Lord has chosen to reside in. The various symbols are discussed within their spiritual meaning. For example: the 5 strokes of the gavel represent the 5 points of Felicity: To walk, and intercede for, to pray, love, and assist the Brethren. A further elaboration of symbols reveals the attributes of Deity: Beauty, Wisdom, Boundless Mercy, Omniscience, Eternity, Perfection, Justice, Tenderness, Creation. The numerical equivalent of the letters in the Hebrew is 81 or 3 x 27, the age of the degree. This is the Square in the triple triangle. The lecture concludes with further elaborations of symbols and a rehearsal of the action of the degree. Closing: Brief ceremonial. The day is at an end. Dalcho Ritual: 1801 This ritual in the handwriting of Frederick Dalcho is an almost veratim copy of the Francken ritual. The Secret Work is explained in detail and certain corrections are made. For example,

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in Francken, one of the words is Jachinai, which has no meaning. Dalcho renders it Shekinah. Billeaud Ritual: 1803 A copy of Dalcho. Nothing new is added. Note: It is interesting to note that in the desire to have an accurate copy of the ritual, even misspellings are reproduced, e.g. Council was used for Counsel by Francken, copied by Dalcho, copied by Billeaud. Doszedardski Ritual: 1805-1809 The 8 appears only in the Roi du Sanctuaire and is in French manuscript. No ritual text, merely an outline of the mechanics of the degree: setting, officers, decorations, signs and words. As Doszedardski's sources were the old French rituals, the same source as Francken used, the accuracy of the reference is established by two independent ritualists. Even the mistaken word Jachinai is found in this ritual. Obviously a French error. Van Rensselaer Ritual (Copied by Enoch Terry Carson in 1863) No change in setting or personnel except that the presiding officer is addressed as Most Potent. Opening: More elaborate than in previous rituals. Definition of station, duty and jewel of almost every officer. Reception: The ritual follows traditional pattern with an effort to make the details more striking Alarm at door, vouching for the candidate, elaboration of steps of exactitude. Obligation: Much longer than in previous rituals, a review of preceding degrees, avowal of loyalty to the Supreme

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Council, 33, N.M.J. Penalty: Deprived of my hearing and sight. Discourse and Investiture: No substantive changes. Style improved and meaning clarified but no new philosophic content. Lecture: Practically the same as in earlier rituals, an effort to clarify meanings of sacred words, but the Jachinai error persists in spite of Dalcho. Does this indicate that Van Rensselaer depended on Francken and was not familiar with Dalcho? Some new, and entirely irrelevant material, is added at the close of the Lecture a demonstration of a problem in Geometry explaining the Pythagoras Eureka.

Starkweather Ritual: 1858 An almost verbatim reproduction of the Carson copy of Van Rensselaer. Nothing new. The Ritual of Albert Pike: 1855-1865 Title, decorations, apron, sash, and jewel the same as in earlier rituals. Officers: A definite break with the past. Master, styled Most Skilful, represents Adonhiram (sic) the son of Abda, President of the Board of Architects. Senior Warden; Joabert, a Phoenician, Chief Artificer in brass. Junior Warden: Stolkin, a Hebrew, Chief Carpenter. Senior Deacon: Selec, the Giblemite, Chief Stone-Mason. Junior Deacon: Gareb, the Hebrew, Chief Worker in Silver and Gold, and Engraver. Then during the Ceremony of Reception, the Master represents Solomon; Senior Warden, Tsadoc the Priest; Junior Warden,

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Ahishar, Governor of the House. Senior Deacon acts as Master of Ceremonies, representing Zabud, the Son of Nathan. Opening: Each officer introduces himself and, in elaborate detail, describes the early artificer he represents. Reception: Elaboration in more dramatic form of the essential theme in early rituals. New material offering a more adequate basis for later emphasis on the lesson. (The source of later rituals of N.M.J. Much remains in the Ritual of 1941) The 5 Architects are chosen. In the anteroom they are required to recite the lessons of preceding degrees. Then follows an address on the responsibilities of the task. Candidates invested with white robes and again seek admission. Circumambulation: 5 circuits. Appropriate passages of Scriptures. Obligation: Longer than in earlier degrees. Pledge of secrecy. Vow of fidelity to duty. Pledge of charity and fair dealing. Investiture Charge Lecture Investiture and Secret Work are traditional. The Charge is a challenge to advance toward the blazing star of truth, a step by step advance toward perfection. The Lecture reviews the symbolism of all the degrees 1-8 inclusive, with practical applications to contemporary problems, resistance to tyranny, liberty of conscience, a personal life worthy of freedom, independent judiciary, relations between Capital and Labor. Hays Ritual; 1860-1863 An Introduction which is a homily on the symbolism of the


