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Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

Purpose Use this procedure to edit actual costing run for the single level price determination. Single-level material price determination calculates the periodic unit price for a material. The standard price and the cumulative single-level differences of the period are taken into account. The material price calculated in multilevel price determination can be used for inventory valuation. Single-level price determination is a prerequisite for multilevel price determination. Trigger Perform this transaction when need to execute Single - Level price determination. Menu Path Use the following SAP Easy Access menu path(s) to begin this transaction: Logistics > Materials Management > Material Master > Environment > Material Ledger > Periodic Material Valuation > CKMH - Determine Material Prices (Single-Level)

Transaction Code CKMH

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

Screen Flow

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

Procedure 1. In SAP, start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code. SAP Easy Access

2. Double-click the Logistics node 4. Double-click the Material Master node 5. Double-click the Environment node 6. Click the Scroll down button .

. . . .

3. Double-click the Materials Management node

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

7. Double-click the Material Ledger node 8. Double-click the Periodic Material Valuation node .

9. Double-click the CKMH - Determine Material Prices (Single-Level) node . You can also enter "CKMH" in the command field " " and click Enter " transaction. Single-Level Material Price Determination " to go directly to this

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

10 Click the Material edit field .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

11 Click the Material possible entries button . Material Number (1)

12 As required, complete/review the following fields: . The goods R/O/C that are Description

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

the subject of business activity. The material can be traded, used in manufact ure, consumed , or produced. Field Example: 668165* R Material

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

13 Click the Enter button .

Material Number (1) 39 Entries found

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

14 Click the Material button .

Click the column header to sort the list items by material code

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

15 Double-click the 66816551 list item . Single-Level Material Price Determination

16 As required, complete/review the following fields: . A plant is R/O/C an organizati onal unit Description

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

for dividing an enterprise according to productio n, procurem ent, maintena nce, and materials planning. It is a place where materials are produced, or goods and services are provided. Field Example: 7420 R Plant

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

R Period, R/O/C 12 months as a rule, for which the company is to create its inventory and balance sheet. The fiscal year can be the same as the calendar year, but does not have to be. Unit of time into which a fiscal year is subdivide d. Company data can be analyzed on a particular date in


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

each period. In accountin g, a fiscal year can be subdivide d into a maximum of 16 periods. The fiscal year itself is a period. Field Example: 2008 Year Example: 11 R Period 17 Click the Scroll down button . . .

18 Click the Background Processing check box . Single-Level Material Price Determination

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

19 Click the Execute button .

Single-Level Material Price Determination

20 Click the ..2 icon . 21 Click the Back button . 22 Click the Exit button .

. . .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

Result You have executed single level price determination.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


Work Instruction

CKMH - JPN - Single-Level Price Determination

Scenario Instructions In this simulation you are required to: Execute single-level price determination in SAP ECC 6.0.

Required Data This section provides the field data required to complete this exercise. Refer to this data sheet as necessary while performing the exercise. 2008 11 7420 Field Year Period Plant 66816551 Material Value

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_CKMH_JPN_Single-Level Price Determination.udc


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