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Extended School Provision

Avenue Primary School

Initial offer for breakfast club and after-school care

Please note that this is the first version of our offer. We may not have included all the information you require, and may make slight changes over the next few weeks. Please let us know if we need to include any other information. The latest version of this document will be available on our website.

Version 1 21 March 2013


Avenue Primary School is a large primary school and staff at the school provide the very best education possible within the resources available. Each teacher runs a club at the school, and the majority of children attend at least one club each week, from around 34 that take place during each term, which includes some externally-run clubs paid for by parents. Our clubs run to enrich the childrens experiences, and this is the philosophy we apply to our extended school provision our breakfast club and after-school care. Our breakfast club began in April 2012 following requests from parents to provide this service. It has been successful, although not as well-used as first thought. Some parents use it every day, and others on an occasional basis, and the club normally has around 12 15 children attending. From April 2013 the breakfast club will move into a room that will be used for after-school care too, and the provision will extend to Reception-aged children. Parents requested after-school provision, and a survey took place in February 2013 to gauge the level of interest in the school running its own after-school care. The level of support was high, and so the decision was taken to introduce care at the school which will run from 7.30am to 6pm on every day that children are at school, and for Avenue children from Reception to Year 6.

Principles for Avenues Extended School Provision

All staff running our provision will be Avenue staff, employed by the school. The majority of staff running the sessions will be existing teaching assistants at the school, who know the children and who will uphold our high expectations for behaviour and learning. We expect our provision to grow over time, and will probably need to employ further staff, and the school will employ them all. Our provision will be part of the school and included in a normal schools Ofsted inspection, rather than a separate child-care inspection. Staff handling food all have appropriate food hygiene certificates and receive regular training. Parents will pay for breakfast club and after-school care through ParentPay (our on-line payment system), and may also use childcare vouchers. In some cases, we may support a family through a particular situation where the use of our facilities may be encouraged and even subsidised where necessary for a short period of time. The schools Unique Reference Number (URN), which will be needed for parents using Childcare Vouchers, is 102960. Avenue is already registered with several providers, but will extend this to other providers depending on the company the employer uses. Please contact Mrs Cutler in our office with any queries about payments. Our Extended School Provision is classed as wrap around care. From April 2013 this will extend to our Reception-aged children which means that we should be guided by, but do not necessarily need to meet, all the learning and development requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (2012) for those children. Our provision will complement learning during the school day. The ratio of staff to children will be no less than 1:8 for children up to Year 2, and 1:10 for juniors, and in practice will be better than this.

Our Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club operates every day that the school is open for children (ie term time only). The ultimate goals of a healthy breakfast club are: That no child will start a school day hungry and without food To provide the energy and nutrition required by the mind and body for active learning To improve attendance, concentration and learning in the classroom To provide positive examples of healthy eating to create a foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits To enable children to socialise, listen and talk in a relaxed atmosphere Cost and payment The cost is 4 per session per child, which is payable via ParentPay (every parent will see an item breakfast/after-school care for their child). This account should be credited prior to your child attending. The charge of 4 is the same whatever time the child arrives, and whether or not they have breakfast. The club is flexible and you do not need to book a place. Therefore occasions will arise when children use the club in an emergency, and payment should be made via ParentPay within 24 hours. How do I put my child into the club? The breakfast club is for Avenue Primary School children in Reception to Y6 only, and children should enter via the main entrance to the school, no earlier than 7.30am. Younger children will probably be brought in by their parent/carer, and it is up to parents whether older children come in by themselves. Any messages that need to be passed on to your child's teacher (infant children) may be given to one of the breakfast club staff. If you are driving to school, please park in Avenue Road and walk into school. We are sorry that parents cannot drive in. We tried allowing cars in during 2012, but it caused issues with deliveries and staff coming into school, and created a potential safety hazard.

