Sun Wukong: The Monkey King

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God suggestion

Created by Xeran Version 1: 19-07-2013

Sun Wukong
The Monkey King

This is my god concept/suggestion for Sun Wukong: The Monkey King for Smite. Sun Wukong got removed temporarily from Smite, because he didnt justify his lore really well. This is therefore my number 1 priority in this suggestion. Also I try to still hold myself to my design philosophy of no hard CC nor jumps or dashes if it isnt absolutely necessary. Just like my other god suggestion, which can be found at my scribd page (, I will try once again to propose an unique and interesting character for Smite. I hope you enjoy the concept and I would appreciate it if you would give me some of your opinions and feedback of this concept. Currently work in progress, because Im not 100% sure yet which skills to give him, but I will list all the options and hope to hear some feedback on them. Currently his ult and his escape is not sure yet and still up for debate. Help me scrap some options and give your thought about what you think would be best for our beloved Wukong. Disclaimer: Even though I try to create realistic kits and base my values on similar skills and gods the values are their mainly for demonstration purposes. Also everything between brackets is optional or is just for clarification.

Creating unique and fun character Only soft CC (no stuns, etc.) No jumps/dashes, introducing unique ways for this (even though I will partly fail this one) Physical melee Assassin(/roamer) & Carry Respecting assassins/carrys kit needs Match with his lore as good as possible. Introducing new (more soft) CC Reintroducing reincarnated Sun Wukong in Smite Trying to make a not as carry and game changing suggestion as Gaia and Uranus Every ability directly tied to part of his lore in some way. Experimenting with immortality and/or resurrection Creating some possible options of different ways how things can work

Sun Wukong possesses an immense amount of strength; he is able to lift his 13,500 jn (8,100 kilograms (18,000 lb)) staff with ease. He is also extremely fast, able to travel 108,000 li (54,000 kilometres (34,000 mi)) in one somersault. Sun knows 72 transformations, which allows him to transform into various animals and objects; he has trouble, however, transforming into other people, because he is unable to complete the transformation of his tail. He is a skilled fighter, capable of holding his own against the best generals of heaven. Each of his hairs possesses magical properties, and is capable of transforming either into a clone of the Monkey King himself, or various weapons, animals, and other objects. He also knows spells that can command wind, part water, conjure protective circles against demons, and freeze humans, demons, and gods alike.[1]

Reference images

Colorful and monkey



The first image is just perfect, dont change anything at all. Sun Wukong needs to look like a colorful monkey in my opinion, but could be a little bit more warrior like than in the picture. His staff could also be a little bit thicker and be more like the lowest picture. Overall his color palette will consist mainly of gold and red for his (few) clothes and brown and white colors for his hair. Out of combat run animation will have Sun Wukong riding a fluffy white cloud. In combat he will run on two or XX feet with his weapon ready for combat.

Pantheon: Chinese Role: Carry, Assassin (melee physical) He is in the same league as Hun Batz, Kali, Ne Zha and Bastet for the purposed role he is supposed to have. He is more of an melee physical carry with some roam potential than he is a true assassin/jungler. Attack progression: This is for now mostly an additional option. If he doesnt have a ability, which grants him the special power of his staff, then his attack progression will be normal 1x/1x/1x/etc, but each strike will have different attack ranges, which go from

melee range to half the ranged range. (this isnt really necessary but it would be neat, because of his lore) If he doesnt have this he will be slightly more ranged than a melee god, but less than a ranged and less than my Pan suggestion. This is mainly because his attack animations will only look good with a slight distance between him and the target. ~17 ft (+5 over melee) sounds good to me.

Passive: Fleet footed/Cloud rider
Sun Wukong gains +10% (I think 15% is even better) movement speed out of combat. This is just basically his old passive, which fits him well according to his lore and give us some nostalgia. Also visually it will be much better than the original Wukong, because this time the out of combat run animation will have him actual could riding. This makes it visual easier to see when the passive is active and will looks so much better and awesome.

Ability 1: 72 Transformations/Clone
Well here becomes it tricky, because I want to have something like a clone/transformation ability on him, because its one of his major aspects of his lore. And I also would be disappointment if the return of Wukong in Smite doesnt have an ability like this. Because the working of this ability could be too gimmicky or too situational I have created 3 options. Each has their own pros and cons, but are possible ways to fit this part of his lore in his kit and might be useful. However every option just has to have a tail added to it, because of his lore (it also makes it more easier and less confusing for the enemies). This is also basically a version of Lokis stealth, but more unique and requires more skill. Also combining his 1, 3 and ult might give him a little bit too much survivability and therefore I will also create an alternative to the 1 or 3. Note: This is almost copy paste from my CC, utilty, escapes and gapclosers list, because I invented these concepts with Sun already in mind. Option 1: Transform in object/minion (most gimmicky and really situational, but really fun, but could work) Sun Wukong uses his ability to transform and transform based on his location on the map for its duration. During the transformation Wukong can walk (in most) and AA, but he cant use his abilities. However he can cancel this skill earlier. Also this skill is canceled earlier by silence(&stuns). He still will be damaged normally. Note: My Heimdallr concept true sight should work on this. Duration: 3/4/5/6/7 seconds In lane: Lane minion In jungle: Rock, tree