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degree which reveals the influence of cabalistic backgrounds. No hint of Pikes influence. Only a sketchy outline of the mechanics of the degree. No ritual text. Laffon-Ladebat Ritual: 1856 In French and English. Highly imaginative introduction with no relevance to the lesson of the degree. No ritual text. Signs are traditional, but words are not found in any preceding ritual that is known to us. Hays-Raymond Rituals 1864 A brief, informative History explains the legend of the degree. Setting, regalia, jewels as in Pike and earlier degrees. Officers: As in Pike ritual. Opening: Brief ceremony adapted from earlier rituals. Official declaration for the first time. Reception: Adapted from Pike ritual with certain additions which have been included in all later N.M.J. rituals. The Ode appears for the first time. The passages read during the 5 circuits are an improvement over the Pike version. The Steps of Exactitude are included and explained. Obligation and Investiture: Long obligation as in the Pike ritual, a few minor verbal changes. Investiture slightly elaborated. The incorrect work Jakinah is perpetuated. (Dalcho gave correct word Shekinah) Revived Raymond Ritual: 1866-1867 In Book I of a four-book series: No change. Union of 1867 Ritual

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Another series of four books. 8 in Book I. No change in text. Ritual of 1871 The Ineffable Degrees in one volume. No change. Ritual of 1894 In Book I. No change. Ritual of 1917 Separate ritual. A few verbal changes. No new material. Ritual of 1941 Reprint of ritual of 1917. Two or three minor corrections, authorized in 1938. Ritual of 1981 This revision follows the modern pattern of degree revision adopted by the Supreme Council. The Ceremonial Section includes the lesson of the degree and the Obligation and Investiture. The allegory follows in which the legend of the degree is preserved. The dramatic values are heightened by two scenes in King Davids throne room concerning the individuals and duties which the King wished his sons to follow and assume.


Eighth Degree

An early tradition of the Ineffable Degrees provides for a Sacred Word in each degree from the Fourth to the Fourteenth inclusive. Each Sacred Word, a substitute name for God revealing one of his attributes, was intended to prepare the neophyte for the true Name of God symbolized in the 13 and revealed in the 14 as the Grand Ineffable Word of a Grand Elect Mason. This tradition was revitalized on September 17, 1896 in the secret and confidential minutes of the Committee on Rituals and Ritualistic Matter. The Sacred Words were revised and interpreted. (Manuscript Minutes, Supreme Council 18791914, pp. 273-275.) It was assumed that each neophyte would witness all the degrees 4-14 inclusive in full ceremonial form and that these Sacred Words would give him a loftier realization of his Heavenly Father. Few candidates now witness all these degrees in succession so that the sequence of lessons no longer is observed. The traditional significance of the Sacred Words of the Ineffable Degrees is as follows: 4 5 6 7 8 ELOAH My God. God in man. ADONAI Lord. The Master of Life. JEHOVAH Existing God. The God Who Is. JAHVE God Eternal. God of Wisdom. YOD, YOD, YOD Triune-Jah J.J.J. God of Glory and Praise God The Guide or Leader God The Protector

Intendent of the Building 9 10 11 12 ACHAR OSEE AL-OM HAGIOS


Disconsolate. Sorrow for a peoples sins. God is our help. The God of Strength. Holy. Consecrated.

In the 13, the Sacred Word is a symbol J.H.V.H., a Hebrew tetragrammaton or four-letter word which is not pronounced. The Sacred Word of the 14, is YAHWEH which is interpreted as God the Speaker. Note: The eleven Sacred Words and their interpretations are arbitrary selections for ritualistic purposes.


Eighth Degree


Ceremonial Section
Traditional Lodge of Perfection Officers dress or Tuxedos. Officers or Cast in costumes of Solomonic Period would be preferable. Thrice Potent Master . . . . . . . . . . . . .King David Deputy Master . . . . . . . . . . .Hiram, King of Tyre Senior Warden . . . . . . . . . . . .Nathan, the Prophet Junior Warden . . . . . . . . . .Zadok, the High Priest Master of Ceremonies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ahishar Captain of the Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zerbal Additional Guards and Court Attendants

Dramatic Section
Same as in Ceremonial Section. Royal robes for members of King Davids Court. Sons of King David: Adonijah Shephatiah Ithream Zabdiel Shobab Elishama Solomon Elishua Ibhar Japhia Eliada

Intendant of the Building



Ceremonial Section
Traditional Lodge Room representing King Davids throne room. Triangular Altar with Square, Compasses, and Delta (gold equilateral triangle) on the open Bible. In the center of the Triple Triangle in the East is the Hebrew letter YOD thrice repeated, surrounded by a blazing star with five points.