Staffing Three existing members of staff run the club Mrs Giddings, Mrs Ross and Mrs Bollington. They ensure that all of our school policies and procedures are adhered to and that safety and behaviour are as we expect at Avenue. They ensure that the children eat a good breakfast and are welcomed into the school early in the morning, providing a comfortable and enjoyable experience before school starts. More staff will be employed should numbers in the club rise. Currently under 15 children attend and the ratio of staff to pupils is high. Breakfast A healthy (there are strict guidelines on what we can and cannot serve!) breakfast is available up to 8.10am. At 8.20 infant children are taken to their classrooms by an adult, and junior children make their way to their own classrooms through the school building. At breakfast time we try to serve: Plenty of fruit and/or vegetables e.g. adding a handful of dried fruit or chopped fresh fruit to a bowl of cereal, drink a glass of fruit or vegetable juice or a fruit smoothie. Good practice would suggest that a portion of fruit is always served at breakfast time. Plenty of bread, breakfast cereals and other starchy foods, for example: wholegrain or high fibre breakfast cereals (the School Food Regulations do not permit chocolate coated cereals) porridge or instant oats - not initially, but possibly in the future thick cut wholemeal, high fibre or white toast English muffins or multigrain bagels toasted teacakes or crumpets A typical day's menu might include: Wholewheat biscuits or rice pops served with semi skimmed milk Wholemeal bread served with low sugar jam or toasted teacakes served with low fat spread Mixed fruit pot or fruit yogurt smoothie Water Orange juice Semi skimmed milk

Activities Children are provided with a range of activities for the time when they are not eating. This includes craft activities and table-top games. If space is available, more active games sometimes take place. Health and Safety is a top priority and staff recognise that the age range of children is from 4 to 11 years. In most cases this is positive, as the older children support and act as role models for the younger children.

After-School Care

Our after-school care operates every day that the school is open for children (ie term time only). It will not operate: On school INSET days On days when the school closes early for parent consultations/celebration day (three days per year) The aims of our after-school care are: To provide positive examples of healthy eating to create a foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits To enable children to socialise, listen and talk in a relaxed atmosphere To provide an opportunity for children to complete homework in a calm environment To give opportunities to play Our after-school care integrates with our normal school clubs. Children may attend a club, and then join our after-school care for the remaining time. There is a slight reduction in cost where that happens, as some school clubs are chargeable, although we still have to staff after-school care appropriately. Cost and payment The cost is 14 per session per child, or 12 if the child attends a school club first, which is payable via ParentPay (every parent will see an item breakfast/after-school care for their child). This account should be credited prior to your child attending. Some parents may wish to load money onto their account weekly or monthly. For after-school care we ask parents to register their child. This is simply because if we dont know your child will be there, we will not know to look for them! A register will be kept in the office, and parents should telephone the office, preferably between 9am 11am to book either for that day, or in advance (including booking regular attendance). Note that if your child is absent from school, we will not expect them in after-school care and you will not be charged. You should also state whether your child will be going straight to after-school care at the end of school, or whether they will be attending a club first (and which one). !

Children noted as being in a club at the end of school will be collected by afterschool care staff at the appropriate time. To help us ensure the appropriate staff:pupil ratio on the first day the after-school care operates, if you intend to use it on Monday 15th April, please book your childs place by Thursday 28th March by speaking to Mrs Cutler in the office (020 8642 5138). Thank you. Use of the provision in an emergency If any parent (including those that have not used after-school care before) finds themselves unable to collect their child at the end of the school day (3.05pm), for instance if a train is cancelled, etc., the parent can phone the school office and ask for their child to attend after-school care on that occasion. Payment should be made via ParentPay within 24 hours. Similarly, if a child is not collected from school within 15 minutes of the end of school (ie 3.20pm Monday to Thursday and 2.30pm Friday), that child will be put into after-school care and a charge made to the parents account. We believe this is a reassurance for parents that all children in the school will be cared for appropriately. Collecting children Tea will be served to children between 5.00pm and 5.30pm, and therefore it is appropriate to collect your children after 5.30pm. If you are driving, please park in Avenue Road and walk to the main entrance. Someone will be there to greet you. If you do collect your child before they have had tea, you will be able to take the tea home with you. The person collecting your child will be required to sign that they have collected the child, and the time recorded. All children must be collected by 6.00pm at the latest. Our staff will be paid until 6.00pm and the school locked at that time. If staff are not able to leave at 6.00pm, they have to be paid overtime, and this will be charged at 10 per family for each block of 15 minutes. This is a penalty charge. Although being late is of great inconvenience to the staff, who may well have their own commitments that they have to attend, again, parents can be reassured that their child will be cared for until collected. For example, should there be a

