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Russell Ng CLE List and Rank Activity 1. Mom 2. Dad 3. Friends 4.Sister 5. Community 6. Movie/TV Characters 7.

Extended Family 8. God 9. Celebrities/Historical Figures 10. Characters in books Explanation: 1. I probably spend the most time with my mom. This is because she picks me up from school often and is a housewife. I believe that she is a very intelligent and responsible person, that is why I allowed myself to be inuenced by her. To add to that, I believe that it is a good thing that I am being inuenced by her. My mom inuenced me in a great way because I am with her often. She inuenced my by just being there. Since I believe that she is a good example, I try to follow her ways 2. Next to my mom is my dad. I also spend a lot of time with him. His inuence in me is evident in my mannerisms and also in my love for the sport of golf. He is a successful businessman, that is why I allow myself to be inuenced by him. I want to be as good or even better than him when I grow up. He inuenced me by being constantly around me. I know he is also a good example, that is why I allow myself to be inuenced by him. 3. Im always with my friends because of school. Their inuence in me is evident in my mannerisms, attitude, sense of humor, etc. However, not all inuences are good. I think that it is my subconscious that is accepting their bad inuences. I may not always want to be inuenced by them, but the sheer time spent with them is a big factor.

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