APRON. Triangular in shape, white, lined with crimson, and bordered with green. On the area is depicted a five pointed star, with a Hebrew Yod thrice repeated in the center, and over that a balance; on the flap in a triangle, with one of the following letters in each angle, ftl, the initials of the words Ben Khurim, Achar, and Jakinah. CORDON OR ORDER. A broad crimson sash, worn from the right shoulder to the left hip; at the point is suspended the Jewel, by a green ribbon. JEWEL. A golden triangle, similar to that described as on the flap of the apron. STEPS. Five grand steps, the heels to a square. AGE. Three times nine equal to twenty-seven. BATTERY.


Eighth Degree

MANUAL OF PRONUNCIATION Phonetic spelling, with the accented syllables in capital letters.
Abiathar Abital Adonijah Bathsheba Eglah Eliada Elishama Elishua Enrogel Etruscans Gibeon Haggith Hiram Ibhar Ithream Japhia Jedidiah Magi Moabites Naphtali Nathan Philistines Shephatiah Shobab Uriah Zabdial Zadok Zerbal Zobah AB-e-ay-thar A-bi-tal add-oh-NIGH-jah bath-SHE-buh EG-lah EL-e-ay-duh e-LISH-uh-mah e-LISH-u-uh en-ROW-gel e-TRUS-cuns GIB-ee-un HAG-gith HI-ram IB-har ITH-ree-um JAF-eye-uh JED-i-die-uh MAY-jeye MO-uh-bites NAF-ta-lie NAY-thon FILL-iss-teenz shef-uh-TIE-uh SHOW-bab you-RYE-uh ZAB-dee-ul ZAY-dock ZER-bal ZO-buh

Intendant of the Building


OPENING If the Lodge of Perfection has been formally opened, the Official Declaration and the Ceremonial Section may be omitted. If not, the Ceremony proceeds as follows. The scene is King Davids throne room. The aged king is seated on his throne, and seated on his right is Hiram, King of Tyre. Zerbal, the Captain of the Guard, is seated at the entrance, and Zadok, the priest, and Nathan, the prophet, are standing facing King David at the altar, which is center stage.

King David Brother Zerbal, your station and duty? Zerbal In the North, Illustrious King David, and as Chief of the Guards, to see that the Lodge is secure. King David Attend to that duty, so that I may open a Lodge of Intendants of the Building. (Zerbal salutes and exits.) Brother Zadok, are you an Intendant of the Building? Zadok (Salutes) Illustrious King David, I have made the five steps of exactitude; I have penetrated into the innermost parts of the temple, and have seen the great light, in which is the mysterious character, Yod, Yod, Yod. King David Brother Nathan, what lesson are you taught in this degree? Nathan That we should apply ourselves with zeal to whatsoever work may be allotted to us to do, ever remembering that the Lord seeth. King David Brother Zadok, what is the hour? Zadok This is the fifth hour, Illustrious King. It is the break of day.


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King David If break of day, it is time for us to commence our labor; for that purpose I will open a Lodge of Intendants of the Building. May all govern themselves accordingly. To the glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe, in the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and Last Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America and by virtue of the authority upon me conferred, I declare the works of ___________ Lodge of Perfection opened. Brethren, be seated.
Zerbal returns and all are seated.

RECEPTION King David Illustrious Brother Hiram of Tyre, the years lay heavily upon my head. I no longer have the zeal and the strength to carry on the work of Jehovah. So much remains undone, I have decreed that today be set aside for the appointment of one who shall assume the responsibilities connected with building a temple unto our God. This project has always been nearest and dearest to my heart. Hiram of Tyre I have often heard of your desire, and how you and your armies defeated the Philistines, the Moabites, the King of Zobah and the Syrians. The Lord gave victory to you wherever you went, and they all brought tribute to swell your treasuries. I have wondered,

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deep in my mind, when you would begin to build this temple to your God. King David Yes, the Lord has delivered me from the power of all those who rose up against me; but I have sinned greatly and have been forbidden by Jehovah to build a house unto His name. My treasuries are filled to overflowing with gold and silver and precious stones; but a man of peace, not a man of war, must build the House of the Lord. Brother Zadok, you will retire and present the Exemplar before the altar.
Zadok salutes and retires.

Hiram of Tyre Great King David, is this Exemplar duly qualified and found competent? King David He has been named Jedediah, because he is beloved of the Lord. King David Brother Zerbal, ascertain who knocks as an Intendant of the Building.
Zerbal salutes and crosses to entrance. He answers the five knocks (). The Master of Ceremonies enters with the Exemplar. They stand just inside the entrance awaiting the questioning.