major incident in London, affecting transport and communications, parents will not need to worry about the safety of their children. If you are going to be late, or need to speak to a member of the after-school care team about collection arrangements, please telephone the school number as soon as you can 020 8642 5138. The school office is attended until at least 5.30pm, and then the phones switch through to the classrooms. Your call will be answered. We already have procedures in place for children not collected from school, which includes contacting the Duty Social Worker and handing children over to police. This would normally be implemented by 5pm for a child not collected from school. In the case of children in after-school care, this will happen at 6.30pm if we havent heard from the parent/carer or are unaware of a local incident that may be the cause.

Tea Tea for after-school care will be provided by our school caterer. The cost is included in the payment for the session. Each morning, those children on the register for that evenings session will be asked what they would like for tea from the menu. This will be ordered and provided to them at around 5pm. Several additional vegetarian meals will be ordered for children who may subsequently attend the club that evening. The initial menu is as follows:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Week 1 W/C: 15/04 06/05 03/06 24/06 15/07 09/09 30/09 Wholemeal Beef Wholemeal Chicken Wholemeal Ham Salad Sandwich or Salad Sandwich or Salad Sandwich or Wholemeal Egg Salad Wholemeal Cheese Wholemeal Egg Sandwich (v) Mayonnaise Sandwich and Cucumber Seasonal Vegetable Sandwich (v) (v) Batons Fresh Fruit Seasonal Vegetable Seasonal Vegetable Yoghurt Batons Fresh Fruit Batons Fresh Fruit Banana Cake Shortbread Thursday Wholemeal Turkey Salad Sandwich or Wholemeal Cheese Salad Sandwich (v) Seasonal Vegetable Batons Fresh Fruit Flapjack Friday Wholemeal Skipjack Tuna and Cucumber Sandwiches or Wholemeal Egg Mayonnaise & Cress Sandwich (v) Seasonal Vegetable Batons Fresh Fruit Lemon Drizzle Cake

Week 2 W/C: 22/04 13/05 10/06 01/07 22/07 16/09 07/10 Wholemeal Turkey Wholemeal Chicken Wholemeal Beef Salad Sandwich or Salad Sandwich or Salad Sandwich or Wholemeal Cheese Wholemeal Egg Wholemeal Cheese Salad Sandwich (v) Salad Sandwich (v) and Cucumber Seasonal Vegetable Seasonal Vegetable Sandwich (v) Batons Fresh Fruit Batons Fresh Fruit Seasonal Vegetable Chocolate Muffin Flapjack Batons Fresh Fruit Oaty Apricot Cookie

Wholemeal Ham Salad Sandwich or Wholemeal Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich (v) Seasonal Vegetable Batons Fresh Fruit Seasonal Fruit Gateau

Wholemeal Salmon and Cucumber Sandwich or Wholemeal Cheese Salad Sandwich (v) Seasonal Vegetable Batons Fresh Fruit Yoghurt

Week 3 W/C: 29/04 20/05 17/06 08/07 02/09 23/09 14/10 Wholemeal Beef Wholemeal Chicken Wholemeal Turkey Salad Sandwich or Salad Sandwich or Salad Sandwich or Wholemeal Cheese Wholemeal Egg Wholemeal Cheese and Cucumber Salad Sandwich (v) Salad Sandwich (v) Sandwich (v) Seasonal Vegetable Seasonal Vegetable Seasonal Vegetable Batons Fresh Fruit Batons Fresh Fruit Batons Fresh Fruit Flapjack Carrot and Orange Yoghurt Squares

Wholemeal Ham Salad Sandwich or Wholemeal Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich (v) Seasonal Vegetable Batons Fresh Fruit Chocolate and Beetroot Brownie

Wholemeal Skipjack Tuna and Cucumber Sandwich or Wholemeal Cheese Salad Sandwich (v) Seasonal Vegetable Batons Fresh Fruit Lemon and Sultana Muffin


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