In base: Minotaur (having the enemies choosing which is the right one) CD: 24 seconds Option 2: Transform into enemy(/allied) gods (good for confusion) Sun Wukong selects an enemy/ally and transform into him for 3/4/5/6/7 seconds. Even the name and display of health/mana bar is carried over. (he may or may not gain the 3 basic abilities of the target, but then the duration should be nerfed drastically down) Wukong is still normally damaged and silence(&stuns) breaks the transformation earlier. Note: My Heimdallr concept true sight should work on this. Duration: 3/4/5/6/7 seconds CD: 24 seconds Option 3: Creating a clone of himself (could work really well and is the best option for me) A clone is created upon activation of this skill and a (invisible) mirror plane is created in the direction parallel (on top of) your viewing arrow, which you was facing when the skill activated. Your clone will have mirrored HP and mana bar above his head, but cannot be damage nor CCed and all movement you do will be mirrored for the clone with respect to the mirror plane the effect last 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds. This skill can be used very effectively as an escape and will be in most cases both of the clones could be you (it may cause problems or is too easy in small areas). I think with my method it will be possible to great something like this in a game like Smite. And is an unique and skilled way of making some escapes and is basically a steroid to juke. You let your enemy choose, attack one or the other, or split up.

Ability 2: Ruyi Jingu Bang (his weapon), multiplying it or increasing its size. High damaging skill or steroid (this is preferred)
Sun Wukong multiplies his weapon increasing his attack speed by +15/25/35/45/55% also he gains additionally 5/8/10/13/16 physical penetration. Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds CD: 16 seconds Nothing fancy here just a good steroid to fulfill his assassin/carry role.

Ability 3: Jnduyn (cloud-somersault)

The same note from ability 1 applies here (That it probably is going to be one or the other. And one replaced by the alternative skill). Also this ability is against my opinion of staying away from jumps and dashes, but an assassin just needs a good gap closer (but it will work different than normally). And it partly better, partly weaker in comparison to a jump. Its basically a triple jump, a hop step jump. Wukong summersaults forwards on cloud (he can still be damaged and CCd during this part and follows the same rules as Neith. The distance is not far. From the cloud you can target the area

within 1 sec you want to summersault back and land. If no valid ground target is selected youll and the nearest available valid land location. Every step will take ~ 1 second. Enemies hit during your landing will take 40/80/120/160/200(+55%) physical damage. CD: 18/15/14/13/12 So first part is not really targetable (only your angle) and vulnerable to damage and CC, then it gives you the opportunity to target (best to do it as quickly as possible) and then youll land and do some damage. The range of the total ability is slightly bigger than a normal jump, but because the jump consist of 2 parts and the first part follows Neiths rules you cant use it to jump over jungle walls, if used correctly it can be used to jump over player structures and lastly because it takes considerable amount of time (like nostalgic Sun Wukong jump). In my opinion this is slightly weaker than a jump or dash. Also cooldown is slightly higher than most jumps to compensate for the longer duration the jumps takes.

Alternative ability to 1 or 3: Extension of Ruyi Jingu Bang

Sun Wukong let his Ruyi Jungu Bang (his staff) go extended and damages all enemies in its path (it moves fairly slow) and knockbacks any enemy hit with hit. Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 (+80%) CD: 12 seconds This gives him an almost necessary farm skill, gives him some utility and is a good alternative to either ability 1 or 3. With this skill he also dont need the attack progression (or other gimmicky stuff) to fit this part of his lore in his kit.

Ability 4: Book of life and death

Again several options (bit too much) are available here and its really the question, which would be most useful, closest to his lore and not OP. There are a few options within the options and therefore I could use some feedback on what you might think would be the best solution. (Keep in mind his ult always will still cost some mana or youll be screwed) This ult gives him a little bit of insurance if he tries to gank. Also like any carry/assassin a ult to give you just the edge you might need in a fight. Option 1: Passive ult (Bastet wont be happy with this) When Sun Wukong dies (and his ult is up), than he summons the book of life and death as death animation and scraps his name for it. Option A: Sun Wukong immediately respawns (after short delay) in the base. CD: 150/140/130/120/100 Option B: Sun Wukong resurrects after 5 seconds at the place he died with 10/20/30/40/50% of his maximum health. (mana is the same as when he died)

CD: 120/110/100/90/80 This is potentially more dangerous, because the enemy could farm you up again (maybe you even have to use the ult when being in the death animation to confirm the ult) Option 2: Activating buff and respawning if you die during it Basically the same as option 1.A and 1.B, but you have to activate your ult first if you think youre going to die. This gives him more skill and you could potentially waste his ult. Of course, it will be clearly visible to enemies if you have casted the immorality buff over yourself (so they will wait a few seconds). It takes at least 1 second animation time to cast the ability in which youre rooted. So this makes it more fair, skillful and more risk and reward in comparison to option 1.A and 1.B. Duration: 5 seconds Option 3: Activating and granting immortality for XXX seconds This is an alternative for version 2. In option 1 and 2 youll die and grant gold and exp for the enemy team, with this option you dont , but you also wont get immediately respawn or get (partly) health back. Basically your health cant go below 1 for the duration of the buff of the ult. This is like a super bulwark passive, and gives you an instead to retreat. Once the buff ult is expired youll be extremely vulnerable to literally any attack. Duration: 5 seconds In my opinion option 2 or 3 could work with 3 being the most balanced (or weakest), but is quite situational and requires fare more skill than the other options to get the most out of it.

Can have an unique attack progression or will have a slight increased melee range. Some abilities are a little bit gimmicky Fits his lore perfectly Physical melee assassin, carry New utility types Unique in his own way Sun Wukong returning from his retirement in Smite Failed partly on the jump/dash part Experiments with immortality and/or resurrection Tried to make a decent kit nor OP nor UP

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