Zerbal Who knocks as an Intendant of the Building? M. of C. Jedediah, who has been found duly qualified and competent. He awaits the orders of King David as to his new assignment.


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King David (Nods) Let him enter. Brother Zerbal. We have been awaiting his presence among us. Zerbal (Turns to the M. of C.) Let him enter and remain in the West.
Zerbal and the Exemplar cross to West of altar.

King David (Rises, looks upward and raises his arms slowly.) Arise, O Lord, and enter your Temple with the Ark, the symbol of your power. Do not reject your servant David the king you chose for your people.
(Psalms, 132: 8, 10) King David resumes his seat and Zadok arises and crosses to the East of the altar to address the Exemplar.

Zadok My Brother, to become an Intendant of the Building, it is necessary that you be skilled as an architect, and learned in the knowledge of the East and of Egypt. But it is equally necessary that you should be benevolent and charitable, in order that you can sympathize with the laboring man and relieve his necessities. You should smooth for him and for those who depend upon him, the rugged way of life. Recognizing all men as your brethren, and yourself as the almoner of Gods bounty, are you willing to perform these duties? Exemplar I am.
Zadok crosses to his seat and is replaced at the altar by Nathan, the prophet.

Nathan Brother Master of Ceremonies, you will cause the Exemplar to recede by five steps, and then

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advance by five steps, after which you will place him in position at the altar.
The M. of C. does so.

Nathan My Brother you have already receded from vice and advanced to virtue. These are called the five steps of exactitude. Are you a Provost and Judge? M.of C. He is, and has ever proven himself to be just and impartial. Nathan To what has he devoted his studies? M.of C. To the arts and sciences especially architecture and in the mysterious knowledge of the Magi and the Etruscans. But his knowledge, in the light of King Davids conferral of this new rank and title, he feels to be sorely inadequate. King David (To Hiram of Tyre) He knows much who is conscious of his ignorance. (To the Exemplar) To assist you in your new capacity, there will be a Grand Master Architect brought from Tyre. He will conduct a school of architecture for our best artificers. These worthy and expert craftsmen he will instruct in the art of working in brass, in wood, and in silver and gold. Will you take upon yourself the obligation of being the builder the Intendant of the Building of the House of the Lord? Exemplar (In place at the altar, kneeling on both knees, his hands resting on the Volume of the Sacred Law.) I will.


Eighth Degree

OBLIGATION Nathan (To the Exemplar) You will then say, I pronounce your name in full, and then remain silent, listening to the Obligation. I, ___________, upon this Volume of the Sacred Law, promise on my honor as a Mason, in the presence of this Lodge of Intendants of the Building about me assembled, that I will apply myself with zeal to whatsoever work that may be allotted me to do, ever remembering that the Lord seeth; that I will practice the duties of benevolence and charity to all mankind, and that I will dedicate myself to the great work of erecting a Temple, wherein God may dwell. Amen.
M. of C. assists the Exemplar to rise and the Investiture proceeds.

INVESTITURE King David My Brother, the three mysterious characters the Hebrew letter Yod thrice repeated are the initials of the three sacred words of this degree, which are to be found in the centre of the five-pointed star in the East, surrounded by the triple interlaced triangle. The battery of five, the five lights on the altar, the five steps, the five-pointed star, and the travel five times about the body of the Lodge, are all emblematic of the first five Chief Architects. The age is that of a Master Mason (9), multiplied by that of an Entered Apprentice (3), representing that the Architects, or Intendants, were thrice powerful as Masters

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and Chiefs of Architecture; hence the number of lights in the Lodge. My Brother, I now with pleasure decorate you with the crimson Cordon, or Order, to which is suspended by a green ribbon a triangular plate of gold the Jewel of the degree. The crimson is emblematical of that zeal which should characterize you as an Intendant of the Building; and the green, of the hope that you will honor and advance the Craft and fill, so far as in you lies the power, the place of our lamented Grand Master Hiram. I also decorate you with this triangular Apron, of white, lined with crimson and bordered with green. On it you will observe the five-pointed star which shines in the East, with the Hebrew letter Yod thrice repeated in the centre, which is to remind you of the threefold essence of the Deity and of the three sacred words of this degree. Over the star is the equipoised balance of Justice. On the flap of the apron you will observe, as on the jewel, the three Hebrew letters, Beth, Aleph, Yod, one in each angle of the triangle having reference to Ben Khurim, Achar, and Jakinah. The number five in this degree, my Brother, has many allusions, some of which have already been explained to you. It is also to remind you of the five points of fellowship. Such are the duties you are especially to observe and to teach to others, for they are the first ordinances of Masonry.
M. of C. assists Exemplar to a seat and confers with him.

M. of C. Illustrious King David, the Exemplar is anxious to be allowed to depart. He wishes to ascend Mount


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Gibeon, outside the city, and there at our highest altar, appeal to Jehovah for wisdom in performing this new responsibility, which you have just conferred upon him. King David For such a noble purpose, he is of course excused.
M. of C. and the Exemplar exit.

King of Tyre Who was that young man, great king? He is so humble, so self-assured, so zealous and anxious to receive Gods blessing on his new assignment. King David He has been named Jedediah, because he is beloved of the Lord. His mother is Bathsheba, and she calls him Solomon. He was chosen by Jehovah to build a Temple unto His name. (Slight pause, then adds with great feeling.) ..... And he is my son. (Rises) Brother Zadok, what is the lesson of this degree? Zadok That we should apply ourselves with zeal to whatsoever work that may be allotted us to do, remembering that the Lord seeth. King David Brother Nathan, what is the hour? Nathan Close of day, Illustrious King David, and time to close our labors. King David You will now give your attention to the Prologue of this degree.

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PROLOGUE In the Eighth Degree, we will refresh your memories as to how Solomon ascended to the throne of all Israel and Judah. We have learned how Solomons father, King David, conspired to have the great soldier Uriah, the Hittite, sent to his certain death with a warring nation. This was done so that David might acquire for himself Uriahs beautiful wife, Bathsheba. But David greatly displeased Jehovah for having thus sinned against him, and He struck the child that Uriahs wife bore to David and he died. Bathsheba became Davids wife and she bore him another son, and his name was Solomon. David had many sons throughout his long life, and many of them aspired to reign after him and sit upon his throne. As David grew old, the struggle among his sons for succession to his throne became more bitter and pronounced. But among the youngest of Davids sons was the mild mannered son of Bathsheba, Solomon. He had no desire to succeed his father as King of all Israel, and as he was advanced in rank, each new official capacity left him with a feeling of inadequacy. You will now give your attention to the drama of the Eighth Degree.


Eighth Degree

NOTE: If the Ceremonial Section has been omitted, the Prologue should be presented at this point, in front of the curtain. The scene is King Davids throne room. Zadok, the high priest, and Nathan, the prophet, are standing on the riser in front of the throne. There are many young noblemen present, assembled around the throne. They are all anxious for Zadok to begin reading the scroll he holds in his hands. There is a general angry ad-lib.

SCENE I General ad-lib Commence the scroll, Zadok. . . . Read the scroll. . . . Yes, we are all present. . . . What does our father wish of us? . . . Let us not wait any longer. . . . etc., etc. Zadok I tell you I do not see Adonijah yet. The son of Haggith is not here yet. I should not begin until all are present. Nathan Your father, King David, King of all Israel and Judah, has written down his wishes and appointments to high offices for all of his sons to witness. All should be present to hear the assignments. Zadok Because of his advanced years, my lord King David, will not appear in court today. But he has given unto Nathan, the prophet, and unto me, as high priest, the scroll of duties and organization which he wishes his sons to follow and assume. The scroll is written in his own hand and sealed with his own seal, and as soon as Adonijah appears, I shall read to you your assignments in the realm. Ithream I am Ithream, the son of Eglah, the sixth son of

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my father. Like Adonijah, I, too, had to travel from Hebron according to my fathers wishes. I say if Adonijah cannot appear in King Davids court at the appointed time, then let us hear the scroll without him!
The rest of Davids sons angrily agree with this.

Shephatiah I am Shephatiah, the son of Abital, the fifth son of David, and I think this is a waste of time. Why should we wait for the dramatic entrance of . . . his lordship Adonijah! The rest of us are present. Let us hear the scroll and be about our business! Solomon (Calmly) Why could we not hear the assignments King David has given each of us, and then repeat just that portion that pertains to Adonijah when he does arrive? He is the eldest living son of our father, you know. Zadok (To Nathan) That sounds reasonable. Lets commence the scroll. (To Solomon) Which son of David are you? Nathan (To Zadok) He is Solomon, the fourth son born in Jerusalem. Solomons mother is Bathsheba. Zadok If you are agreed with young Solomon here, we shall take his suggestion and read you your assignments. When, and if, Adonijah graces the court with his presence, we shall tell him of his fathers wishes.
The sons all agree verbally and settle down.

Nathan (Proclaiming) All attend now to the word of King David!


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Zadok (Reads from the scroll) I, David, King of Israel and Judah, in the fortieth year of my reign, do hereby make the following assignments of responsibilities and duties among my own sons, born in both Hebron and Jerusalem, according to their abilities and worth to the realm. Because of my advancing years and poor health, and because of our many family troubles, each of my sons shall be designated as a priest, none higher in station nor lower than another. All shall be princes of the sanctuary . . . princes of God. Some will be doorkeepers; some will be musicians, each after his own talents; some will be officers; some will be keepers of the gates to the city; some will be judges for outward business over Israel; some will have to do with the affairs of the king. Therefore, behold, these are your assignments: Adonijah, my eldest living son. Chief Officer of the Treasuries. Shephatiah, son of Abital, divisions of gatekeepers. Ithream, son of Eglah, musician over the choir of four thousand. Zabdiel, Chief of all the commanders of the army. Shobab, Chief of those who do work in the field. Solomon, Intendant of the building. Elishua, Chief over the vineyards. Ibhar, Chief over the stores of oil. Japhia, Chief over the herds that pasture in Sharon.

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Eliada, Chief over the herds in the valleys. Elishama, Chief over the olive and sycamore trees. My sons, under the age of twenty years, are not listed or numbered, but they shall all become priests of the sanctuary in the service of God in their time, and they shall be fruitful and multiply as there are stars in the Heaven. The Lord has promised me rest from all my enemies round about, and He has promised me that when my days are fulfilled He will raise up my offspring after me and will establish His Kingdom. Sealed with my ring, David, King of all Israel and Judah.
There is a general ad lib among the sons concerning their assignments.

Adonijah (He is loud and domineering. He enters with a flourish,) Well, my brethren, how fares the old man, my father? Zadok (Displeased with him) Adonijah, come and join with your brothers. We could wait no longer on your presence. I have just been reading them their assignments from your father, King David. Adonijah And if my father is to govern our lives by edicts and documents, why does he not appear in court and read them to us himself? Perhaps he fears our reactions to his little proclamation. Where is the doddering old fool . . . still abed? Nathan Your father is very old and feeble, and late-


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ly stricken with a malady. Surely you would not chide the king for the years upon his head? Will you hear the assignments of duties in the realm that he has made? Adonijah (Mean) Watch your tongue or I shall see that it is cut out! No one scolds Adonijah! Cause not my wrath to come down upon your head. I will utter what I please concerning the senile old fool. I am the eldest son, mark that! Solomon (With quiet strength) The prophet has said nothing that should offend you, Adonijah. We all came our various ways to listen to what our father, King David, has planned for us. We waited for you. Possibly you were detained on matters for the king. But no matter, we are pleased that you have come. Adonijah (Moderates a little) Why certainly, you all know my many duties. (Pauses) Well, I am here. I have come the long way from Hebron. Let me hear my assignment. Zadok (Commences from the beginning again) I, David, King of Israel and Judah, in the fortieth . . . Adonijah (Angry again) . . . Is it necessary Zadok, that you read me the whole scroll? I am no child. Have renderings made for each of us to take with us, and we can listen to the sounds of our own voices. Zadok I was just complying with my orders from King David, my lord. Shobab (Trying to be helpful) . . . It just says that all

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of us are to be princes of the sanctuary, Adonijah, none higher and none lower than another. We all believe it to be both just and fair. (The other sons agree.) Adonijah (With sarcasm) . . . Oh, very just and fair indeed, brother Shobab. And just what is to be your official duty? Shobab (Proudly) I am to be Chief of those who do work in the field. Adonijah Oh, that will be a fine place for you to play Chief. You may sit under a tree, with a skin of wine, and be at your complete leisure. You may need an assistant to help you keep the grasshoppers and the flies away. (Looks from one to another) Are all your duties as contemptible and as trivial as Shobabs? (No one offers an answer to him.) Rubbish! . . . And what is your duty to be Zabdiel? Do you count the flies on brother Shobab? Zabdiel (As they all laugh uneasily). . . No, I am to be Chief of all the commanders of the army. I believe it to be a grand position. Adonijah (Sneering) And is our father so old that he will no longer command his armies? . . . (Looks around again) And you, Solomon, will you work diligently at your duty like the others? Solomon I will do whatsoever is allotted me to do, Adonijah. Adonijah Oh, I have no doubt of it. And how will you occupy yourself?


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Solomon I . . . do not know what my assignment entails, but I shall be Intendant of the Building and do whatsoever is to be done. Adonijah (Laughing) What building? Here is Davids house. This is the only building, even the Lord has only a tent! Are you to be a house servant here and fetch the kings sceptre when he desires it? Solomon I do not know what building, but I will care for the affairs of some establishment. This is all that I know. If it is menial work, I shall perform my duties with pride and dignity! Nathan All of the sons of David will accept their duties, thus assigned, and perform them with zeal, Adonijah. You are to be Chief Officer of the Treasuries, being the eldest of Davids sons still living. Adonijah Well I will have none of it! (Pauses for effect) I am to be king!
There is a general ad lib of shock, dismay and disbelief.

Adonijah I care not for the old mans wishes and assignments! I will not sit among dusty treasures counting the spoils of Davids wars! I will be king! I have prepared for myself chariots and horsemen and fifty men to run before me! Zadok (Shocked) You have not been annointed! Nathan And your father, King David, still lives! How dare you exalt yourself like this?

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Elishua Does our father know of your intentions? Adonijah He knows that I am the eldest son since Absalom died, and he has never corrected my assumption. I will be king! (Changes his attitude) Come now, let us break up this mockery. We shall feast and celebrate. We shall sacrifice sheep, oxen and fatlings by the Serpents Stone, which is beside Enrogel. I invite all the official officers of Judah. (He looks at Solomon and speaks with sarcasm) . . . but not the His Eminence Intendant of the Building! (He laughs at Solomon and strides out in a kingly fashion,)
All but Zadok, Nathan and Solomon bow to Adonijah as he exits and say: Hail Adonijah, King of Israel! All hail! All but the three follow Adonijah out.

Zadok (Shaking his head sadly) Thus did Absalom your brother act before him. I fear for Israel. Nathan (Incredulous) Adonijah, the son of Haggith, has become king and our lord David does not even know it! I fear that this very night, while Adonijah and the rest are feasting, we must rouse the king and advise him of this disturbing news. Solomon (Brooding thoughtfully) I am not disturbed by Adonijahs ridicule. (Turns to Nathan) Nathan, do you know what I shall do as Intendant of the Building? Nathan (Evasively) . . . I know that it is a mighty task, and that you, Solomon, were chosen by Jehovah to accomplish it. It is a great honor. Zadok You see Solomon, when all the warring


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nations had been conquered, and the terrible spilling of blood was finally over, your father, King David, had it in his heart to build a house of rest for the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, and for a footstool for our God. Over the years of battle he has collected vast treasures and trophies, and he has made complete preparations for the building of a splendid Temple for Jehovah. Nathan But God said to David that he may not build a house for His Name, because he has been a warrior . . . a fearsome, ruthless warrior, and has shed too much blood. Zadok However, God did take pleasure in your father and made him king. But God wanted a man of peace to build His house and not a man of war. Nathan Of all of your brothers, and you have many, as you know, God has chosen you to sit upon the throne of the . . . Kingdom of the Lord . . . over Israel. The Lord said to David, It is Solomon, your son, who shall build my house and my courts. Zadok Take heed now, Solomon, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary. Be strong and do it! Solomon (Stands thinking for a moment, then speaks humbly) Then I shall head for the highest altar, up on the top of Mount Gibeon, to pray for wisdom to accomplish this great task, which you say is before me. Nathan (To Zadok) And we shall rouse the king.
They exit as the curtain falls, or the scene blacks out.

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The scene is the same, later that night. King Hiram of Tyre sits next to the great throne of David. As the curtain rises, or as the lights come up, Zadok and Nathan are assisting the old king into the throne room. He has a shawl about his shoulders for warmth and he leans heavily on his two aides for support.

King David (Irritated) I can manage, if you dont move so fast! These old legs cannot stand the pace that you two set . . . Now, place me on my throne . . . I want to sit upon my throne once more. . . . Now then, turn me around so that I may sit down! There, thats it. . . . (He sighs) . . . There, thats fine. (He pats the arm of his throne) Ive sat upon this chair for forty years, another night should not harm me. (Notices Hiram beside him) . . . Well, Hiram, old friend! It is pleasant to have you beside me once more. King Hiram When they came to me with the news that they were going to rouse you from your bedchamber, I thought I might be of some assistance. (Inspects him) Why, you seem like your old self. King David (His eyes twinkling) Your eyes deceive you, my friend. Zadok (Trying to get to the matter at hand) My lord, have you given any thought to the urgent matter about which we spoke this afternoon? Nathan As we explained, my lord, Adonijah is at this very moment feasting and rejoicing with the whole city, and proclaiming himself king! Have you considered the matter? King David (With a sly smile at Hiram) Why, of


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course I have considered the matter. Zadok My lord, have you ever said, Adonijah shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon the throne? King David I called Bathsheba to my bedside, when first I heard of Adonijahs vain and pretentious boasting, and I swore to her saying, As the Lord has redeemed my soul out of every adversity, and as I swore to you by the Lord, the God of Israel, saying, Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead; . . . even so will I do this day.
Zadok and Nathan kneel and bow to the king.

King David (Pleased, but grumbling) Get up, get up. Stop this grovelling. (They rise) Take with you the servants of your lord, and cause Solomon to ride upon my own mule, and bring him down to the spring at Gihon, and there you shall anoint him king over Israel; then blow the trumpet, and say, Long live King Solomon!, and he shall be king in my stead; because I have appointed him to be ruler over Israel and Judah. (Turns to Hiram) And it shall happen while I am yet alive, my friend. I shall see it with my own eyes! Adonijah shall be proven a boastful liar to all of Israel and Judah. You shall see. King Hiram May my lord, King David, live forever. Nathan As the Lord, Jehovah, has been with my lord the king, even so may he be with Solomon, and make his throne greater even than the throne of King David. King Hiram And where is Solomon this joyful day?

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Nathan My lord king, Solomon this day received his assignment of duty for this fortieth year of the reign of King David. He wished to apply himself with zeal to whatsoever work that may be allotted him to do, remembering that the Lord seeth. He has gone to Mount Gibeon upon which is our highest sacrificial altar to humbly pray to the God of Israel for wisdom. King Hiram (Impressed) And he is asking his Lord God for only this. (To King David) Then he shall prove himself to be a wise and gentle leader of men. A wise choice, my old friend, to carry on your great work. King David May the bonds between Tyre and Israel be as strong between my son, Solomon, and you, as they have been between the two of us. Zadok We shall seek out Solomon now, my lord, and do your bidding.
Zadok and Nathan bow and exit.

King David (Turning to Hiram) You know, great king, Solomon, whom alone Jehovah has chosen, is young and inexperienced, and the work is great, for the palace will not be for man but for the Lord God. So I have provided for the house of my God, as far as I was able, including the gold, the silver, the bronze, the iron, and all sorts of precious stones and marble. All of these riches are to be for the use of the craftsmen. The house that is to be built must be exceedingly magnificent. King Hiram My lord, in my far country of Tyre we have an abundance of workmen: stonecutters, masons, car-


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penters and all kinds of craftsmen without number. These we shall send to Solomon to aid him in his great task of building the Temple to your God. Aye, and more. I know of a Widows son, who bears my name, from the tribe of Naphtali. He is a noble man with the loftiest of virtues and the tenderest of sympathies. Under his guidance, and with his many skills, your Temple shall be built. King David For this thoughtful assistance to my son, twenty cities shall be yours. I so decree. Zadok (Enters with Nathan and bows) My lord king, Solomon has arrived from Gibeon. King David (With pleasure) Show our new young ruler in. Solomon (Enters to the throne and bows,) My lord, King David. King David Arise, my son. (Solomon rises) Tomorrow the high rank of Intendant of the Building shall be conferred upon you. Let this, my decree, go forth throughout the land; that Solomon, son of David, has thereby been chosen to build a house to the name of the Lord our God! My son, each new honor is meant to be a step toward perfection in the moral code; each a development of a particular duty; and in the present you are taught benevolence and charity. With these two virtues, man can best prepare for that future which lies in store for him. Solomon I shall apply myself with zeal, my lord, ever remembering that the Lord seeth.

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King David There shall be another honor bestowed upon your head, if you persevere in remaining faithful to Jehovah and His Commandments. The word of the Lord came to me saying, Behold, a son shall be born to you and he shall be a man of peace. His name shall be Solomon, and I shall give peace and quiet to all of Israel for all of his days. He shall build a house for my name, and I shall establish his royal throne in Israel forever. I decree that this shall come to pass, ere long, and while these old eyes may yet behold it.
Trumpet alarm.

Jonathan, Son of Abiathar, the Priest (Rushes in and falls on his knees,) Great King, we have rushed before you. Adonijah, fearing that Solomon would be made king, went and caught hold of the horns of the altar, saying, Let Solomon swear unto me this day that he will not slay his servant with the sword when he becomes king. We have brought him here before you for fear he will destroy himself. King Hiram (Speaks to King David) And what should be the fate of his arrogant brother, Adonijah, great king, when Solomon is anointed in your place? King David Let Adonijah be brought before me.
Adonijah is presented by Jonathan before the King.

Adonijah (Prostrating himself before the King) Mercy, I beg your mercy, my king. King David It is my nature to say you should not be


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held guiltless! (Realizes he is being vindictive.) But my son shall be a wiser king than I, and he will know when the time comes what shall be done to you.
Adonijah turns to appeal to Solomon.

Solomon If I am to learn benevolence and charity as you have said, great king, then if Adonijah proves to be a worthy man, not one of his hairs shall fall to earth. Adonijah, our Father said, Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven; whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. My Brother, go in peace.
Adonijah rises, bows to King David and starts toward Solomon, hesitates, and then rushes from room.

King David (Rises and beckons Solomon to come near to him,) My son, (raises hand to bless him ond Solomon kneels) may the God of Israel be with you, so that you may succeed in all that He has spoken concerning you. Follow His Commandments as our new and wise Intendant of the Building.

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